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Everything posted by aGlassShipThatCanFly

  1. It’s times like these I wish for @lustforlife and their French insider husband
  2. At least her speeches have been feeding me the last few months
  3. I love nearly everything she puts out but please do not let Lasso sound anything like Blue Skies. That song sounds like the 1920’s version of this gif (derogatory)
  4. I’m going to Men in Black this interview from my mind and pretend like we’re still on track for a September release
  5. This is the second time she’s mentioned the new music being in the vein of American Songbook songs which I still don’t really comprehend but pop off still holding out hope Tough🦋 will come in June even if the album is delayed
  6. Finally a question about Lasso even though the answer left me with more questions She said in her speech yesterday she has off years where the muse isn’t as strong and she doesn’t feel as inspired as other periods. After opening up so much on COCC, BB and Tunnel maybe she’s not exactly sure where to go next and that’s okay. She should take the time to experiment with her ideas and music instead of rushing…..even though according to her this has been three years in the making
  7. She looks amazing and what a cute speech! Thanks for inspiring my usernames with your speeches, Lanita
  8. There’s something about him that unlocks something animalistic I can’t describe it
  9. Not Jack D peeing, filming someone doing coke, talking to cops (being arrested?) with Julia Fox and posting a screen grab FaceTiming with a crying Lana on his story
  10. Ray Charles and Tracy Chapman Linda Martel and Aimme Lou Harris
  11. The buildup to “Amy Lou Harris she’s a lasso” wow I’m definitely going to wear this song out today.
  12. This is so good, it’s scary. I need this sound for Lasso
  13. Wait is the cowgirl illustration actually official and from her site? I thought it was fan made this whole time.
  14. I’m telling you she’s gonna pull some surprises tomorrow night
  15. When she and Nikki Lane come out tomorrow dressed like Siegfried and Roy, and instead of taming tigers, they have alligators on leashes.
  16. Reverse manifestation I see you
  17. I think this is actually very possible this era. They both got their start with viral videos (video games; that walmart yodel meme)
  18. She's performing a new song tomorrow night I can feel it
  19. She is radiating summer Lana vibes and it couldn't make me happier. I really hope she debuts a new song for summer
  20. Aphrodite as they bow down to meeeee
  21. What did I miss what's happening in Alabama
  22. Here are the lyrics they teased: Tough like the scarf on a pair of old leather boots Like the blue collar, red dirt attitude Like a .38 made out of brass Tough like the stuff in your grandpa's glass Life's gonna do what it does Sure as the good lords up above Cut like a diamond shining in the rough Tough
  23. As far as I know, below is all the ATRL insider has said: February: they stated Lana had recently recorded a song with Quavo and it may make the cut to be on Lasso Last week: they revealed the title of the collab is Tough (a couple days before Quavo posted on his story with the caption "Tough!🦋"); is country/trap/laced with Lana vibes. They also posted some lyrics but I can't remember them right now. I think they also said the song is around the 3 min mark?
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