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Everything posted by spock

  1. spock


    Does anyone have a link to the original Old Habits Die Hard and That’s So Us pretty please? The Unsolved tracks have been replaced by the CXII versions on Apple Music
  2. spock


    Devil I Know is SO good, I can't believe how much of a SERVE this era has been so far
  3. spock

    Charli XCX

    so... no masterpost yet?
  4. spock

    Charli XCX

    I just got back from the Brixton show and she was amazing, but that was the worst concert experience I ever had I get that it’s fun to take a pill before a show, god knows I’ve done it, but I have no fucking clue what people were on. At least 5 twinks around me could barely stand and leaned on me the whole, and others were pushing and shoving constantly not caring about other people around them. Then someone smashed a poppers bottle on the floor during Click so it stank the entire fucking time. We changed spots twice and it was exactly the same. Like I don’t want to add fuel to the fire, but I have no idea when Charli crowds got like this, because from what I’ve been reading from other dates it seems to be a common occurence for this tour. I’ve been going to Charli gigs since Sucker and never had this problem. I know there’s shit people at every gig but these bandwagoning twinks are kind of ruining everything
  5. spock

    Charli XCX

    Is there a video of the Vroom Vroom performance from last night? I think the gay autobot was there
  6. spock


    They sound very Halloween-y omg. If she releases this month I’m going to die
  7. spock


    But we don't know anything yet, so it's normal she doesn't have a strong visual direction yet. She also doesn't have the budget lol the song sounds dark, she's been liking youtube comments saying the video is like a horror movie and now this t shirt. I'm not saying it will end up happening but I think we just need to give it time
  8. spock


    I don't see the other girls pulling from Rosemary's Baby and classic horror movies though. If this is the inspo for the new era I am so here for it
  9. spock


    did she give a hint?
  10. spock


    where's the announcement
  11. spock

    Charli XCX

    For people that got to meet her at the show or who might know, can you bring stuff for her to sign?
  12. spock

    Charli XCX

    but like, what locals? not to shade or anything, but it's not like the GP is checking on her anyways, her shows are 98% stans. so I Love It over No Angel, for example, which has been teased on the merch and stuff, makes no sense (also if I recall correctly didn't she say a while ago she would never play Boom Clap/I Love IT during her own shows? maybe I'm wrong)
  13. spock

    Charli XCX

    I hope it's cropped and there are a few more songs at the bottom I need No Angel
  14. spock

    Charli XCX

    How early do you think gays will line up for the meet and greet in London? Was thinking of maybe getting there around noon, but I feel like it's going to be packedT
  15. spock

    Charli XCX

    So if she’s playing all the songs from Charli, and there are going to be no songs from True Romance or Sucker, and assuming the setlist is around 20 songs, then I guess she’ll play Vroom Vroom Girls Night Out No Angel Focus Unlock It Boys? I think she could have skipped a few songs from Charli to make room for others but oh well
  16. spock

    Charli XCX

    yeah I'm disappointed they didn't change it the least they could have done is change the background lol
  17. spock

    Charli XCX

    Is it socially acceptable to start harassing that user for the masterpost now?
  18. spock

    Charli XCX

    the way she has her chunky sneaker on our throats and won't let us breathe
  19. spock


    I like it, but I think it sounds too repetitive. Like all the songs kind of sound the same? I'm sure it snaps on a night out though
  20. spock

    Charli XCX

  21. spock

    Charli XCX

    this album is amazing, the wait was long and horrible but Ms XCX did not disappoint that being said, BIOYL sticks out like a sore thumb
  22. spock


    I missed the Honey Tour and I am SO pissed! I hope she tours again soon I was wondering if anybody had a link to the Honey instrumental?
  23. spock

    Charli XCX

    hopefully this one stays online
  24. spock

    Charli XCX

    Hope the cover art is released soon
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