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Everything posted by ultrablvd

  1. oh i’m not a sabrina fan (and went out of my way to not see her set when i went to the sydney eras tour because the ubers were cheaper) but this cover is giving omg
  2. ultrablvd

    Billie Eilish

    so if i said water muslim ! 💧 would anyone understand anyways it’s actually quite funny that this goes beyond inspiration and enters rip-off territory
  3. ultrablvd


    seems like she will be announcing a UK festival date tomorrow https://www.instagram.com/p/C5gNy9wuug2/?igsh=MWRnejJiOWV1enZrMw==
  4. as it’s quite non-descript in terms of location i would probably say around the same area as the LFL pop-up (robertson blvd)? i don’t think it'll be long beach as that was very OB release related.
  5. ultrablvd

    Song vs. Song

    get free vs body electric
  6. (doing again bc it’s fun) bad idea - ariana underground
  7. i remember multiple oomfs arguing over whether it was ultraviolet or ultraviolence the night she sang it but yeah also having the nfr snippets for almost a year traumatised me so unless shes releasing it pls keep it
  8. i could honestly see her doing an ultraviolence/honeymoon and singing a few lines from a single... but then again this is lana so who knows
  9. & then you stopped writing fanfiction
  10. and prayers to people believing this
  11. i think she will tour again. i feel like last years run really reignited her love with touring, but i don’t feel she will ever do a 30+ date run announced all at once again like LATTM, paradise, etc. i think last year worked really well because she didnt have long commitments and instead did those small runs of individual shows so she didnt get burnt out and gave her alot of time to relax after the big shows
  12. this forum would make an absolutely fascinating research piece on the psychology of both parasocial relationships and the process of self-created delusion/truly believing things that are not real i fear that only a seasoned user would be able to write such a piece as the lanaboards lore is way too deep to purely research. you had to have been there over the years
  13. i feel like that adds to it. florence's live vinyl is mic feed mixed with arena feed so it has the intros of fan reactions but then shifts to just florence, it works really well IF the artist is singing
  14. deluded myself into thinking it'll be sought after (it wont be)
  15. 0 self control bc why did i buy this ugly ass variant
  16. florence did this for her madison square garden show and it’s basically just the live recording of the show. wish lana did this instead
  17. it sounds a bit like her jack is not wearing a wedding ring (could either be before their wedding or he wasnt wearing a wedding ring at that time) so i think its an old video someone cross reference outfits and see if lana wore those shoes anywhere fbi mode ON
  18. 200 pages based on one sentence lana accidentally said at an awards ceremony.. lanaboards we love you
  19. 'Sooooo I heard you guys wanted me to switch up my set... we're not gonna do that tonight but we cooked up this special track for you...' *change instrumental starts playing*
  20. on lost at sea - moonsailer edition (rob's version) [the remixes]
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