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Posts posted by howtobeaheartbreaker

  1. yeah like TRENCH said, voting in local elections is under-emphasized. presidential election is important, but def overvalued

    Yeah, the big race in my state is between Sen. Ed Markey (yay) and Rep. Joe Kennedy III (boo). But I guess that's because I'm in the liberal heartland of the US, and it's just assumed that everyone here is gonna vote for Biden.




    Is it just me or did HRC feel so much more likable than Biden ever did? I mean, sure, she had as many scandals and controversies as he does, but at least she was never directly implicated as a predator... I guess the DNC is hoping that Trump's wrongdoings will outweigh Biden's controversies, but in 2016 Trump's potential to do wrong didn't outweigh HRC's lessor controversies, so I'm worried about that.


    I think that the real general election cycle will begin sometime in mid-September. I definitely see some rather last minute dirt being released on each of the candidates a la the Trump tape/HRC's emails. And honestly? I see Trump more likely to adopt at least one progressive policy before the general. Whether it's DACA citizenship like he's been teasing, or something like M4A, I definitely see him doing something like this in September/October to juxtapose Biden's do-nothing, change-nothing platform. The unemployment executive order shows that he's stepping in that direction, and although he failed miserably and has thousands of deaths on his hands, we know now that as a politician he is the type that will spin every failure of his into leverage for his own personal gains. I hate when people imply that he is some sort of dummy because it almost feels like it absolves him of any wrongdoing. He is very calculated. Let's not call him an idiot, let's call him a fascist who is playing a long game. 


    But anyways, if Trump does that, I fear that the Biden campaign would be more likely to point fingers and say "wow, what a power grab! That is not presidential!" and argue of the morals/ethics of the action itself. If Trump uses his current power to try and sway the election using a progressive action (even if it is out of his authority, as it has been reported with his talks of DACA citizenship), then the smart thing for the Biden campaign to do would propose a reform to what Trump did. For example, if Trump implements a last-minute progressive policy, an appropriate response from the Biden campaign would be along the lines of: here is an alternative approach to the policy, which has been collaborated with X, Y, Z members of Congress, and works out the kinks in Trump's action. Unfortunately though if Trump does something like that the Biden campaign will just go onto Twitter and send out some gif of Biden in sunglasses with some sort of moral-high ground caption.


    I think I need to lower my faith in electoral politics, or at least the Biden campaign. 

  2. please, if she runs in her 2024 in a position like this, we'll primary her ass with a progressive candidate


    I would like to see it, but the Democratic primaries really feel like a reality TV competition where the DNC is able to get their favorite in the top spot no holds barred... But I would like to see it. In 2020, I see a lot of people who once were non-political come out and support progressive candidates and causes after experiencing 2016, so maybe in 2024 we will finally overtake DNC shenanigans. 

  3. Something most baffling to me in this election cycle is how the establishment/centrists coalesced around Biden. Although a candidate like Harris, Buttigieg, or Klobuchar as the nominee would not guarantee a win in the general, it is still shocking to me that these campaigns were suspended for a Biden victory into Super Tuesday. He is so controversial and he gives the most ammo towards opposition both from the left and the right, so it feels really unwise that they're hedging their bets on him. Look at how Trump is responding to Harris now, calling her a radical left extremist... Any Democrat/anyone left of the Democrats would see that claim, and it would not have any influence on their opinions of Harris. Meanwhile, the largest opposition would come from those to the left who are currently now scrutinizing Harris's record, yet she would elevate her campaign by selecting someone to her left as the VP. 


    Biden being the nominee really makes no sense to me. Were the centrists really that afraid that if they didn't coalesce around Biden that Bernie would get the nom? In any case, I will be voting for Biden-Harris, emphasis on Harris, considering that I am praying that Joe Biden dies in the near future, Harris becomes president, and she will be open into signing Medicare For All into law as she's a cosponsor. Yet this is likely never going to happen and my faith in electoral politics are fleeting.


    All of it just seems so narrow-sighted. Sure, Biden may win. But I doubt the anti-Trump Republican support for his campaign outnumbers the uninspired progressives who feel absolutely unheard and torn down. Ultimately though, come 2024, the Republicans will simply run a moderate candidate along the lines of Gov. Larry Hogan (R-MD) or Gov. Charlie Baker (R-MA), both of whom are Republican governors that are well liked in extremely blue states. A candidate like that will easily win the election in a landslide. Unfortunately, it makes me worry for the Democrats. 2024 will either come with the end of a second Trump term, which would likely result in the Democrats running another center-right candidate for a third consecutive general election, or it will come with the election of VP (or perhaps re-election of President) Kamala Harris (considering re-election of Biden seems unlikely at this point). Harris will likely face extreme scrutiny from the left and from moderate Republicans for being "coronated" with a 2024 election. She will either have to adopt some real left-leaning policies if the Dems are going to win 2024. But my greatest concern is that the 2016 and 2020 elections have turned off so many progressives/left-leaning citizens from voting and also that the DNC will never open up to an actual left-leaning candidate to such an extent that we may never see another Democratic President in our lifetime.


