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About lyinginthesand

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  1. @hotshot2am do you know the quantity of the vinyls?
  2. when we find out she cancelled the us tour to focus on her international fans and she's doing 3 wembley dates
  3. im watching this https://www.tiktok.com/@theycallmetripod/live?enter_from_merge=others_homepage&enter_method=others_photo I can't believe she skipped Bartender... oh she must've been really stressed out
  4. we might still get Tough don't lose hope lipsters
  5. Me writing 'she is not late guys it starts at 8:30' to defend her even though she's probably gonna be late anyway..
  6. When this show makes her realise her love for stadium shows and non festival crowds and she announces a world tour with 3 wembley dates
  7. If she doesn't drop it tonight/tomorrow she's really stopping her own bag...
  8. Was it stuff we haven't heard in the snippets?
  9. No, but @slothdelrey said she'll try to live stream it on her ig
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