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Everything posted by imbennett

  1. when i imagine what the "automated songwriting" is, i think of "downatthemeninmusicBUSINESSconferencee" which i'm not NOT here for
  2. imbennett

    Zella Day

    Could you send me the email? Mine is fucked up as well
  3. im so confused as to why he and pitchfork haven't reviewed it (especially p4k since they reviewed nbl and hsb and loved gold satin dreamer)
  4. the reasonable side of me wants to be understanding of the fact that most of these fans are very young- i was a lana stan at like 14 and i was cringy as hell just loud and annoying (literally can't even watch my videos from la to the moon tour bc im screaming MOTHER and shit) however i did not have a platform where i talked about lana at the time and it was early enough in her career that i knew the lore. it's mainly just frustrating when the newer tiktok fans say just straight up wrong things about lana and her career (she was an addict during btd, she had an ed during aka, more that i can't think of right now). the way that when older fans try to educate them they bite back and call us "gatekeepers" is annoying. i will admit i gatekeep at times however i feel as though they are mainly just acting immature because they're young and they'll likely grow out of it. idk!
  5. pre-cotcc was so traumatic it was borderline taboo to listen to her, the mask thing, no date for months, that COVER...just horrid
  6. i bought btd on cd around when paradise dropped when i was like 10 bc the record store clerk told me i'd like it, then i didn't buy her music at all until i started collecting vinyl in 2020 now i have all her albums and preorder whenever a new one drops
  7. oy vey. we are never getting anything from her again i fear
  8. all that aside, album is really good. feels like a natural progression from natural born losers while skipping over the messy production of heart shaped bed
  9. amazon secured waiting for the indie to drop in the us bc thats one im not willing to miss...gnna be my 2nd time having 2 variants!
  10. need light pink vinyl to go up in the us...i think green is indie exclusive so i can maybe get that at the record store on release day
  11. the internal struggle of keeping this thread open or not hearing a ding every 10 seconds
  12. i can't take this ELIZABETH WAKE THE FUCK UPPPP
  13. im literally disoriented what did they do to the song
  14. do you miss me at all is such a classic so perfectly written
  15. bitch thats not sky ferreira thats ground lamborghini
  16. i would honestly recommened going nbl->hsb->observatory mansions->ode to dawn weiner->flowers of flesh and blood->curdled milk. start with the more well produced stuff and then slowly get more and more lo-fi until she's just singing into her laptop mic
  17. love some of the shirts but girl what the fuck is that tank top 😭
  18. i like it a lot! a super promising new direction. wish the song had one big cathartic moment though- a 5 minute song always should. weird that it's not on streaming yet.
  19. imbennett

    Zella Day

    almost good quickly jumping to favorite track well
  20. its been "really coming" for 6 years
  21. what is it about this thread that attracts such chaos…
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