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Beautiful Loser

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Everything posted by Beautiful Loser

  1. Hate it! No pineapples on my pizzas, please! Morning sunshine through your window
  2. This came up as suggested on YouTube for some reason and I felt like this song is soooo Lana lol. Though I doubt that she would cover it today, but maybe 5 years ago!
  3. I actually never heard LiB before, I wonder why? I've read about it a thousand times, even before I became a member here - I totally understand why everyone keeps talking about it. I want it too! Too bad we're probably never gonna get it. I'm definitely here for happier songs! Like her pre-Lana bops.
  4. Waaaaait wait wait wait, I just had my breakfast and scrolled through 10+ pages of what I've missed and now it's more or less confirmed that the leaked track list IS true?? I had just started to believe it was fake! I still don't like the titles of so many songs honestly. I guess BGA's full name can be BGAAATBWII but it's just too long to say during interviews (which made us think it's only BGA), but c'mon... WHERE'S YOSEMITE?? Lana's favorite track?? WHERE?? The only thing that keeps me believing that it's still fake is because Yosemite isn't included in the track list. Yes, I know I'm one of those delusional and annoying fans right now but... I can't possibly imagine Lana changing the name of her favorite track, a song she's talked about in pretty much all interviews. Even if they were done months ago! I can't ever imagine her doing that. And all these info about how long the songs are going to be... I suppose this Eclipse you're all talking about couldn't make it up since we also can check the info... ugh. Have a good day everyone, I'll be back later...
  5. Same, I love what it sounds like and I love the verses but the chorus... I dunno, it just became long and repetitive. Otherwise I love it!
  6. I have a "tradition" of mine that I sit by the radio/CD player in the kitchen and play the new Lana record just to hear it without headphones (because I always listen with earbuds otherwise and it's nice to play it out loud). But I'm not very concentrated when doing that. Then I keep on playing them for myself on repeat and repeat and repeat the following years, lol. That's how I'm learning the lyrics and find new details I didn't hear at first. I don't really have a special thing that I do otherwise (just like you), but I feel like I want to this time. Because I have a feeling that it's gonna sound great. But staying in my room I'm renting of this student apartment... nah, doesn't feel right. Maybe I can go to the botanical garden, my favorite place in my university town. Careful that it won't ruin the experience! I've done that and I had to pause in between each song jut to keep up with my notes... ugh.
  7. Nooo, don't! I don't expect people to know the story behind my icon (how could they know??) but I just thought the next person would write something silly like "banned for having a lame signature" or something. Banned for hating Maha Maha! It's a great song (and a great member hehe)!
  8. I dreamt that Lana was performing and had all these new dance moves... that were a bit too complicated for her, she did her best but it didn't look so good. But I thought to myself "oh, now I know why it took 6 months to learn all the dance steps". xD
  9. Not those plastic shoes again.
  10. THANK YOU for translating so much! Wow! That was interesting to read! V magazine's "interview" was fun to read, but this is something I would actually buy... if only I knew French. >___< Big thanks!!
  11. Love - Young & In Love Lust For Life - H Coachella-Woodstock In My Mind - [needs_better_production.mp3] Cherry - Pieces (Ruined) Summer Bummer - Daisy Chains Beautiful People, Beautiful Problems - Problems Of A Beautiful Mind Yosemite - Not gonna change this title as it already is perfection WTWWATWJK(On?)D - Dance Through The War (lol I dunno)
  12. Beautiful Loser

    Song vs. Song

    West Coast vs Blue Jeans
  13. Lana, why did it go from this to this?? Heck, she even dressed up more for Gaga's birthday party than to her own? Jokes aside, I know the first picture is from the Grammys and you're naturally more dressed up for the occasion... but... still.
  14. Kinda outta luck (English >> Xhosa >> Russian >> Japanese >> English) When I got a gun later, is it wrong to think that it is wonderful? Because my truck was destroyed my father I really want to, but always under kwintlanka Any Russian here who can translate "kwintlanka"??
  15. This actually hurt my feelings, don't be so harsh next time... It's a sketch I made of my late parrot, I miss her everyday... And she's not vomiting, she's sleeping with one foot on my brother's head and the other on the pillow.
  16. I'd love to read about the books but I doubt that I have time to read them myself. >___<
  17. Beautiful Loser

    Song vs. Song

    West Coast vs American (it's 4th of July after all )
  18. Never - don't have Facebook and probably never will get an account either. When was the last time you listened to music by an artist from your country? (only asking this because I'm listening to one myself lol)
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