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Posts posted by LaMartine

  1. Didn't she debut at 26 or 27? lmao


    Where's this gif from?



    I think I literally just looked up Lana Del Rey Confused gif on google lmao

    No idea what interview, but it needs to be added to the little pixel gifs on this site



    i used to watch le grand journal all the time during 2011/2013 (still managed to miss this) i recognised the lights of the studio plus this iconic performance, sometime around 2012 with bobby womack and damon albarn 



  2. Oh Salvatore

    You seem to be most funny person ever in this world, I literally click fast if I see that you posted something, also, you have the best opinions, sometimes you're really right


    Yosemite is (maybe) coming so still fighting! :D


    And if not, well sorry (jk)


    ur that kid that some misplaced soul might find too dramatic but then like everyone else realises you have a good heart, you're fun and have high standards for the things in your life. you're very much into music 

  3. First Macklemore, then Taylor, now Bruno. Kendrick just can't get the respect he deserves from the grammys. 


    Sacrilegio. His first two album are classics, people will always remember 


    "I dont wanna know" by Maroon five collab is exceptionally bad and short (hes on the song for not even a full 40 seconds??), but i dont blame him, it gave him clout and royalties 


    I actually haven't heard of it O: (I have most of his discog but haven't followed all his features on other people's tracks tbh) I only recognize this adam levine collab 


  4. LB is doing Kendrick dirty with only 7 replies  :horror:, kung fu kenny has been a rap legend from the get go 


    (I listen to damn almost everyday, it cures my headaches tbh and wakes me up at the same time) 

  5. Both Dan Auerbach and Heath. But i like Rick tho, I think that he's really great



    oh, and about the grammy:


    Against facts there's no arguments. Ed sheeran won bc he's way more commercial



    yes, like always i knew to expect ed to win, bc apparently he's more popular and had a huge hit, but seriously lana had guest appearances that other pop singers wish for, was well received from the critics, got a #1 from BB and was well awaited by the fans 

  6. ok let's try oh god



    Cruel World:                                 11

    Ultraviolence:                               10

    Shades Of Cool:                            9.5

    Brooklyn Baby:                              9.5 

    West Coast:                                 10

    Sad Girl:                                        7.5

    Pretty When You Cry:                   9

    Money Power Glory:                     9

    Fucked My Way Up To The Top:  7

    Old Money:                                   9

    The Other Woman:                       8.5

    Black Beauty:                               8

    Guns And Roses:                         5

    Florida Kilos:                                8.5

    Is This Happiness:                       8

    Flipside:                                       6


    these grades are way higher than the ones i gave for lfl, UV truly is THAT album 

  7. Repent! It’s a known fact that SB established her as the new icon of rap music. Rap industry closed. Nicki Flopage was shook


    Remember when Lanz single handedly saved hip-hop when she released SB and GL last year?  And now for the first time it's the most popular genre in the US, detroning rock music.





    Coincidence? I THINK NOT.  :illumilana2:  :illumilana:  :illumilana:

  8. Remember when the same thing happened with Video Games and Lolita and the song Blind by De Kift. I don't know if they sued her, though. Poor Lana, I don't think she wants to ruin her name purposely.


    they commented on yt:



    Vonden wij ook erg jammer dat Lana del Rey onze bas en drums niet op haar album gezet heeft. Had mooie publiciteitsstunt geweest.


    We also found it very unfortunate that Lana del Rey did not put our bass line and drums on her album. It would have been a nice publicity stunt for us.


    they would have loved to have their work  sampled on BTD, it seems. on the other hand with the greek song it's mostly people noticing similarities when minor keys are used 

  9. Remember when the same thing happened with Video Games and Lolita and the song Blind by De Kift. I don't know if they sued her, though. Poor Lana, I don't think she wants to ruin her name purposely.


    french press already nonchalantly saying this isn't her first time ripping off music and recalling the video games/old greek song accident during her interview for Canal +  :facepalm:


     I've described the boys as misogynistics, not the attacks on lana... But now that you've mentioned that... :hooker: 

    Well, I don't see this much hate against males in industry. Lana and a lot of female artists are constantly being attacked, having ppl doubting their worth/talent and a lot of stuff that men doesn't suffer from in the same instensity. I mean, david bowie changed his name and changed his style a 100 times and he's an icon, Lana "changed" a little bit and now she's called "fake" or manufactured.

    Lana said that she's being sued, and just bc a bunch of men said that she's lying, now she became a liar and a "attention whore". I don't see this happening to men in the same frequency

    (sorry if I sounded rude)


    yeah: i had to read articles about her claiming she's representative of the porn industry bc of video games once. the constant judging of her looks, people claiming she didn't write gf anyway like "all the other pop girls" she probably added some words and left the writing to "professional" songwriters, and so on it's depressing. lana may be used to it i guess, and from day 1, but it's true  :crossed: maybe there should be a thread exposing all the sexist coverage of her career but it'd be really saddening probably to keep it up for some

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