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Everything posted by Valerie

  1. I think the store was a nice and cute idea to setup. What is crazy is the people that went there and some of them were waiting for hours (nobody forced them to go so early it's their fault lmao) once they saw Lana arriving in the store they just ruined it. They were waiting for hours, they finally saw Lana coming to the store and what did they do? Fought and created a chaos. If it was me waiting there for hours I would have kept quiet and be patient because Lana finally arrived, it would be only a matter of time until I got inside so why not? Why start a fight and waste all these hours i've been waiting? It's stupid. It wasn't just one or two people creating problems otherwise they would have just been escorted away from the area. It was soooo many people. the fans on instagram were there though.They are glad Lana left fast because the situation got out of control and dangerous. Not Lana's fault, sorry.
  2. from the comments on IG: "nataliae24 The whole thing was a shit show. Those bitch ass fans ruined everything, they were throwing water and other shit to fans leaving the store, causing a scene, screaming an booing. There was a lot of booing near the front of the line causing ppl to go up to see what was wrong and they ended up cutting the line. I waited 6 hours to see her and didn’t. I’m rlly disappointed but I’m glad Lana got out. My dad managed to get a video of her leaving, hmu if you want to see it." Lana had her house broken into, her computer hacked, her car stolen, death threats by fans, yet people expect her to wait in this mess in the store? They are insane if they think that lmao. Fighting and causing a havoc outside jesus christ. And people have the audacity to call her lazy and all sort of names? Wow...
  3. lmfao. first off nobody forced these ppl to go 3-4-5-10 hours earlier and secondly it was also for free. They didn't pay any money to get to the store lol. Once it started getting crazy outside, Lana left and I'm glad she left for her safety. Her team and security knew what they were doing. The store inside already got very crowded, they are not going to invite inside hundreds of people it's dangerous and scary as hell. People fighting outside ruined it themselves, noone else. Lana never promised she was gonna stand around for 23423 hours, people need to get over it.
  4. Agreed. Everyone here, including you, tried to say that "nobody tried to help him" and it's you that is reaching indeed. He admitted himself that others did try to help him, and the fact that you are lying and saying they didn't is disrespectful to them. By claiming that no one tried to help him, you are telling me that his mother, a teacher who even you said he was very close to, did not care enough about him to offer help. But you want to call me disrespectful? If you were as big of a fan as you portray then you should have listened to what he said more clearly. Posts like this below say it very clearly. "...I don't let people help me but I need help but not when I have my pills..." https://www.instagram.com/p/Bbf3UbgFm-E/?hl=en&taken-by=lilpeep
  5. more rumors. Even the thing about Trump's mom supposedly saying "what did I create" is a rumor too, where is the proof? where is the proof of all the above? proofs for Trump too, proofs for Roy, proofs/valid reports/anything. You don't go anywhere without proofs. Until then, it's all lies simple as that honey. what about Hillary btw? Hillary supports pedos, her own husband who she is still with, is accused of rape. I didn't see anyone mentioning that.How convenient! hahah Anyways, you say that it's BreitBart lies? Ok, where is the proof? No proof? btw- so?so what if i have few posts? Don't worry though, I won't spend the rest posts here, besides I know you don't have any proofs and nobody else does sooo it's pointless. Have a good day/night!
  6. what does this prove? oh and the keywords in this vid here are: "they let you do it" you know what that means? "let you do it" = consent. Nice try tho, didn't see THAT coming. Where's the actual proof now?
  7. Being accused of sexual assault and/or rape does not make you an offender.There's no evidence unfortunately for you.
  8. Nice try but no.Trump's mother said that because she didn't like how suddenly her family got attention/spotlight thanks to Donald's antics and his divorce from his first wife Ivana. She was more worried for herself, she didn't like getting into the spotlight because of that. That doesn't make him a "monster". Actual monsters are rapists,murderers,pedophiles,terrorists etc etc. Not Trump. I'm not sure if you are being serious or trolling but whatever
  9. Hold on,donald trump #1? so tonz of murderers,rapists,pedophiles,terrorists,anything to hate the most are not #1 yet Trump is? wow this world has no hope
  10. you guys jump to insult me and some of you in fact disrespected peep's family. How do you "know" that nobody helped him? You don't know his family and the people close to him. You just don't know which people tried to help him. There is no way he didn't get help.His mother did try to help him,she was super close and loved him.Obviously we don't know which people or the number of people but the one FACT is that at least one person (his mother) did offer him help, we just don't know which other people helped too. It's insulting to even try to say that nobody helped him.You all yap about me "disrespecting" him, yet you don't realize that you disrespect every person that tried to help him including his mother with insisting that "nobody helped him". Interesting how that works. Anyways, I'm done with this topic so save your quotes.
