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Liz Taylor Blues

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Everything posted by Liz Taylor Blues

  1. Lana will collab with The Dave Matthews Band. I have planted the seed and it shall harvest!
  2. LDR 6 is a Bob Dylan Tribute Record and I can't wait. Paradise Tour Tea!
  3. Will Lana finally come out as Bi or a lezzie? Maybe on this track
  4. Where is the label blocking things when we need them. Happiness is a Butterfly will burn her career down to the ground
  5. THE LOOK SHE GAVE THE CAMERA AT THE END! Reminds me of Lohan in court
  6. OMG her hair is so cringe in this. Dying her hair and changing the cut was a great idea glad she did
  7. tbh I'm not that familiar with Marina's music. But what I know I like. About their voices, I think it will either be amazing or horrific. No in between
  8. Lipton is the shittiest tea company (weak blends) have it Larina hater
  9. IKR it's SO BLATANT. You think her record company would've spotted it. It's the theme from an ICONIC FILM that almost every highschooler in U.S has watched in English Class
  11. Boom Clap is her only good song. It's about her thights colliding when dancing cuz she's not skinny
  12. God just told me that LDR6 will be very much Nancy Sinatra only gangsta also
  13. I love this track, one of her better collaborations
  14. What if its Lana herself and Daddy Ben who spam the boards with nudes. Happy Pride Month, twinks!
  15. Nudes again on lanaboards, and once again all twinks no muscular men sigh
  16. I liked Kristen Wiig's impersonation of Lana a few weeks later on Weekend Update. They actually defended it quite a bit
  17. Does this mean we're getting Purposeful Pop?!
  18. She should cover Amy or Courtney on the next album or no cover at all. I love Nina Simone but I don't think she's the best fit for Lana to cover. I think she did a good job with the ones she did tho
  19. I have no beef with Stevie Nicks. I love Stevie Nicks and always will. Sometimes people on this forum have no taste whatsoever. I know her voice isn't as great as it was in the seventies (aging and the frugs she did in her prime will do that) but her voice is still really strong, unique, and beautiful. I love Lana and Stevie's friendship omg goals
  20. Lizzy's back with a vengance, sugar daddies better watch their wallets
  21. I know we criticize Lana's songwriting on Coachella but she has never been as bad as Miley sat songwriting (See FeadPetz)
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