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Everything posted by ultrablvd

  1. looks like this which is zimmerman which would make sense not sure if it is the dress but if it is they may have removed those horrendous shoulder bits she really watched the zimmerman ss/fw23 shows and said okayyyyyyy
  2. i went to an event in a very famous UK department store last night and i found myself in the zimmerman section and let it be said i saw some very familiar sights but also saw some other beauties there so hope she pulls another zimmy
  3. anyways moving on.. what do we think she's gonna wear
  4. fan number systems are pretty commonplace unfortunately. they are usually fair with people taking turns to go sleep/rest/go to the bathroom/eat but i’m not sure it’s fair if people are gone for the whole day just try to enjoy yourself! youll get a great spot!
  5. if i showed up early for barricade and someone gets there hours and hours later and pushes their way to the front trust they will be dealt with and i will make sure they do not remain there prioritise yourself hunzy believe me barricade is not worth it if you put your body thruuuu it
  6. she looked like it was a no to 'is this your last tour' before she even clarified 'for a while'
  7. i actually think ocean blvd has been the most fleshed out album since honeymoon and i would love for her to continue on this typa ish but thats just me
  8. ultrablvd

    Charli XCX

    oh this one... something shifted
  9. ultrablvd


    idk if she'll announce any more US dates i think she just meant internationally unfortunately (for you) i personally wouldn't risk missing her this time and you can always sell the ticket if she announces a date closer to you before your show
  10. i best see some LB users at this barricade to make up for the shambolic venue
  11. like please just get there from like... 10am at the earliest it is never THAT serious
  12. baby youve had 10 years of shows let everyone get a turn
  13. ultrablvd


    gonna need her to start singing this live again bc..
  14. i made them both i wanted one UO type one and one newer repress ish one but lanadelrey.com wouldnt fit
  15. wait guys it’s okay shes just waiting for the throat lozenge she just ate to dissolve so she can put on her angry voice for the noir live debut
  16. me omw to this festival rn because i feel left out @NikoGo @That Venice Bitch quick book ur ubers we have an Elle to catch
  17. i'm so happy this happened elle come back to the motherland and say hi to user ultrabanisters
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