  11. So you can call people affected by this crazy but I can't call him an idiot? mod note - user has been warned for above posts in this thread
  12. I see no difference between what I posted in comparison to your post, so we can be heartless together then! No problem there! Hopefully sparklegingerinbred learns the real definition of respect soon before he tries to lecture me tho.
  13. What the fuck do you know about respect btw? Your response to a video of someone speaking about how people who have sacrificed themselves for your ginger inbred ass to have freedom over hundreds of years was a burnt flag. Throw yourself in that fire next time fire crotch, you can join lil peephole xxx
  14. Nothing taboo about drug usage when the abuse is up almost 9% in the U.S since 2002, not to mention it is one of the most sympathized causes of death. People are treated as heroes when they die of addiction more so than when they die of cancer which is fucking tragic. What brings people back is the "mystery" behind it, don't deny it. It compels more people in comparison to "expected" deaths such as cancer. He had more money than most kids do at his tender age and he chose to shit it all down the drain on drugs and bitch about it in his music rather than getting actual help. Music can only help so much, just ask Lana. You want help? Look for it, you can't expect the world to come to you. The problem with you all is you're too entitled and products of a pussy silver spoon generation. You think you're so special that people should be flocking to your door to help you. The world doesn't work that way. None of you know if someone tried to help him, and if he's as close to his mother as you all claim, then you can bet she tried. And tried. And tried. And tried. It's an endless cycle with many junkies, and they hurt so many people along the way. And they don't give a fuck about it either.
  15. "Being in an entourage of enablers" yes like you. You keep making up excuses for him. "No one around him had the insight to get him help" how the hell would you know? You don't know what people have tried to do. First I have people telling me that he knew he needed help but didn't seek for it, now you're telling me that no one told him to get help. How are you getting this info exactly? So his mom he was super close to (as stated by people in this thread) just let her kid go without saying anything? If what you are telling me is true and you have evidence of not ONE person ever telling him to get help or trying to help him, then yes, his mom is an idiot too. Ultimately though it is lil peepah's move. You can only help yourself, others can only do so much. You are a part of the "entourage of an enablers", make no mistake of that. Look at the way you excuse his usage. Yet you say you care? You don't give a fuck. You just pretend to.
  16. don't try to get it twisted sweetie. I want you to quote me with the exact sentence where i said "he deserved to die". Im waiting. What is this crap? "you implieeeeed" where did i imply that? Maybe u are seeing what u want to see, must be repressed thoughts on lil peep. Food for thought. "last thing i will say on the subject" yes, because you know u are wrong.
  17. you still haven't showed me the post where i said he deserved to die. and he actually has a support system honey, he KNEW he had "mental problems" as he claimed and what did he do? he used the money for his 'rising rap career' instead of getting help.there is even free youth centers he could go to. he had support and his family, his own mother was close to him, and money as well. Lots of addicts have amazing families, supporting people around them, but they still waste themselves.supporting environment does help to some degree, but in the end it's them that can only truly help themselves. Peeper chose to surround himself with shit people and didn't regard anything and anyone close to him.
  18. Lana is sober sweetie and guess what!Shes sober bc she respects herself, she respects her own life and her family. How exactly is lana a drug addict and unfeeling piece of shit?
  19. But his life barely begun. He was only 21. rising rapper lol. He barely did anything, what "rising rapper"?? He was only 21. He should get help if he had "problems" and not drug himself to death and bringing pain to his family and friends. learn how to read better honey. When did i say "he deserved to die"? quote which post of mine says that. I will wait okay? my mind is fine thankfully. you should pray for yours. The heartless one is Lil Peepah for not giving a fuck for anyone else but himself and drugs.
  20. yes sweetie i do know. one depression symptom can be = not giving a fuck.Im sure you know that too I don't care if you insult me. I didn't insult you though so go ahead. Him saying that he has mental health issues doesn't make him any less of an idiot. And just bc someone claims to have mental problems doesn't mean they do. Usually it's just this pussy generation being a bunch of melodramatic queens. He was unsympathetic, insensitive and not giving a fuck for his own family the people he would break their hearts. I feel bad for his family and friends, but not for him. IF he gave a damn especially since he knew very well he risks of killing himself, he wouldn't waste his life like that and disappoint his mother. Junkies that have no regard to anything, not even their own family are a waste.period. Fuck off We are all allowed to voice opinions sweetie, deal with it. The same way you are allowed to say your part, I am as well, we all are and we will say what we think. Its called "freedom of speech" get used to it. You want people to stop abusing drugs and killing themselves? Then stop enabling them and approving of their shitty excuses. That guy didn't respect himself, he didn't respect his family, he didn't respect his own mother who was close to him. Why should I respect him? I don't care for his lame excuses, they are still excuses. He was "mentally ill" but he had no problem to encourage his friends to snort lines with him. Is this how he "cares" for his friends? His own self? He didn't care for anything.His only concern was drugs. IF he was sympathetic (hilarious how you call me unsympathetic while this guy wasn't even sympathetic to himself and his own friends and family) he wouldn't even encourage his friends to snort with him. He would do it alone.
