Your absolutely right about that.. coming from a gay hot mess of a Montrealer who was exposed to many hardcore churches as a kid that actually seemed more as a cult, people's interpretation of the bible and what god assumes is a sin or not is 95% of the time completely false and honestly I personally am sure god would condemn someone who is gay to hell and decided to get married and be faithful to their partner, but not condemn a straight guy sleeping with a different girl a night. A little off topic but I had to Just in case someone reading this might be someone who thinks them being gay isn't right and isn't accepting that part of themselves.. Just believe me when I say, in the end, it's your heart and intentions that are seen not who you sleep with and trust me the whole Catholic Church and community from way back in time to today are not truly following what god says to do in the bible. Except the complete opposite. Hopefully reading my rant got some of our minds off of NFR for a few seconds so at least there's that