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Posts posted by Valerie

  1. still don't know why you haven't been banned yet. maybe we should re-consider that. you're full of hate :)

    Just because you don't like me doesn't mean I should get banned. Good thing you are not staff :) you would do a terrible job. I didn't say anything bad or wrong and I follow the site's rules, based on those rules I don't even deserve any ban. Halsey is snorting coke openly in public and stating the obvious thing is "hateful"? Give me a break.


    So now i look back on the other page and it is working? I think maybe it just takes a while for my computer to register or something hahah

    yes it can be a browser issue/or onsite issue taking long to load the gif. it can happen, that's alright thought at least you know now that it definitely works 

  3. girl youre so annoying we get you think its cringeworthy but nobody cares... you been on here for 6 hours and all except one of your posts has been in this forum... gtfo

    gtfo yourself. everyone is allowed to voice their opinions. who are u to dictate who is to post or not post on this forum? fuck off. and for your info the "Time Online" on our profiles is not working correctly, it doesn't show accurate numbers.

  4. It shows as a broken link,  just 'giphy.gif' ugh :(

    Im positive its on your browser side the issue, because I do see the gif and I viewed it with two different browsers just now to test it. Maybe edit your post and try again? Try with different gifs again and pictures too. The code is correct, just make sure when you get the url of a gif or image to be direct link. you can make sure u have the right link with just right-click on the gif or image of your choice from google and choose "copy image location". It's the direct link ready to use for copy here. And no it doesn't matter if it's HTTP or HTTPS. the "S" is just to inform you that the site/url is safe, nothing to worry abt it.

  5. So what does the code have to be? HTTP, not HTTPS? And definitely. gif at the end?

    it worked. I see your previous post with the gif showing up correctly. Do u see it now or it still shows up as broken link to you?

  6. Eek it doesn't. I'll have to quote e someone who posts a gift to see what the code is

    it works. the code is correct, its just the particular gif you chose that doesn't work. try again with another gif


    edit: it looks like it actually worked. probably the site took long to load it.

  7. By thanking them she's encouraging it though, which they can continue to do sure but it's unlikely they'll really find any incriminating evidence, everything they've put forward relies on speculation as well

    who said they are looking for incriminating evidence tho? They are just trying to find the truth. What did you expect her to say? "no don't support me, dont look for those pics"? Why wouldn't she thank the people who supported her? melanie didn't even employ her fans as you initially said she did. I bet you would be fine with it if Lana was in this situation and you all went to seek out some kind of truth (just like what the fans tried to do in melanie's case).

  8. omg just realized how the journey ends


    "Freedom to live. Freedom to live means freedom from negative emotions which pull the hero away from living in the moment. Negative emotions such frustration, sadness, shame, fear, depression, doubt and despair are banished and instead he is able to celebrate the victory"


    She Gets Free. That's where the title came from. 

    she doesn't have freedom from everything considering she had to axe a song in fear of ruining her career. and btw lana didn't have science in mind. the original title of get free was Malibu. How is Malibu = science?

  9. May you point out where she states this in her tweets? All it seems like you're going off of are assumptions. Nothing is to be "implied" by the tweets, they're not a novel


    Your stigmas around Melanie are inaccurate interpretations of what is actual being said. The "vibe" is nothing more than your personal feeling


    If you're talking about that sense of employing, why would she not use the points made by her fans to defend herself? There's literally no reason to


    inb4 "you should take some ESL classes" :rip:

    Exactly lmao


    Melanie didn't change her story. What she said in the beginning she said it again now, she never changed anything. Timah on the other hand her story has holes that just make it questionable. At this point all we have is speculations, we probably will never know the truth. :rip:

  10. Why are there two pages of personal conflicts. Fucking redirect to the topic at hand or I'm handing out more mod queues. Obviously you are not agreeing today... :lanasrs:

    wishing someone to be raped is not just a simple "conflict" :facepalm:

    And unlike that member you have not received a warning and been placed on mod queue. Yet


    Back to the baby girl

    unlike that member, Wynwood actually doesn't deserve that 'mod queue'. definitely not for any of the comments in this thread, so.

  11. wow, how inspiring! what an underdog! glad she got the coat

    YEP!!! I know right??? Amazing! I was pleasantly surprised that Lana noticed people she doesn't even follow. I thought she pays attention only to people she follows but the fact she noticed Heather just beats that theory. I'm really happy for that because it shows how Lana really pays attention to all her fans! Very happy for Heather and you should be glad because according to Lana's response to Heather in DMs, Heather's partner isn’t doing well 

  12. SOOO happy for heather and the rest! the coat is a beautiful item to have. What I liked a lot is that Heather wasn't even followed by Lana, so anyone could have won, it wasn't something exclusive for people Lana follows! Lana started following her after she gave away the coat to her! Heather posted a screencap on her instagram with the follow from Lana after she won. So awesome that Lana noticed her, that girl has barely 800 followers!

  13. A lot of her fans are pretty young. You know, underdeveloped frontal lobe and all. I think it's important to remember that aside from all the jokes, Lana is just a human being, she's vulnerable, she has emotions, and she's not a god, so you don't need to see her rightawayohmygodshesrightthereiddietotouchherface. She's just a person, who's a great singer and artist. When I met with a scientist I'd been admiring in my field for awhile (and then presented my data to him  :hdu: ), I knew logically that he was just a human being... with two PhDs and a ton of awards. Lana is the same, but with a different career. Human. Normal. Respect the talent. Admire her. But chill, damn it. 

