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Liz Taylor Blues

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Everything posted by Liz Taylor Blues

  1. well don't send me flowers like you always do cause breaking up slowly is a hard thing to do I LOVE YOU ONLY AND IT'S MAKING ME BLUE
  2. BUS will be the magnus opus. it's a sad romantic ballad. y'all are just scared you might love a country song...
  3. I like cursing but it should feel authentic. use them no more or less than you would other fitting words
  4. ah reverse psychology i see......gurlies and gays this means its coming!!!
  5. Who's going to take one for the team and post some scat porn so we can get an announcement for WD? (pls don't actually i don't want miss elle to impeach me for incitement)
  6. Katy was better than her. Artpop was so bad lady Gaga killed Lou Reed for hating it. Luckily Lana has talent so COCC wont be anything like ArtSlop/ArtFlop
  7. If the LFL model holds lana will tweet on March 19th that the album is coming out May 21st.....
  8. you guys are so judgy. artistic people are hardly known for tidyness/ convention. Anyways, I can't wait for Dance Til We Die. Iconic title, iconic subjects. Sounds somber and hopeful, like the epitome of what LfL could have been. COCC in general feels like Lana has re-visited LfL to refine it.
  9. Banned for being an "irrelevant member" (i don't actually think this, king)
  10. That awkward moment when you've been on here for years and never learned half of this (see guys I can use emoji's now)
  11. I think Lana was sincere about releasing this. I think it just turned into a bigger project than she thought it would be (kind of like the Violet audiobook). I don't mind waiting indefinitely because I know whatever the final product is will be glorious, and we will play it on our turntables until we are grey and old, and our grandchildren or the neighbors are begging us to turn off that noise. But we won't turn it off. American Standards and Classics will outplay our lives. Praise Godna
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