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Liz Taylor Blues

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Posts posted by Liz Taylor Blues

  1. Even her dad is on twitter talking about racial injustice for the 100th time. The last week-and-a-half has been quite eye opening for me as a stan, tbh. If nothing more, she’s incredibly stuck in her own myopic worldview and only truly concerned about issues that effect people like her.

    I'm sorry but you'd have to be a Stan to be searching to see if a certain celebrity made a statement about a topic . I think a lot of us including definitely me are maybe too online bc I searched her Twitter today but I think we expect statements on everything because we're always online... Do we know if Lana even watched the news? I'm not trying to be ride or come at you I just thought you brought up an interesting topic about stabbing versus casual fans and how that causes different perceptions

  2. Can y'all imagine if she wrote a Coachella like song about riots or the virus

    (Or both)


    I was at the riots

    Oops I have the virus

    Hope I didn't spread it

    I'm already cancelled


    I'd trade it all for a half decent publicist

    One who'd take my Instagram password away

    I'd give it all away if you give me just one day

    Without Twitter saying I'm racist

  3. Guys it's extremely over the top to spend pages and pages ranting about a celebrity not issuing a statement on something that doesn't directly have anything to do with them. If Lana felt she had something important to add to the topic she would make a statement. Should she l, a singer not an activist or political commentator be required to issue a statement on every singleawful thing that happens in the world? I'm sure she thinks it's awful what happened but she isn't an activist why would she be expected to make a public statement on an issue she doesn't seem to know a whole lot about? I think discourse is more powerful when it's people who are passionate and informed on issues discussing them rather than every single celeb issuing a bland PR statement that says nothing and does nothing either Evwryone having to talk about everything ensures that nothing will be said and conversation will suffer and we miss out on important necessary discussions about power and injustice

  4. i don't want a folk album, but i do feel like that is where this one is headed

    I think so bc the NFR tour almost all her guests were folk singers and she's been heading that direction musically since LfL but never going all in. Shes said numerous times how much she likes folk music I thi k it would be great if she did a folk album at least once. She can go to a different sound after but it would be such a waste if she didn't use her great voice for at least one folk album

  5. LeAkEd TrAcKlIsT


    pRoBlEmAtIc fEaT cOuRtNeY lOve & aZeAlIa BaNkS

    nOt NoT a FeMeNiSt

    LeT mE lOvE u LiKe a CiS wOmAn

    N wOrD rIgHtS fEaT aSaP rOcKy & pAtTi SmItH

    fUcK oFf StIcKs


    iNstA bAdDiE

    qUeEn Of tIkToK

    wHoReS oN tHe RaDiO

    hApPy MoThErS dAy (I hAtE u MoM)

    pAtTy Is ThE nEw KaReN

    dIlLaRdS dReSs


    JaCk'S mAgIcK fInGeRs

    aBoUt ThE cUlTuRe

    WhItE rOsA pArKs FeAt MaDoNnA

    qUarAnTeEn ArMy

  6. This whole situation was really insightful in that it showed me who of my friends have had reading comprehension in school and those who did not. I do not know why but I have to stan. So messy. White Hot forever be that ethereal pop baddy b !!

    the people leading the witch hunt are morons who can't read. Anybody could be next

  7. I mean the answer is obviously WEST COAST. But it goes in this order: WC, HBTB, DT, WM,DMD, FKPT,BV

    sorry but white mustang is a fine ass song. the vocals are gorgeous. also if it was dmd demo 3 it would beat west coast for me

    the Hit me my darling tonite demo would have won for me

  8. So far I love the new album!! So bright, real, and dance able!! It's cheering me up like nothing has lately.





    All the songs are great these are my top 4 tho

  9. So far I love the new album!! So bright, real, and dance able!! It's cheering me up like nothing has lately.



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