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Golden Hour

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Everything posted by Golden Hour

  1. I went to look at the name change on honeymoon and did she lose followers? I swear she used to be at over 2M
  2. Jesus grew like a MFFFFF this shit is so good
  3. The true surprise at this point would be her not releasing it all. A true reverse suprise experience.
  4. Late to the thread but I am so beyond happy for Kim's win last weekend. I've been following her since IDWIAA and have met her several times, even smoked her up in my car the summer of 2018 - I simply have never met a nicer, more deserving person of all their success. Watching her win and then give a great performance right after nearly brought me to tears. YAY KIMMMM!!!!!!
  5. Golden Hour


    Album has a little bit of everything, which is cool. Kind of like BNE and AL had a baby with Petals/Flowers as the step-parents. I love it.
  6. I reaaaaally looped it this last month (428 plays) and am trying to do the same now but… OPEN ME UP, TELL ME YOU LIKE IT will just pop into my head and I have no choice
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