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Posts posted by Valerie

  1. Dan Auerbach said Interscope wouldn't release Ultraviolence until Lana met up with Adele's producer. https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-news/how-lana-del-rey-fought-to-get-her-radical-ultraviolence-lp-released-236453/


    Lana also said that when she got signed, she told Jimmy Iovine that "this type of music" (referring to Honeymoon specifically) is all she will ever do. https://pitchfork.com/features/interview/life-liberty-and-the-pursuit-of-happiness-a-conversation-with-lana-del-rey/


    So they're aware.


    She probably just wants to add more tracks to this album. Interscope approved Coachella so they'll approve anything at this point. Doubt there's conflict regarding music.

  2. If she holds resentment towards her songs being leaked that she supposedly did not want out there, why does she draw attention to them by performing them (Serial Killer, Us Against The World, Paradise, Pawn Shop Blues for some fans, Hollywood on IG live, promising to do Wayamaya, etc) & saying she'll release an album full of them someday. She doesn't want them out there, but then she does? Ok.


    Anyways I've never seen a team so mad at the idea of grabbing some easy cash from willing fans. If the album is delayed due to needing extra recording time why didn't Lana mention that vital piece of information weeks ago. The fact that she hasn't jumped in on this to say something while her managers act like children on Instagram (though her behavior in general hasn't been much better) proves she doesn't give one fuck about the disrespect she and her team put out there.


    She can DM Spin Magazine and tell them to fuck themselves over a non-factor opinion regarding her boring answers in interviews but she can't tell Billboard & Elle Magazine to omit the rumored March release from their articles. I have to laugh. 

  3. This entire post is just an unnecessary jab @ peroxide and saying he doesn’t actually care about rape/abuse victims? Jeez...

    Let the adults talk here sis :-)

    Yep the same "adults" that keep bitching about Lana attending Hillsong for 324 pages (including other threads as well), calling her several names too. Sure, go ahead and continue. Ciao sis :-)

  4. All I'm trying to say is Lana going to Hillsong is fucked up for her female fans, her fans who have been a victim of rape, and her gay fans, WHILE ALSO being harmful to herself. It's not all about us either, I'm saying that that place can have a bad influence on HER OWN well-being as well.

    She hasn't been spotted again so there's always the off chance it wasn't for her, and she stopped going. Which is what I'm hoping for

    You have been ranting for 32490 pages abt the lgbt only, and now u suddenly remembered the rape victims? Nah, you only care for lgbt and thats what u have been ranting about for 20 pages now in this thread but u only brought up suddenly the "victims of rape/abuse,female fanzz" for ur argument. Cute try but it's obvious what u're trying to do. Next.

  5. “Lana's fanbase isn't all lgbt, lots of her fanbase including lgbt ppl are just there for her music”. Hahahaha I laughed. Who are you kidding most of them are gay sis are you blind lol Have you seen her live? Look around you next time and tell me most people are straight.


    I was half joking about the Pepsi thing although I admit it wasn’t obvious or that funny...

    a lot of her fans are girls and casual fans, its not majority of her fanbase being lgbt. Just because u see lots of gays huddling in her live shows doesn't mean its all the fans there. Even with BTD era, it wasn't the gay fans making her popular. It was tumblr girls making her popular way before the gays found out they can b0p b0p b0p to her songs.


    Yeah I figured what u tried to do with the pepsi thing eventho it wasn't rly glaringly obvious but anyways.

    And like I said, there is far worse artists that have done really shitty things/beating their gfs like the rockstars I mentioned, and they have their fanbases just fine and selling also just fine. Because ultimately the fans don't care. They are there for the music.


    Same goes for Lana's fanbase. Even if she loses some fans now she is also gaining other fans at the same time. So really, she won't be affected.

  6. She will when she’s the one looking for a stranger to hand her a Pepsi after her income landslides

    She will be just fine actually and won't lose anything. You act like the entire world is suddenly against her but that isn't even close to the reality. Losing few fans won't affect her in the slightest. Most people don't even care whether Lana went to that church or not. They don't give a fuck period. They are there for her music not for what she does in her personal life/free time. Everyone will forget about it once the album drops. If you think that she will go broke and looking for a hand to hand her a pepsi just for that Hillsong shit I have to laugh real hard. And let me tell u something, theres so many artists, rockstars that have been awful ppl themselves,they beat their gfs/doing really shitty things but they also have their careers going great with money flowing. You know why? Because their fans don't care, they only care for the music.

    Lana's fanbase isn't all lgbt, lots of her fanbase including lgbt ppl are just there for her music. They don't give a shit for what she does in her private/free time. A bunch of fans whining for hillsong won't change anything at all. She stays unbothered.

