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Your Girl Lana

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Everything posted by Your Girl Lana

  1. Excited too:) Hope that she sings some new songs:)
  2. I used to have the the same unreleased that CristalCastles and some BTD demos, my Pc broke and i lost everything...And I discovered that Lana didn't liked the fact that the musics got leak...so I didn't gave very importance in getting the music back...
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OfJRX-8SXOs&feature=BFa&list=AL94UKMTqg-9CJ_gu6qXZPBgAz35Q9V-HR I would love that she sing something like this:)
  4. My favourite is This Is What Makes Us Girls, I love the lyrics, the instrumental with the background noises
  5. I want it too, with more "Orchestral" instrumentals in the songs, like ISTBD live, i love it:)
  6. I don't know if she's shooting DP, she said that it will have a video, but I don't know if it will be a single, because she has the BTD PE in November, and I think that she might release one single in september...
  7. Love it This is my favourite Lana cover so far, it looks very fresh and natural. It's my impression or she have long feet?
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