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Posts posted by Valerie

  1. no one likes radiohead.


    No one likes radiohead??? omfg lmfao you definitely know nothing about music and it shows. You're probably bitter abt the lawsuit too... :toofunny:

    And Lana is going to be fine. Just like how many other artists that performed there are ALL fine. Stop making a mountain out of a molehill  :facepalm:  and stop comparing her to Lorde. Lana doesn't give a flying fuck for what Lorde did or does. Period.

  2. You know what I’m curious about?

    The rest of the band’s perspective on going. This includes everyone. Band members Byron, Blake, Tom, and Kevin, Dancers Ashley & Alex, all the sound engineers, Carl her bodyguard... I wonder how they feel about it. None of them have really said much yet. I’m curious to know if Lana does actually go through with this if any of them won’t show. Maybe they’ve even been talking to Lana about it since she’s kind of been silent for the past 24 hours.

    They are not going to care. The most they might care about is just security to be great. If they don't want to go they won't go. Nothing more nothing less.

  3. #BLM is a great thing. The days of random shooting in areas where the cops are killers, high on steroids or other drugs, shoot first ask questions later is 

    a horrible two set of rules.  Mr. Martin was killed after being stalked, lucky for the asshole who stalked and killed him, his father was a magistrate and he got off.

    Sure enough, he has been in one trouble after another since.


    And the racist cop Wilson wasn't even charged in Ferguson. (and it's not only white cops, it's the whole cop training/attitude.


    That #blm was started during President Obama's time wasn't because killing of blacks never happened prior, it was because finally people felt safe enough to

    protest it.


    I am in 100% solidarity with #BLM and may their peaceful protests continue until there is not one single event happening again.

    Like sport players on steroids, all are suspect until all the cops are honest.

    The cops union, like the NRA should be abolished, as the cops get 96 hours to concoct a story.

    Nowhere else does one have that happen.


    President Obama was 100% correct when he said he and his family are at the whim of a cop's rage no matter that they wouldn't be breaking the law.


    In fact, I agree with 100% of anything President Obama ever did does and will do.

    (and I see he has said his current reading list- going to read 4 of 5 choices on his list, same as I am purchasing Chan's album soley because Lana is on it, as I have

    all the others she was on. So all those artists got sales from me.

    Anyways, thank god he isn’t president anymore. :lmao:

  4. Y'all hear sumn ?photo-21141.jpg?_r=1516584912

    Anyway, all I can say is that she should have seen this backlash coming, I mean... did she really think Twitter and SJWs would've let her get away with it ?

    It’s the sound of u initiating a conversation with me and taking such an interest in my views that u asked me questions, but then getting embarrassed because you can’t read so u retorted with the stale “I don’t have time” bs. :usrs: :usrs: :usrs:





  5. I'm sorry but I have better things to do than reading all these essays you're spewing in this thread and deciphering them word by word xx

    I also don't see where's the issue... and I really fail to find these "insults" you're speaking of. Even if, that's not a reason to unfollow a fan who's probably devoted to you, investing a lot into you, buying your merch, supporting your projects... this just doens't seem right idk. just get thicker skin, girl.

    On a side note, y'all shouldn't let this political shit fool you and distract you from the actual content Lana makes, and that made you stan her in the first place.

    Yet you quoted me and you’re still yapping to me on top of that. No one gives a shit what the fan bought. Lana isn’t obligated to follow anyone, period. Just because you buy her things doesn’t mean she has to kiss your ass and vice versa. Everyone is free to do and say whatever they want as long as it isn’t putting others in danger. You say Lana needs thicker skin but here u are all butthurt over a couple twinks being unfollowed. Get over it.

  6. I am really concerned about how you define the word "respectful". Are you insinuating that expressing your point of view and giving an opinion = being disrespectful ? Not everyone feels the need to agree with everything Lana says and it's okay, you know.

    I already said that disagreeing isn’t a problem tho. I actually said that twice, once in the post you quoted above and in another post. So again “She unfollowed ppl who were rude to her (example included) & people can disagree all they want but don’t be shocked if she unfollows you for laughing at her” etc. So there’s no need to be concerned, just learn how to read instead.

  7. as i said this is literally the only person i know of, apparently it's been more than him though and idk what they posted. Still reacting to criticism by unfollowing her fans was a weak move. It's one thing if they troll her or whatever but she brought all of this up on herself. Also i literally quoted this guy in my post that u quoted and now ur quoting his twitter again, I... 

    That was a "weak move" ? You know what's actually a weak move? Patronising her and insulting her. That's a weak move. Not lana who reacted to that behavior and simply unfollowed them. Very logical and absolutely right of her to do. Why would she keep following people that disrespected/insulted/patronised her? Lmao nobody would put up with that shit. She unfollowed people that were rude and nasty. Not everyone who disagreed with her. That's the difference. She didn't bring up anything on herself, she responded with crystal clear posts where she made it CLEAR what she thinks of politics and everything. It's her view. People can disagree all they want but they need to do it respectfully. The people who were not respectful simply got the boot. Well deserved.

    Yes I wanted to point out few things on that Twitter, nothing wrong with posting it again so...

  8. realising and accepting that people have different opinions is kissing their ass 



    there is a difference between opinions and blatant mocking/insulting you know. Lana didn't unfollow people for having different opinions, she unfollowed because they were being nasty. People can disagree just fine if it's in respectful manner and not with mocking/patronising her you know.



    will give you an example:




    Comparing her to Lorde wasn't good idea nor was the "Up lana's ass" part. And he also mocked her. "lol this will not help make the world a better place". Yet this person is surprised she unfollowed him? Of course she would unfollow him after that and he deserved it 100%. And ^this is just one of the many examples.


