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Liz Taylor Blues

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Everything posted by Liz Taylor Blues

  2. I love that. It fits because HM itself is a chiasis like that (a chiasis, also known as ring composition where the story mirrors itself throughout and goes through the phases you mentioned. It's why HM is the beginning and the end as She said. Her MInd.)
  3. Perhaps my favorite line on this record is from HBTB "Anyone can start again/ not through love but through revenge/ through the fire we're born again/ peace by vengeance brings the end" I have probably scribbled it a thousand times in notebooks. Honeymoon will always be THAT record for me which is ironic bc it didn't do much for me on first listen like BTD, PAradise, or UV. However, in the drought for more Lana music in between HM and LfL, I ended up playing the album what feels like a million times. almost always in entirety. It was definitely a slow grower on me but I now appreciate more than her other works (which I also love.) The sunlit noir aesthetic does so much for this record. I think it also has the most depth and refinement of all her work. It truly is a Manus Opus. I think it's a slow grower for that reason: there's a lot to unravel in this record. Every time you listen there is something new you notice, understand or appreciate. It's the closest record music wise to the feeling I get reading the great classics of literature> Sometimes they are slow to start but they move towards an epic and timeless climax.
  4. RT. I can't believe Lana backed down after standing up for it twice The Jewish people lived their for milennia until diasparas
  5. they should no longer be the provider of sec eduction materials to ca public school with stupid takes like this
  6. and I thought I liked the album version. WHY WAS THIS CHANGED! LFL could have been the best album ever if she had released it in 2016 or early 2017
  7. OMG 14 year old me liked three bandsL Evanesense, Paramore, and Three Days Grace. It's all he listened to.Paramore's Misery Business came on the radio this morning and apparently I still know all the words
  8. I'm so glad Lana is playing the only democracy in the middle east
  9. Lana will collab with The Dave Matthews Band. I have planted the seed and it shall harvest!
  10. LDR 6 is a Bob Dylan Tribute Record and I can't wait. Paradise Tour Tea!
  11. Will Lana finally come out as Bi or a lezzie? Maybe on this track
  12. Where is the label blocking things when we need them. Happiness is a Butterfly will burn her career down to the ground
  13. THE LOOK SHE GAVE THE CAMERA AT THE END! Reminds me of Lohan in court
  14. OMG her hair is so cringe in this. Dying her hair and changing the cut was a great idea glad she did
  15. tbh I'm not that familiar with Marina's music. But what I know I like. About their voices, I think it will either be amazing or horrific. No in between
  16. Lipton is the shittiest tea company (weak blends) have it Larina hater
  17. IKR it's SO BLATANT. You think her record company would've spotted it. It's the theme from an ICONIC FILM that almost every highschooler in U.S has watched in English Class
  19. Boom Clap is her only good song. It's about her thights colliding when dancing cuz she's not skinny
  20. God just told me that LDR6 will be very much Nancy Sinatra only gangsta also
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