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Liz Taylor Blues

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Everything posted by Liz Taylor Blues

  1. I hope so. I started chanting because I read about it in a Courtney Love instagram post and miracles have entered my life at a supernatural rate. Buddhism works!
  2. we are being tested once again by Godna....
  3. I like Lana because she's an authentic free thinker. Sometimes she will say things I disagree with. I think that is preferable to her regurgitating the monopinion of monoculture.
  4. it wasn't my intention to be ageist, I didn't mean anything negative by almost 40. other than she's on the other side of 35. If it sounded like I was invoking negative views on that I apologize. Almost all the pop and rock stars I stan are way over 40. Lana is literally the youngest musician I like.
  5. my post was general, not aimed at any user in particular
  6. given that lana has publicly stated she sees jen as a mother figure, and we don't know the extent/ depth of their relationship, maybe we should mind our fucking businesses, and stop speculating on things that don't concern us. lana is a grown woman of almost 40 years, she can tell her friend if it bothers her
  7. the stalker's ig story is a repost of "i stand with Manson" Yeah he's bad news. I hope lana has a good security team
  8. banned for being a hufflepuff (honeybadger?)
  9. banned for only having 168 posts
  10. Banned because your description "Hawaiian Glam Metal" reminds me of the Lizzy Album I'll never get but want more than anything
  11. banned for having a cooler username than me
  12. banned for kennedy profile pic. I'm a Markey Bro!!!
  13. I don't have anything to add right now but I love that this thread exists
  14. she's such a fucking icon and her star will only shine brighter after her death. all the love and comfort out to her family this must be absolutely awful for them
  15. Damn you isn't great but I still like it LOVE it. the modulation is weird but way better than songs like Change or Snoozetender
  16. sorry hun, unlike lana I don't feed the trolls. I wasn't placing myself above sjw's (a loaded term but useful descriptor for people who spend hours on a website scrutinizing a celebrity;s word for any misspeak or fauz pas. I used to be an sjw. Then I learned empathy and perspective. self-righteous shaming doesn't actually fix the world or the people in it. I feel no rush, in fact it is absolutely exhausting to deal with such bad faith actors. Yawn. Doesn't Lana look great in the video of her and her friends dancing?
  17. sjw's don't care. It's not actually about what the problematic person says, it's about the rush they get of feeling morally superior
  18. Based on her southern accent in the video IT'S COUNTRY
  19. I for one am glad she's sticking up for herself. You have to call out bad faith actors or they will control the narrative about you. It's about time a celebrity stood up to click bait libel that passes as celebrity news nowadays.
  20. yeah i wasn't bothered because I'm used to talking to incoherent people, addicts, drunks, and I understand what she was trying to say and a lot of it had truth to it. She was also clearly intoxicated.....
  21. why was annie asking a singer about current events anyway? what did she expect?
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