Question for the Chemtrails Pre-Release Thread:
Now that ParadiseFreak, naachoboy, ContemplatingGod and littleredpartydress have had hit opinions about Paradise, Norman Fucking Rockwell, Relevancy, my music taste etc - can I please go back to posting about being bored, feeling sleepy by listening to the album even if it has three good songs, or that Lust for Life is superior - or whatever I want -without being crucified or saying that I'm glamorizing Paradise Slander??????
Im fed up with Lana stans saying that I glamorize Paradise hate when in reality I'm just a tasteful person posting about the realities of what we are all now seeing are very forgettable songs all over the album. With all of the topics Lana stans are finally allowed to explore I just want to say over the last ten years I think it's pathetic that my minor Paradise exploration detailing my sometimes boring experiences in my posts has often made people say I’ve set Lana stans back hundreds of years. Let this be clear, I'm not not a Paradise stan -but there has to be a place in Paradise slander for Lana stans who look and act like me - the kind of Lana stan who says no but BTD stans hear yes- the kind of Lana stans who are slated mercilessly for being their authentic, delicate selves, The kind of Lana stans who get their own stories and voices taken away from them by stronger Lana stans.
I've been honest and optimistic about the challenging replies I've had. News flash! That's just how it is for many Lana stans. And that was sadly my experience up until the point that those posts were made. So I just want to say it's been a long 10 years of bullshit replies up until recently and I've learned a lot from them but I also feel it really paved the way for other Lana stans to stop 'putting on a happy face' and to just be able to say whatever the hell they wanted to in their posts- unlike my experience where if I even expressed a note of sadness in my posts, I was deemed literally hysterical as though it was literally the 2012s Anyways none of this has anything to do about much but I'll be detailing some of my feelings in my next two posts in this thread with the Born to Die slander and 'LFL is better'.
Thanks for reading
Happy quarantining