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Everything posted by violets

  1. exactly what if they are doing a little reverse psychology on us
  2. ugh what will it take for someone to just leak in full...
  3. i always found that video funny how when she sees him recording she says jokingly "stop jack", she knew he was going to post it and that we would see it and get upset she's still in the studio... she knows exactly how we feel yet still decides to make it worse
  4. ben after doing absolutely nothing and us telling him so
  5. i laugh whenever he throws in the comment that we aren't real fans
  6. many people: freaking out lana: look at these cool herb facts Lol
  7. flipside is a masterpiece how dare you you beast anyways my top 5 (unreleased included bc they HAVE to be) yes to heaven v2 angels forever shades of cool music to watch boys to flipside periodt
  8. yes do you own a gucci product?
  9. lana now would be a good time to release those folk records (bar & yosemite) you talked about while we are waiting... she's promised us so many things girl the fuck
  10. we all know were getting coachella 2.0 somewhere on this album and i am here for it! coachella is up at the top of my favorite tracks from LFL. "maybe my contribution could be as small as hoping, but words could turn to birds and birds would send my thoughts your way"
  11. lana on her way to jacks studio to record VB part 2
  12. this venice bitch hate is making my finger twitch something about it makes me feel so free... the disrespect
  13. FJFFJ wait you are pasting the link into that little tree icon right?
  14. thats funny because while i was starting to really dose off last night i started seeing visuals... one was lana literally fucking growing from black tar and butterflies all around her it was honestly beautiful i almost feel like when she shot the new cover (im assuming in jan) after she said the album was done, she liked it so much better since she said she "wanted to do it for a while now", and because of that she felt like the new one didn't really "match" the album she already had done w/ the old cover therefore reworking stuff to kind of fit this new vibe she liked better.
  15. yea but im pretty sure she has that attitude for any situation, she seems to really hate the spotlight so.
  16. also the whole "idc if i lose fans" attitude is not cute... good girl be unbothered but do you want to be back in that damn trailer park or something?
  17. lol i just hope it leaks at this point so it gives us more reasons to prove why ed and ben suck at their jobs
  18. when the album comes out i feel like his wording of "we don't have a release date" makes it seem like she's no where near done yet to the point she can't even assume a release date. "being finished" is somewhat done i assume? just final touches? kind of contradicting himself... its very odd
  19. im pretty sure this is from the young like me EP from 2005
  20. omg it was ed that said that! thought it was ben... girl they are just as bad as each other LMAOO
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