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Golden Hour

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Everything posted by Golden Hour

  1. Could this be Lana's first textless cover? I can't see a place like Target or HMV selling an album that has FUCKING or even F***ING plastered on its display.
  2. Had a dream Lana kept DMing me on Instagram (and then deleting them ) about how she has to release the poetry book before the album. I was FUMING.
  4. It's not coming until at least mid-fall, so what should we do until then? Maybe we could all play a couple of rounds of UNO together.
  5. She'll release the album as a way to celebrate Elizabeth Warren winning the election. Her mind!
  6. I need MAC as track 2. It just makes sense in my fantasy.
  7. I keep telling myself there's a FJM collab on the album. I'll speak it into existence.
  8. No way in hell Interscope releases the same day as Taylor Swift. "bUt LaNa DoEsN't CaRe AbOuT cHaRtS!!!1!!1!" is a dumb argument. Of course she probably doesn't, but Interscope definitely does. If it's really coming in August, it'll either be the the 9th or the 16th.
  9. Best chorus: Do Me Best verses: Personal Hell / All I Do Is Cry / Blow It All Best production: Sweet Spot / Do Me Best artwork: Another One / Clarity Best Woo Ah! - Do Me
  10. I keep coming back to read this and laugh harder every time.
  11. No surprise release obviously, but an early July announcement with a late July/early August drop would be gorgeous.
  12. This is shaping up to be a flawless record. MAC, VB, HIADTFAWLMTBIHI, HIAB, HTD, Cinnamon, IYC, NFR... all 11/10s.
  13. Golden Hour

    Charli XCX

    I have a feeling it'll be called XCX or Charli. She said "the album is all ME" or whatever. It's just like right in our faces.
  14. Do NOT ever try to PM me about this...
  15. Golden Hour

    Carly Rae Jepsen

    Isn't it great?! Where are you listening!
  16. Golden Hour

    Carly Rae Jepsen

    Can't wait to listen at midnight!
  17. I’m happy to see we’re inching toward an aesthetic for the era. The canvas-type edit on this and that one selfie + the poetry she’s posted seems to be the NFR aesthetic?
  18. It's a really strong taste. Try balancing it out with a vanilla or sweetener of some sort. mod note: user was warned for this post
  19. I agree. That's a throwback, isn't it!
  20. I'd like to contribute to this argument, once I've heard it at midnight of course.
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