  21. if you were waiting for someone to say this then you know it's truth too. Peepah was an unfeeling asshole who didn't even care for his life or for anyone else. If he really cared he wouldn't disappoint his family and mother like that.He wouldn't break his mom's heart like that and not let her down. I don't care for junkies that waste their lives like that and not giving a single fuck for their own well being, not giving a fuck for their family, they only care for their next dose. I feel more sorry for his family, not him. And i will feel sorry for every innocent kid and adults that struggle with life threatening health issues and cancer, not for junkies.the drugs were more important to him, he knew there is major risk of dying and breaking his familys hearts.He didn't care.period.
  22. a major druggie who even advocated drug use on his ig all the time. i wont even feel sorry for him. good innocent little children die of cancer everyday, and this little junkie idiot gives away his life like that.better talented people died of addiction than this guy and it did nothing for anti-addiction. pretty much the opposite in fact, it just compelled people to do it more bc they think living fast and dying young is "coool". I feel only sorry for his family losing their kid,but that kid is an idiot for wasting his life like that and not giving a fuck for his own life.if he doesn't care for his life then nobody else will.
  23. A lot of these women that came forward after 10-15-20 years had many chances in the past to TRY and come forward.In fact a lot of them accepted payments and settlements. How come and they were totally fine to accept money at first place? Even one of them after the alleged rape,she got into a personal relationship with him and was getting money,gifts etc too.Great logic, she claims she got raped and next she dates her rapist? Very fishy. While there is no doubt that Harvey did a lot of shit to many women, there is also a very large number of women that exaggerated/lied for their benefit. It's not about being more sympathetic or not, she has always cared and being sympathetic towards every situation. Why would she feel bad for "glamorizing" something that caused pain?The manson murders didn't cause any pain? Because she sings about those in heroin. The jonestown massacre didn't cause any pain? Because she used that too for Freak last year.Pedophilia,domestic violence etc don't cause pain?Because she sings about those too.She performed Lolita too. Of course Lana does care and always cared for every situation and for what people think but she is not being politically correct. There is no difference between all those horrible events,they are all horrible crimes.The murders,massacre,violence,pedo, and the harvey case. "I think also she's understanding that her music does have an affect on the world and on her fans." Oh? Is that why she is glamorizing murders?the massacres?violence?pedophilia? You make no sense, if that was the case then Lana wouldn't sing about any of those. "Like with her deleting all her instas/tweets, and also just with the fact that she's said so many times that LFL was not only for her but for her fans too." Actually she restored most of her old ig posts and she sings the UV line again.So the above doesn't apply either. I think its wrong to cherry pick and try to compare those cases because they are not even different.They are all horrible cases that did/still do cause pain.If Lana is about to start censoring herself and retire cola then she should retire her other songs too. The only reason she retired Cola is just to save her career and avoid people attacking her.
  24. So you can't answer the fact that Barrie follows and interacts with a bunch of underage female Lana fans & even posts kisses and approving messages on videos of these underage girls sucking on their fingers seductively. Yet you get offended over Harvey's name lmao! The hypocrisy lives on. Not sure how disapproving of this makes me a single white male, but I guess that's your attempt at diverting the convo again? They're hypocrites, plain and simple. It's why LaMartine openly admitted she will not quote and answer everything I wrote and it's why salvatore keeps dodging the question about Barrie meanwhile acting like he's in hysterics over Harvey being mentioned in Cola as well as my first post to him which he conveniently dodged too. They don't give a shit about these girls that were abused by Harvey. They only pretend to care so they're not looked upon as enabling assholes and get shunned, and that's exactly why Lana is appeasing to this as well.
  25. And you know exactly what I meant, it's why none of you can answer my questions and keep dodging them actually. Just like my previous post to you that you couldn't answer, and now the question about Barrie lmao. So it's okay for Barrie to find underage girls sexually attractive to the point of posting kisses on videos of them sucking their fingers seductively?
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