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Everything posted by ultrabanisters

  1. whos brave enough to fry their computer to download a file full of kpop with ocean blvd titles
  2. to be fair this is probably the closest we've gotten to an album with the least amount of actual audio leaks well done team
  3. i have been campaigning for the grants since the name was confirmed i knew she would be that girl
  4. they may have had a&w but can they prove they have the album? we shall see if they ignore
  5. why are you putting so much weight on someone who is most likely lying about having the album given lanaboards dot com users' reputation? just wait for the album and make your own opinions
  6. weren't ava max's vinyls sent out like 3 months in advance or sumn how tf did they contain that
  7. only way to prove it is sending an aha link and dont pull the whole 'mY FriEnD PlAYeD iT fOR mE'
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