    Lastly, I just hate how individuals take politics nowadays, particularly on social media. So many keyboard warriors who will scream at you if you share an honest critique of a politician. It feels extremely eerie for people to get upset when anything negative is shared about a politician. If my action should lend someone the power to be in the highest office of this country, I feel that I would be doing myself a disservice if I did not critique these individuals. For example, critiquing Biden is not campaigning for Trump – it's simply fostering open and constructive criticism within the Democratic Party. So many of these centrist/establishment Democrats make such a fuss over any dissent to an extent that it turns so many people off from politics when really everyone involved should have a seat at that table. I mean, it's not stan Twitter, after all.

  4. I really have had no interest in her since 1989 (which I feel like she wasn't able to top with rep/lover no matter how much I tried getting into them I just couldn't). Maybe this new release will reignite my relationship with her, I have to say I'm intrigued by this rollout.

  5. I've done a lot of thinking and I've come to the conclusion that Nightride is my favorite album of hers. SFY is a close second though.

  6. Arca

    I wonder when KiCk ii + are coming... I know the album came out less than a week ago but I've been bopping since March so I'm curious  :toofunny:

  7. Okay that Types snippet is very cute. It sounds like it would fit on a Charli sophomore album that was just focused on pure pop without the punk influence and just songs like Boom Clap and Die Tonight.


    On a totally unrelated note, how do you guys think Charli would sound on a Jack Antonoff-produced track with her current artistic mindset? His production style seems to embody an artist's signature sound but meanwhile still sounds fresh (re: NFR, holy terrain by FKA twigs)...so I have to wonder how he and Charli would sound together in 2020.

  8. It's not Types, I think it might just be some Official remix someone made and then tried uploading to dbree as a demo of official? idk that's what it sounds like to me


    Inchresting.... To this day I've never heard the famed Types then  :rip:

  9. It still feels surreal to me that Charli was able to get Sky on a track on XCX3. Never thought that would have happened in general to be honest, let alone in 2019.


    Remembering the autumn of 2012 when Charli dropped Super Ultra and Sky dropped Ghost... What a time it was to be alive. Though I can't say I'm shocked that Charli's managed to put out 3 albums, 2 album-sized mixtapes, an EP, and countless droplets before Sky has even put out her sophomore album. Truly an embodiment of their respective energies exhibited when they performed Grins together.

  10. Two snippets of songs produced by Mike Will leaked today, Guilty and Icarus, both recorded in 2019


    This made me remember WHERE THE FUCK IS ANARCHY


    These sound like pretty rough demos, but I'm intrigued. I can't really tell anything from these snippets though. Hopefully the mixtape comes soon + doesn't get scrapped! I wonder if she's going to do another LP1/M3LI55X sort of thing where she releases two bodies of work in a row and then disappears for a while.

  11. Imagine Charli doing something along the lines of All the Things She Said... Wasn't she teasing a Sky collab that sounded similar to that a long long time ago?

  12. Hope charli gives us an official punk project.

    I remember when she posted that pic with the electric guitar and was like [what if my album] sounds like this

    And then the most guitary moment we got on charli was White Mercedes lol



    I want Mow That Lawn type shit


    An album that's a mix of Mow That Lawn, I'm A Dream, and a little bit of Sky Ferreira's Red Lips sprinkled in there would be delicious

  13. At this point in time, I think Charli has fed us ample experimental material between Vroom Vroom/N1A/Pop 2/Charli/HIFN... so if she were to go out and make an 80s-tinted album vying for some coins, I think it could be interesting – but as long as she makes it fresh. Sucker felt so disjointed to me because on one hand Charli was being very creative, trying to emulate the Clueless/Mean Girls/etc sort of sound and aesthetic. Meanwhile, the entire project felt like it had some sort of syrupy gloss on it that felt geared towards an era in pop music that was unfortunately dying at the time (which sort of aged the album quickly and maybe put limits on the extremes to where the album could go).


    If Charli's gonna do something commercial, she needs to use those Señorita funds to get the hottest producers and work with a team that will help her put something out that is both commercial and forward. I mean, considering all of the great songs she's penned for others she has the capability to put something out that's fresh and does it, but I think she just needs a strong commercial team and direction to pull it off. Some of my favorite songs on HIFN were the more commercial sounding tracks (7 years + enemy), so I'd welcome some dabbling in that sound. 


    But maybe her tweet is a reference to the whole topic of "the horror of fame" similar to that which Lady Gaga teased during the first half of her career. Could the Janet album "alter egos" that she's brought up before be celebrities who have sold their souls to the devil for a Billboard #1?

  14. Do you think Charli created HIFN as a way to reduce the amount of albums she had left with Atlantic? 


    While this does sound plausible, I'm sure she could have packaged together XCX World and all of the 2018 tracks/Charli outtakes as their own respective albums to speed things up if she was really desperate to get out of her contract. Regardless, I think both her and Atlantic are overall sort of tired with each other and ready for the contract to end, considering how lukewarm she indicated the label responded to self-titled + how both Charli (and the label?) seemed relatively on board with the concept of releasing two albums in 2020 prior to HIFN's conception.


    In hindsight, I wonder if her tweet about XCX5 being her final album under her Atlantic contract could be a subtweet after someone from the label chastising her for her first XCX5 tweet.

  15. literally my first thought. i think it’s easy to assume she would since she’s been with ag so long. but they can’t even handle hannah how would they handle charli. i don’t know how that side of the industry works but couldn’t she just release music on her own like the way chance they rapper was/is unsigned


    Would be cool if she did something like Tinashe as Nashe is unsigned *technically* but she has Roc Nation management, or something along those lines. Imagining an XCX album rollout similar to Songs For You would be a dream.

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