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Everything posted by LanaFlowers

  1. ...anywhere but Cha Cha goddamn Matcha. She's a shadow of her former self. Compare her to the average miserable 33 year old exhausted soccer mom who once tried to make it as a singer in her 20s, and sure, she's the coolest of them all I suppose. But if you compare who she is now to who she was just two years ago...it's sad to think. Whether this is what she's become, or who she always was deep inside, I don't know -all I know is I don't like it. Her personal poetry is trash. Just my opinion, not everyone likes the same things, and if you love it I'm glad at least one of us has something to enjoy. As for the unreleased music -"personal" or not- that she might release in the future, that's as likely to happen as the Cherry video. I don't expect to get any unreleased songs from anyone but leakers.
  2. That's what I think is likely to happen if it hasn't already. I mean it's not even about her being flighty, I think anyone would be at the very least tempted to make some changes on stuff they've been sitting on for a year (or longer, she's always put reworked versions of older songs on albums except HM). People change, their tastes change... She's not the same person she was when she started making this album, she's at a very different place than she was last year. And I don't blame her for that, but she's handled this all wrong.
  3. I don't think she had a choice in the matter. This isn't her project 100% so she can't delay it for 45 years like she'd rather do.
  4. Have you...not seen any pics of her from this year? The only look she seems to be going for is depressed stoner college girl failing half her classes Anyway, she's no stranger to plastic surgery. Those who have criticized her for it will continue to do so, anyone who has a problem with plastic surgery in general will have shit to say. But I think most LDR fans don't have an issue with it, and society as a whole has become a lot more understanding. She'll only get negative comments if she ruins her face, like she's been trying to do with those cheek fillers.
  5. Didn't like the snippet at all, doubt I'll like the full version. It sounds vapid af
  6. No I meant before that. Her hair has been dark brown for more than a year, right? And I remember she went blonde for like a second in 2016. But I can't remember the last time her hair has been this shade.
  7. I want what I've been promised. I want Cinnamon, In Your Car, HIAB, "Stronger", etc. After that, she can just fade away like she wants to. I know I'm going to love NFR, but it's likely the last Lana Del Rey album I'm going to get. It's basically posthumous to me at this point. I'm simply not here for this matcha-guzzling, insta saddie, cringy wannabe poet. I'm not about that tesla mom car spin class crustacean life. I don't want to read about it, and I don't want to hear about it. I'm truly dreading LDR7. God knows what an embarrassment that could be. Is NFR going to be her best album yet? I doubt that. But I do not doubt that it's going to be a great album, most likely better than the last. It will be nice for her to go out with a bang. Like I've said before...she had a good run. It's okay. It's going to be okay.
  8. I don't know anything about the documentary, but these things are typically in the works for years. She hasn't looked like this...in a good while. I can't see this being recent, until it's SUPER recent. Like, shot the same day recent. Who knows, maybe she had a mini makeover or something, I certainly hope that's the case. But hope is a dangerous thing in these dark NFR times, so I'd rather not get excited.
  9. or, it's old as shit, as i originally thought when is the last time her hair looked like that?
  10. I know we've only heard a snippet but I lowkey hate it, it sounds lame as hell compared to the original and I usually love her covers
  11. First of all, I think quite a few people LOVED Hope when it was first released. Then people got sick of it, then they realized it didn't mean NFR would be coming shortly after, and then the overall frustration we've all been feeling took over, making it yet another thing to pick apart. Personally, I'm still very much a fan of it, although I've definitely overplayed it and it's starting to sound stale. I will also say that the production is pure trash, and no I'm not talking about the fact that it's a stripped back piano ballad with raw-sounding vocals. I dig that. I just hate how it's not a song I can enjoy with my earphones because all the mistakes I can't help but notice ruin it. Anyway, do you really think she has spent the last few months reading every page of this sad ass thread, watching the love turn to boredom? How the hell would she know "NONE of us appreciated it"? She got positive comments on her social media and the song has done quite well on spotify considering the lack of promotion. Seriously. How would she even know? Secondly, a cry for help? Fuck that. How about being open? How about being honest? Genuine? How about telling people how you feel instead of expecting them to be somehow 100% aware of what you're thinking, feeling and doing? How about that? If you're sinking deeper and deeper into depression every day, if you're crying and losing your mind over comments from people asking you about your album, if you wish it could all just go away... You could try doing this super weird quirky unconventional thing called "saying it". She has spent the last few months teasing us and lying to us, when she was perfectly capable of posting something along the lines of "Hey guys, I know I said I was working on a new album, but I'm a nervous wreck and I need to take a break to focus on my mental health & my personal life. Hope you understand." And we would have understood. Most of us, at least. She's clearly struggling. But it's ridiculous to try and make her out as this sad little wraith who is reduced to a sobbing mess every time she reads an ig comment from a disgruntled 14 year old telling her to release the album, and is so traumatized by this harrowing ordeal that she can't bring herself to make a public appearance. She's not fine. But she's having fun, and she doesn't give a fuck. So let's not pretend that she does. She has been...offensively clear about this. She just doesn't care. This? This is literally her idea of fun. She said it herself. I don't see why I should feel sorry for her when she's living her best baddie life.
  12. omg that would be HILARIOUS I can just imagine her choking on her matcha tea and panicking
  13. I still want the studio version of HTD (though I didn't really like the production from the snippet we've heard) but MAC and VB? She can keep them
  14. No hope No excitement I will never stan again But this is nice I suppose if it actually happens
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