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Everything posted by violets

  1. it would be cute for her to release the album with the poetry book... idk thats just what im hoping because im not a fan of poetry so the book alone isn't that exciting for me.
  2. i was kind of ready for her baddie selfies... and we get this? she didn't lie when she said she's not gonna share her baddie life with us... is this another persona she's taking on? Baddie Ray? girl this a damn poem...
  3. i feel like whenever she posts she immediately shuts her phone and throws it in a drawer so she doesn't get tempted to look at the replies, bc if she saw enough complaints she would do SOMETHING... ALSO when the tracklist is revealed 80% chance there won't be "In Your Car" since we made that up so im ready for the melt down
  4. i don't understand how some stans are so calm or just NOW realizing this era is messy...
  5. i hope lana realizes... also im currently crying and listening to starry eyed... when will lana ever serve like this again?
  6. ben is just gonna get mad bc thats all he's capable of doing properly
  7. why do i feel like she's tryna release on the same day as one of these pop girls just so she doesn't get a #1 and gets kind of swept over... this girl is trying so hard to fall off
  8. doesn't she still have to release her poetry book before the album like she said?
  9. but i don't see how talking about the album would in any way help leakers get their hands on it faster? unless it does? i know nothing about how leaks work so mind the ignorance edit: ok nvm i get what you mean uhrbe ignore
  10. thats exactly what's keeping me going! this era is obviously random so i wake up every morning with the hope that today is the day... it helps but is pretty sad bc of the constant let downs
  11. i haven't listened to LFL in months lol anyways NFR better have me listening to it everyday for the next 10 years because of this damn wait...
  12. can lana blame us for wanting her to be organized? look at how nice past eras were, maybe she hates promo and whatever but girl this is a very sudden shift to a "fuck this im done" attitude. she could've at least used LFL as a stepping stone to her more out of the spotlight phase, you know like not collabing with some of the most known artists and doing so many interviews and photoshoots and high budget music videos, she puts herself out there to be so big and then the next second its "i hate spotlight"? girl sorry thats not it. edit: i know she always talked about not liking the spotlight but you get what i mean
  13. maybe we are in these dark times but at least i have this thread to make me laugh...
  14. getting news mid-march seems the most realistic at this point
  15. reminder this era has been going on since the release of vb and mac, how have we survived?
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