    I didn't see anyone having issues with her performing in Germany or Russia. Funny how being selective works :usrs:

  9. lana's fans don't need to kiss her ass when they don't agree with her actions. Her first statement was fine and more or less well written but i can't blame people for snapping after hearing her hippy bs. 

    And she doesn't need to kiss their ass when they disagree. She will unfollow and ppl will deal. She's not going to listen to bullshit nasty insults either.

  10. Most people felt safe during President Obama's 8 years, the single greatest 8 years in US History.


    President Obama attempted to close Gitmo, stymied from day one by the Republicans

    President Obama attempted to bring the prisoners in Gitmo to federal trials (not tribunal trials)


    President Obama saved the nation and world from a world depression

    President Obama killed binladen, smoked him out and killed him


    Individual states control the state prisons


    First thing that needs to be done in 2020 when a Democratic president takes over is to bring back all voting rights, civil rights

    and then bring back the Equal Rights Amendment for women, for LGBT for 100% of everyone


    And what the Republicans did stealing the judicial seats

    We are in a fundamentalist society now, trump, pence, are rightwing fundamentalists in a country founded on NO RELIGION at all


    America was great when Jimmy Carter was President

    America was great when JFK/LBJ were President and along with Dr King made the greatest move forward ever

    America was great when President Obama was in office

    and America will be great the day trump and pence are gone

    lmao your posts are so entertaining.

    I laughed so hard at these:


    "President Obama saved the nation and world from a world depression"

    "President Obama killed binladen, smoked him out and killed him"


    EX president Obama didn't do any of the above tho LMAOOOO. It was Bush giving the order to find binladen, not Obama. But please carry on with the amusing posts! So fucking funny lmfao


    Also this was hilarious af too: "and America will be great the day trump and pence are gone"


    America is GREAT right now tho. And I hope there will be never again another demo president. Chances are they will be utter filthy trash.  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D 


  11. it's petty on her behalf and she should be above that but it's also petty to retweet stuff like "Just say you don’t think Palestinians are humans and go" (and this is a quote from a tweet) knowing she can see ur tweets, like who does that.

    don't know about all of the people she's unfollowed though, glad she finally went offline, tonight's been a mess.

    Petty? Did you just call Lana petty for unfollowing? Absolutely she is going to unfollow people she doesn't like?? like hello??? Good for her she did that and I hope she unfollows a lot more people that keep being annoying little twats and not respectful to her. They think that they could trash lana and keep annoying her eventho Lana has been 10050505050% clear of her intentions/views on that matter and there wouldn't be consequences for their annoying behavior? Lana is not going to kiss anyones ass and definitely not going to keep around anyone thats trashing her. It's really that simple and people will deal!

  12. hey for once in ur miserable life please show some fucking sympathy for people. im sick and tired of seeing u be so gross to people x

    Well I see nothing wrong in my post honeypea. That person kept shoving down people's throats "you don't careeee, ppl only care for themselvesss". Well flashnews, it got proved he does the same. Nothing wrong with pointing that. And don't quote me again. I haven't posted in a while around here, so quit your dramatics abt "seeing me being gross". fuck off :usrs:

  13. I do help palestine, asshole. And my family is from there

    assuming you are telling the truth that your family is from there, then you admitted that you only "care" because of your family. Yet you were telling us that people "only care about themselves" ? Well you do the same. :facepalm: Since you are so vocal to call others out abt not "caring" then you better start caring for every other country too!!! Not just for palestine bc your family is from there. :usrs:


    And your family isn't being murdered. You are in Brazil. :usrs:

  14. We'd probably look bad, but even then Lana would look somewhat worse. Let's just say it -- she looks like she smells of rotten egg, and her back is giving Hunchback of Notre Dame a quick run for his money. She's spending too much time hunched over her broken (and hacked) macbook, munching on Doritos (it shows!) and googling obituaries from dead & crusty 1960s celebs (as she tries to astral project into their coffins). She clearly don't love haself, but that's fine and dandy, it's what makes her so relatable to the LGBTs.




    Her looks may be serving fermented sewer water instead of tea, but we still STAN this gal because of her talent, vision and artistry. Our kween!  :byeh8rs:



    OMG  :lmao:  

    Also, stop coming for @sweetie, people, it was clearly a joke lmao 

    That person is "joking" yes but he is also serious about her looking bad. With "jokes" like this and nasty comments about her looks in general no wonder Lana hates her fans lmfao :lmao:

  15. people worrying and thinking like it's deep or shes through daaaaaark times lmfao....... It's not that deep. We all do it, we will all put on something simple and go out to grab lunch or simply for just a walk. No big deal. Dunno for other fans if they don't do it because they are antisocial weirdos but lana will do it, it's not the first time so :hooker:

  16. The guy got already two pics and then he wanted a third pic too? And on top of that trying to grab the phone from lana to control how the pic is going to turn out? Very rude behavior and entitled af. He can fuck himself, he ain't getting a third pic with that rude attitude and already 2 pics taken. I'm very happy Lana didn't put up with his shit and left. The girl doesn't have all the time and patience to deal with someone who got already 324 pics and wants another too. Hope she does it more often in future in fact.Well done Lana <3

    And yall better give her a fucking break. If anything Lana is TOO nice to her fans, way too nice, way too giving. She has every right to refuse if some idiot is being an entitled prick.

  17. elle said it was the one that I quoted Airport Lady , where she says "fuck america! etc."

    ahh elle. yeah see the little problem is she doesn't even know the guidelines herself. it's not the first time. thanks for explaining

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