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Everything posted by violets

  1. i wonder if lana is going to comment about today... that comment section is fag war 1
  2. omg he commented it 26 minutes ago! he's still fighting the twinks... the hell ngl this grown ass man arguing with the gays for hours has been my only real enjoyment this era, but damn he really came for LanaBoards... ATTACK!
  3. ben snaps back as if we are in the wrong... dude realize it's been six fucking months since MAC, thats enough of a problem even though there are more.
  4. i believe its coming march 22nd... its very weird he would only respond to that comment... does anyone else agree or am i dumb?
  5. thats very weird... why would he only say that for that date??
  6. i feel like they would be more "nice" about it if it was a surprise... yk like teasing us even more with pictures and visuals and literally doing everything except for releasing the cover, tracklist and date bc its a "surprise". but the problem is they are doing NOTHING i really am delusional huh... it all adds up, "coming later in the year" "in 2019"... this is being released in the summer no doubt
  7. if there isn't a date within three weeks im cancelling this era. periodt (but of course cancelling that cancellation once the album is actually out )
  8. like i feel bad for him because it is lana's choice and she keeps claiming the album is done and he did say she rows her own boat or whatever the hell that comment was but this is the industry! you are her managers! manage her. instead of being weird and vague just say you guys don't know yet... thats better than this clownery, and even if they do know... at least say something else
  9. his post made me cackle... dude thanks for the clarification that its at least coming this year i guess. doesn't this prove they don't even have a release date for some reason yet?
  10. i was hopeful about tomorrow but after tonights tomfoolery idk... lana likes to take her revenge on us
  11. i was in traffic tweeting on my phone watching the cars go by very slow i guess i was in it cause baby for 3 hours i did not move an inch in the next hour i told my fans it was very trumatic tensions were rising in my twitter replies i deleted the tweet tried to sit and forget about it all the hatred that i saw this night
  12. im pretty sure she started the whole thing, i don't remember anyone doing the poor jokes before her, she's a clown
  13. trumatic ok i feel bad she deleted it bc she was getting attacked everyone was being so mean and she even blocked a fan i- she's gonna push back NFR bc us gays are acting up
  14. maybe thats why he looked so angry in those pictures of them together. imagine, he expected her to be like "i have a set date" instead she was like "im switching it all up so expect more harassment in your comments! sorry!"
  15. WE WILL WE WILL WE WILL you guys can't doubt! let the universe know we want and will get info tomorrow!
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