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Everything posted by Valerie

  1. She's "evolving". She had an introspective epiphany in her 30s apparently. And of course she's a narcissist. Remember the whole "I really think only me and mah boyfriend understand music on a deep level" spiel?
  2. SUCH an advocate for women! Aside from the fact that she's been silent about her and her sister's friend BØREDs, proceeded to collaborate with Rocky despite his history, idolises woman beater John Lennon and his "peace" tripe... the list continues. Funny how she concluded her comment guessing that Kanye wouldn't address her thoughts, yet she's failed to address the aforementioned herself. How convenient. I guess ignorance really is bliss when it's someone you know/are a fan of!
  3. They both still follow her and courtney never posted that pic of them all together.
  4. "I'm your man" sounds like a Leonard Cohen reference to me.
  5. don't you worry dearrr! She will perform next time! get ready to bump this thread in 3-4 years like u always do with threads lmaoo
  6. Thank you for posting it. I LOVE these facts. Very nice of him to write this letter and detailing everything with such great accuracy and truth. I hope Lana will read it very carefully and consider performing in Israel, if not this year perhaps the next!
  7. Constantinople (Istanbul) was originally Greek/belonged to Greece. Before the Ottomans conquered it.
  8. Being "old and following this issue long before the media" doesn't validate/turn your opinion into a fact. Because just like you "being old and following this issue long before the media" there's plenty of members around here that are as old and OLDER than even you so I don't even understand why do you use that as argument. And no matter how much u follow the issue, you are not going to know any better than someone who sees it first hand themselves by living there. Even if you follow everyyyy media outlet, every clue, everything you read on the internet, you will never ever ever in your life know how is it first hand if you won't live there yourself and gather yourself every fact. I'm not saying that you have to go there, of course not. My point is that you shouldn't rush to dismiss/invalidate someone elses opinion before reviewing it/thinking it very carefully and objectively. That being said, voicing your opinion on the subject is just that and that's how it needs to also remain. Just like everyone else here (let me remind you this is a music fan forum and not a politics/political in any way-forum) voice their opinions, of course as long it's in a respectful manner and not in a condescending-aggressive manner. Hilarious indeed that once again you fail to see the point. Actually no the context in all my posts in response to that person and few people that followed after that, are exactly what I explained to you in my previous post. People upvoted my posts in agreement too because they understood the point of my post (unlike you). I explained to you very clearly what the reason was behind those posts but you refuse to see it because-again-you are simply biased/passionate/persistent on your views regarding Israel. You didn't do any favor. In fact the way you brought up only few particular posts (to your convenience) of mine accompanied with your own remarks only made me look worse. And you know what. If my post was leaning towards your own point of view on the israeli matter, you wouldn't be calling me an asshole now. Funny how that works To you: what is opposite of your view then = "asshole" ? Interesting. We really need to agree that we are going to have same/or different views on the subject at hand here, and try to share our thoughts/learn as best as possible. Obviously there will be many different views, some correct,some wrong, some....50/50. In the end of the day from what it looks like, Lana is going to perform 100% in Israel. And there isn't anything to be done about it. Why can't we just focus on that? If you people are interested too to share thoughts on the setlist etc? It's not like the concert won't happen. It will happen...
  9. Instead of selectively quoting (convenient to you) posts of mine alone (I mean you should have quoted also the person I was answering to/quoting him with those posts AND the other posts I made too in order for ppl to know exactly what happened and why I said what I said) and saw the whole picture, you would have known that I specifically quoted that person for a reason. Allow me to explain why and please don't try again to manipulate my posts like that again thank you. The particular person went on a rant in more than one threads and yelling at people "you don't careeee, you won't careeee. You will only care about yourselvesss" in an attempt to make them feel bad for themselves eventho they really didn't do anything wrong aside from voicing their opinions. I wasn't vile nor was my intention to be vile. In fact I was absolutely very clear in my posts. I simply pointed out to that person that while he's been calling other peoples names about "not caringggg" and being aggressive due to that, it got proved that he only cares bc he does have relation to family being from palestine and they apparently moved to Brazil. See now the reasoning behind those posts? My intention wasn't to be mean to that person or anyone else. I simply wanted to point out how he falls very well into the same category he tried to brand others for. There is no harm in pointing it out. And I responded accordingly to people based on how they treated me too, I returned the same treatment. And since you put the effort to quote a post of mine, would you be a dear to respond also to my reply to your post from earlier? This one: http://lanaboards.com/index.php?/topic/10218-galilee-israel-meteor-festival-sep-7-2018-confirmed/page-11&do=findComment&comment=669591