    Yeah some fans go overboard and it just gets weird and creepy. She is a human like everyone else just chill and respect her, she is already doing so much for her fans, even the pictures/selfies/autographs/meet and greets are for free. Other stars charge their fans for those.

    The clips were scary.She had the security guys trying to guide her through the sea of fans to get her in her car and it looks nuts, people were trying to touch her lol. I'm surprised she will show up tomorrow again, I hope there will be more security around just in case and hopefully no fights this time.

  14. I honestly feel like the popup store was just a bad idea to begin with. It's nice when she can surprise fans on a whim, but setting up an entire store.... that she'd be in.... hmm 


    It's no wonder so many artists keep a low-key indie cult following. A handful of stans is one thing. An arena of stans is another. 

    I think the store was a nice and cute idea to setup. What is crazy is the people that went there and some of them were waiting for hours (nobody forced them to go so early it's their fault lmao) once they saw Lana arriving in the store they just ruined it. They were waiting for hours, they finally saw Lana coming to the store and what did they do? Fought and created a chaos. If it was me waiting there for hours I would have kept quiet and be patient because Lana finally arrived, it would be only a matter of time until I got inside so why not? Why start a fight and waste all these hours i've been waiting? It's stupid. It wasn't just one or two people creating problems otherwise they would have just been escorted away from the area. It was soooo many people.




    You can't say shit if you weren't there

    the fans on instagram were there though.They are glad Lana left fast because the situation got out of control and dangerous. Not Lana's fault, sorry.

  15. from the comments on IG:

    "nataliae24 The whole thing was a shit show. Those bitch ass fans ruined everything, they were throwing water and other shit to fans leaving the store, causing a scene, screaming an booing. There was a lot of booing near the front of the line causing ppl to go up to see what was wrong and they ended up cutting the line. I waited 6 hours to see her and didn’t. I’m rlly disappointed but I’m glad Lana got out. My dad managed to get a video of her leaving, hmu if you want to see it."

    Lana had her house broken into, her computer hacked, her car stolen, death threats by fans, yet people expect her to wait in this mess in the store? They are insane if they think that lmao. Fighting and causing a havoc outside jesus christ. And people have the audacity to call her lazy and all sort of names? Wow...

  16. lmfao. first off nobody forced these ppl to go 3-4-5-10 hours earlier and secondly it was also for free. They didn't pay any money to get to the store lol. Once it started getting crazy outside, Lana left and I'm glad she left for her safety. Her team and security knew what they were doing. The store inside already got very crowded, they are not going to invite inside hundreds of people it's dangerous and scary as hell. People fighting outside ruined it themselves, noone else. Lana never promised she was gonna stand around for 23423 hours, people need to get over it.

  17. I'm not gonna quote that post but yikes that was quite possibly the biggest reach of all time

    Agreed. Everyone here, including you, tried to say that "nobody tried to help him" and it's you that is reaching indeed. He admitted himself that others did try to help him, and the fact that you are lying and saying they didn't is disrespectful to them. By claiming that no one tried to help him, you are telling me that his mother, a teacher who even you said he was very close to, did not care enough about him to offer help. But you want to call me disrespectful? If you were as big of a fan as you portray then you should have listened to what he said more clearly. Posts like this below say it very clearly.


    "...I don't let people help me but I need help but not when I have my pills..."






  18. @@Valerie- sorry that Breitbart version of what trump's mother said is 100% fakenews

    but feel free to idolize trump and Republican Roy Moore who goes out with 14 year olds.

    And eeww to those parents who gave him permission, what did he hypnotize them.

    I know if someone knocked on my door asking permission...


    but trump backs him. He and they are all yours. 


    btw- newbie has a few posts (possibly more as this thread goes on, what does that say

    more rumors. Even the thing about Trump's mom supposedly saying "what did I create" is a rumor too, where is the proof? where is the proof of all the above? proofs for Trump too, proofs for Roy, proofs/valid reports/anything. You don't go anywhere without proofs. Until then, it's all lies simple as that honey.

    what about Hillary btw? Hillary supports pedos, her own husband who she is still with, is accused of rape. I didn't see anyone mentioning that.How convenient! hahah

    Anyways, you say that it's BreitBart lies? Ok, where is the proof? No proof?


    btw- so?so what if i have few posts? Don't worry though, I won't spend the rest posts here, besides I know you don't have any proofs and nobody else does sooo it's pointless. Have a good day/night! :omfg2:


    as trump's mother said "What did I create?" (and note trump never mentions his mother. trump is a monster. Yes, Monsters exist in real life


    @@Valerie- YES and all those things describe trump to a T.

    Nice try but no.Trump's mother said that because she didn't like how suddenly her family got attention/spotlight thanks to Donald's antics and his divorce from his first wife Ivana. She was more worried for herself, she didn't like getting into the spotlight because of that. That doesn't make him a "monster". Actual monsters are rapists,murderers,pedophiles,terrorists etc etc. Not Trump.

    I'm not sure if you are being serious or trolling but whatever :crossed: 

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