  7. The title of that Stupid song speaks for itself. Ew


    Hey Blue Baby has some pretty vocals there. Nothing groundbreaking but nice to hear her sing. Lyrics aren't the best by any means but since it's just a standalone track I didn't expect the context to be anything special. Probably a good choice on her part to exclude it from the album but then again she's supposedly readying that MGK track for the record so her decisions remain ridiculous regardless

  8. Ooh sorry, we should call you monkey's butt in 2019. Hopefully you won't be on LB next year, we don't need you here.


    Monkey's butt :rip:


    Anyway, back to Instagram Updates


    Hope she posts another snippet soon!  :)

  9. i didn't call her a monkey because she's black. she literally looks like a monkey with her long legs and long arms and small torso and big head


    shit id call a white person a monkey if they had the same body proportions as her



    you definitely are an azealia stan though... pulling out the race card randomly


    Mods disagree :rip: 

  10. you're stupid if you still stan that monkey azealia


    Calling black people monkey's in 2018

    I can't believe she deleted it already lmao... so Lana x



    Hey Elle I sure hope something is done about this comment. Wasn't aware this forum advocated racism.  :flop:

  11. How To Diarrhea has awful lyrics. In fact nothing she's teased has been anything special thus far from a lyrical point of view.


    She needs to stop acting like she's some vagabond poet/the second coming of Leonard Cohen and start focusing on improving the lazy autopilot mode she's gotten comfortable with. 


    Lyfe is hard with two catz in the yard  :rip:

  12. So I take it you're a doormat who will never defend yourself when people talk rubbish behind your back for years? Figured.

    Nah, Lana could have handled it better instead of threatening physical violence. Azealia has never threatened her before that btw, Lana could easily either ignore her or respond to Azaealia's questions. Go figure that too!

  13. Honey I'm fine with there being threads about other celebs, but there is no place on this site for a thread about someone who has made death threats towards Lana- except in the "News" section when AB finally gets arrested or thrown in a psych ward x

    Yeah dunno if Azealia will step that far and tries to actually harm Lana let's hope she won't. I don't think she will risk to end up in jail though. But she literally flipped and turned into this batshit mess she is right now because Lana threatened her. Locking a thread abt an artist/their music is extra. Feud aside there's fans that enjoy Lana's,Azealia's, any other artists music. Let people to join these threads if they like. You guys need to seperate the feud <-> from the artist/music aspect.


    Are you fucking lost in the head? You're too stupid to entertain.


    There's no need to interject if you can't grasp what's going on


    :lmao: :lmao:

    Do you realize that this mess started with Lana threatening Azealia? Do you think it would have been avoided if say Lana never responded/or responded in different manner? Like honestly don't you think this could have been avoided at all??? I don't defend Azealia or Lana, they are both to blame for their feud in this case :toofunny:


    Edit - Then don't quote me again :)

  14. Is it necessary to close every topic when a celebrity has a feud against each other? No, I don’t think so. I mean, otherwise any topic about Lady Gaga should’ve been closed as well since Lana didn’t like her, she wrote a diss track about her (even though they take pictures with each other, post it on Instagram, so I think nothing is wrong now). But I don’t think this is a ’normal’ celebrity feud anymore between Lana and Azealia. At this point Azealia even wrote about Lana dying in a ‘mysterious house fire’, body shamed her, et cetera, and at the end of the day, this community is dedicated to Lana... If someone says such vile things about Lana, I don’t believe someone is even worth it to have a topic dedicated to them on this forum. If her fans have such a big issue that they aren’t capable of talking about Azealia here then why won’t they search for a new place to talk about her?

    This feud they have right now while it sucks on both sides it wouldn't have happened at first place if Lana didn't threat her, so it's not like Azealia started it out of nowhere lmao. However given how it escalated sure it wen't out of control but I don't see how locking a thread is gonna do any difference. It will only upset the fans and since you say that it's a forum dedicated to Lana, then by that logic it should remain focused only on Lana with no other topics about any other celebrities at all. It will either be a Lana forum with sections for other celebrities too (additionally) or strictly only a Lana-focused forum. It's not fair to cherry pick and choose which celebrities to "forbid". Imagine if that happened back then with Gaga's topic too. People should be free to post in which thread they like. If anyone hates AB or some other artist then no problem just don't visit the said thread. It's really simple.

  15. feud aside it's not convenient to lock this thread. the fans won't have where to post abt her. if we had to lock threads bc of celebrities feuds there would be no threads left

  16. You’ve done sooo much other shit and I didn’t like your tone. I admit I overreacted, and I apologize, but please don’t speak to me that way again

    "don't speak to me that way again" um...but you came in here to mention me and accuse me of bullying tho.. obviously I would respond to u in that way. U would do the same in my position I believe. Anyways, thank u :)

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