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Beautiful Loser

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Posts posted by Beautiful Loser

  1. I MAY BE COMPLETELY WRONG HERE AND A BIT DELULU but I'm 99% sure that the Swedish radio stations played Queen of Disaster a whole summer on repeat all days long, and I liked it - a cute song about love with a fun beat. The radio stations almost made me sick of it though, they played it so often.

    I had no idea that it was Lana back then, I wasn't interested in her songs yet (I bet I hadn't even heard her name yet) and can you imagine how surprised I was when I found out some time later that my favorite artist Lana Del Rey was that singer they played all summer??

    And I suppose the radio stations found out that it's unreleased because they haven't played it since. I guess someone just found it online and then played it on the radio one summer, lol. Ah, the royalties she could've gotten..!


    Is there someone else who's Swedish and can confirm this? Because... I'm pretty sure I heard Queen of Disaster that summer! Or am I having made up memories??

  2. I used to read a lot more manga as a kid (studying takes up too much time now (and internet distractions lol)), but some of my all time favorites are:

    Ranma 1/2 (I looooove Ranma, I don't think I'll ever get over it)

    Versailles no bara (or "The rose of Versailles")




    Manga that will have a special place in my heart (except for Ranma and PitaTen):

    Dragon Ball

    Sailor Moon

    InuYasha (haven't had the time to finish it + kinda forgot where I stopped... *sobs*)

    Magic Knight Rayearth


    And I have hundreds I wanna read, but you know... time.


    I really like Hergé's comics about Tintin too, I watched the cartoon as a kid and it's kind of nostalgic to read them. ❤️


    Fun fact: I based my username on the mangaka group CLAMP that created Cardcaptor Sakura and other classic mangas! :)

  3. I can't help but feeling a bit sad because she's teasing us so many snippets but I don't know if they all will be there when the album is done.  :deadbanana:  I hope this one will make it though, I feel like she has something she wants to share with us, her thoughts and feelings.


    But then again, I hope all the snippets will make it to the album.  :creep: 

  4. Yes, I've never been really good at it, but I'm proud that I made it to the best engineering uni here in Sweden (but I failed everything that involved math, lol, I didn't want to become a civil engineer anyway).


    Do you agree that 4-color pens are better than 1-color option pens?  :creep:

  5. The artist Lady Gaga or the song Radio Ga Ga by Queen? I'm guessing for the artist: no, not yet. She might become iconic.


    Do you agree that yesterday's dinner sucked? I totally failed mine,,,

  6. Killer doesn't have to mean a literal murderer (although it could, see: K). It's an expression that has many meanings in different contexts; for instance, people warning Lana he's a killer could easily mean he is a bad man/womanizer/bad for her, etc., per her usual themes


    other exs:

    "That test was killer" -- that test was really hard

    "You're killer at this!" -- you're really good at this


    look at me being an English teacher :')

    Thank you, teacher! ❤️

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