  10. You are free to think of it as "false". It won't necessarily make it false in reality tho.
  11. That's very flawed and dangerous logic and easily exploitable. If we are to go by that logic, then on this forum people need to also: stop spewing anti-american comments since u know there's members that are americans, stop spewing anti- (other country name here of ur choice which had/still has issues/situation similar/or worse than israel in the past or present etc) since well... there will be again members of that country and so on and on. It doesn't work that way. Everyone is allowed to speak out with no exceptions, voice their opinions as long it's in a respectful manner. If and whoever thinks differently/disagrees with the said members they can simply initiate a convo to exchange their views in an attempt to understand each other and possibly learn something new too.
  12. No one likes radiohead??? omfg lmfao you definitely know nothing about music and it shows. You're probably bitter abt the lawsuit too... And Lana is going to be fine. Just like how many other artists that performed there are ALL fine. Stop making a mountain out of a molehill and stop comparing her to Lorde. Lana doesn't give a flying fuck for what Lorde did or does. Period.
  13. They are not going to care. The most they might care about is just security to be great. If they don't want to go they won't go. Nothing more nothing less.
  14. Says the person who quoted me asking about my views. Poopielove strikes again.
  15. It’s the sound of u initiating a conversation with me and taking such an interest in my views that u asked me questions, but then getting embarrassed because you can’t read so u retorted with the stale “I don’t have time” bs. :usrs:
  16. Yet you quoted me and you’re still yapping to me on top of that. No one gives a shit what the fan bought. Lana isn’t obligated to follow anyone, period. Just because you buy her things doesn’t mean she has to kiss your ass and vice versa. Everyone is free to do and say whatever they want as long as it isn’t putting others in danger. You say Lana needs thicker skin but here u are all butthurt over a couple twinks being unfollowed. Get over it.
  17. I already said that disagreeing isn’t a problem tho. I actually said that twice, once in the post you quoted above and in another post. So again “She unfollowed ppl who were rude to her (example included) & people can disagree all they want but don’t be shocked if she unfollows you for laughing at her” etc. So there’s no need to be concerned, just learn how to read instead.
  18. That was a "weak move" ? You know what's actually a weak move? Patronising her and insulting her. That's a weak move. Not lana who reacted to that behavior and simply unfollowed them. Very logical and absolutely right of her to do. Why would she keep following people that disrespected/insulted/patronised her? Lmao nobody would put up with that shit. She unfollowed people that were rude and nasty. Not everyone who disagreed with her. That's the difference. She didn't bring up anything on herself, she responded with crystal clear posts where she made it CLEAR what she thinks of politics and everything. It's her view. People can disagree all they want but they need to do it respectfully. The people who were not respectful simply got the boot. Well deserved. Yes I wanted to point out few things on that Twitter, nothing wrong with posting it again so...
  19. there is a difference between opinions and blatant mocking/insulting you know. Lana didn't unfollow people for having different opinions, she unfollowed because they were being nasty. People can disagree just fine if it's in respectful manner and not with mocking/patronising her you know. will give you an example: https://twitter.com/96Iust/status/1031328026234171392 Comparing her to Lorde wasn't good idea nor was the "Up lana's ass" part. And he also mocked her. "lol this will not help make the world a better place". Yet this person is surprised she unfollowed him? Of course she would unfollow him after that and he deserved it 100%. And ^this is just one of the many examples. I didn't see anyone having issues with her performing in Germany or Russia. Funny how being selective works
  20. And she doesn't need to kiss their ass when they disagree. She will unfollow and ppl will deal. She's not going to listen to bullshit nasty insults either.
  21. lmao your posts are so entertaining. I laughed so hard at these: "President Obama saved the nation and world from a world depression" "President Obama killed binladen, smoked him out and killed him" EX president Obama didn't do any of the above tho LMAOOOO. It was Bush giving the order to find binladen, not Obama. But please carry on with the amusing posts! So fucking funny lmfao Also this was hilarious af too: "and America will be great the day trump and pence are gone" America is GREAT right now tho. And I hope there will be never again another demo president. Chances are they will be utter filthy trash.
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