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Posts posted by Valerie

  1. Coachella wasn't even bad it was a cute rnb song with motivational lyrics that actually had some relevance to ongoing world events-some of you just hated it because you thought it would be acoustic and followed the pack of members on here it seems.


    Roachella was Lana roleplaying that "won't somebody please think of the children" bitch from The Simpsons
    I don't remember anyone hoping it would be acoustic but I do remember people hoping it would be psychedelic (and not the boring type like Venice Pig)

    i just skimmed these last five pages of bullshit. if you hate venice bitch, DONT LISTEN TO THE SONG. it’s that simple. no need to bash on each other’s opinions. not every lana song is for everyone. we’re all entitled to our own thoughts without bashing others. thanks for coming to my Ted Talk.

    I haven't seen anyone bashing another person regarding Venice Bitch today. It's all been pretty tame discussions. Where are u seeing people bashing one another?

  2. I would just like to say that if you think that Venice Pig is one of the best songs & the instrumental is very inspired or something you've never heard before - you haven't heard much good music & need to be educated in indie music.


    Apart from the guitar & the short vocal improvisation part in the later half of the song, there is NOTHING psychedelic about it - the lyrics or the melody... so PLEASE!



    Imagine she released it without Jack Antonoff's amateur outro 


    It'd receive the same feedback as the other songs from this era. Boring & uninspired


    So since everyone ignores Venice's verses (with good reason) I guess those who accredit Lana for Venice Pig's outro should really kiss Jack's toes for that lame "psYcHeDELic experiEncE" since Lana struggles to play even Yayo on the guitar

  3. I haven't listened to a single Melanie Martinez, Billie Ellish or Slayter song, I don't even know who Slayter is, I just keep seeing their thread bumped on here lol. I do love White Mustang but I always change the lyrics in my head because the original ones are fucking stupid no offense.


    does g sleazeball even have a white mustang smh

    White Mustank is Lana on autopilot. She truly ran out of shit to write about at that point


    what composition? most drone-y psych is improvisational, unstructured and sometimes even atonal. like Maggot Brain (song) is the former 2, even though it's still apples and oranges bc it's primarily funk. or, going back to PF, songs like Interstellar Overdrive or Astronomy Domine. that's the kind of psych Lana is taking from for VB.





    well there you go. though it's surprising to me that you like Saucerful - and, i'm assuming, Set the controls for the heart of the sun - and still don't find anything interesting or compelling in the instrumentals of VB.

    Just bc psychedelia has many discordant chords doesnt mean it isnt "composed". Syd composed majority of Interstellar Drive and there is an improvisation segue which is then cooled down by a riff Peter Jenner came up with prior to recording the song (aka not improvised and instead planned)


    What exactly is interesting and compelling about Jack Antonoff's amateur guitar solo 

  5. She sang Get Free like 15 times in 4 months during the LA To The Moon tour and she would need for the audience to remind her the lyrics everytime but then someone asks her to sing Carmen after not singing it for like 2 years and she remembers every single word

    Ffs what does she even do during soundchecks  :rip:


    Her setlists need a serious reboot. Hopefully the next time she tours she switches it up drastically

  6. what's a long psychedelic song that you like, just for reference? there's tons of different types of psychedelia & a lot of them have p dumb lyrics - bc the lyrics are used as an extension of the melody, not as a central part of the song - or no lyrics at all. maybe your kind of psychedelia is white rabbit rather than echoes, but idk and idc. but if you find the melody of VB "a snoozefest" i find it hard to believe that you love drone-y psych, but what the hell do i know. regardless, it still has NOTHING to do with may jailer or regression to a 2006 sound, which was my original point.


    And no I don't like Echoes


    Saucerful of Secrets is their best in terms of psychedelia 


    & White Rabbit is shit

  7. what's a long psychedelic song that you like, just for reference? there's tons of different types of psychedelia & a lot of them have p dumb lyrics - bc the lyrics are used as an extension of the melody, not as a central part of the song - or no lyrics at all. maybe your kind of psychedelia is white rabbit rather than echoes, but idk and idc. but if you find the melody of VB "a snoozefest" i find it hard to believe that you love drone-y psych, but what the hell do i know. regardless, it still has NOTHING to do with may jailer or regression to a 2006 sound, which was my original point.


    What psychedelia lacks in lyricism can be more than made up for when the composition is excellent (which Venice lacks)


    Venice is nothing more than Lana whispering over a simple guitar with goofy lyrics to boot. Seems very reminiscent of May Jailer to me


    I enjoy psychedelic jazz like Sextant the most and psychedelic funk like Maggot Brain. Stomu Yamashta is also good. What's that gotta do with anything tho

  8. Of course BTD was dragged at first, mainly due to Lana’s perceived inauthenticity. But it is being recognized as a good album by critics - as of the late two or theee years. Do you recognize the word “retrospective?”

    Perceived correctly because she was inauthentic. She literally lied saying she was too poor to get lip fillers when the results are written on her face and would get furious when questioned 


    I agree that her image should have no impact when reviewing the actual music, but it did, however it was not the main attraction to the hate. Lana sounded awful on Shakira Night Live which did not help the authenticity cause (and is a direct link to their perception of her talent so it will inevitably be on reviewers minds as it was one week before the album's official release) 


    True its success is celebrated nowadays & its impact is obviously prevalent. When does that equate to critical acclaim though? May I remind u that public recognition/the resurgence is not the same as critical acclaim. Yes some reviewers praise BTD when its anniversary comes around, but let's not act like it is NOW renowned as a "critics darling" type of record because it still isn't. That's what Honeymoon & LFL are for (both received well in their PRESENT time and not just upon retrospection due to "cultural impact"). BTD is more culturally effective (which in my opinion holds more merit than a critics opinion, but your initial comment was the opposite - u hold critics views to a higher regard) than critically effective. Plus, there's many classic albums out there that were not recognized as such until a later time (like Black Sabbath's self titled album & Paranoid) so no shame in that. BTD is miles better than LFL anyway

    But you're placing value upon critics opinions when you know that their response to Lana's first 3 efforts (+including Paradise) was not a positive experience for her. As I mentioned before, Lana told Pitchfork in 2017 that she decided to strip things back due to the criticism she received for BTD's production


    So critics hailed Lust For Life her second best album instantaneously (with no need for any "retrospection") but Born To Die didn't quite cut it for them until years later & u think that's due to the quality of the album in their minds, rather than its subsequent booming success?


    I just don't see how u can hold critic's opinion to a higher regard when BTD is her lowest on metacritic's scale and LFL is her second highest (again, 1 score below Honeymoon). Unless u agree with them?

  9. personal opinion aside - you're 100% entitled to totally hate VB, who cares - the reasons you're using to explain/justify why you don't are just factually wrong, lol. VB wouldn't fit into Sirens any more than idk, Party Girl would fit on UV. just say you don't like long songs and/or psychedelia and go, lol.


    I love long and/or psychedelic songs

    I don't loves snoozefests with shit lyrics
    I like how me disliking Venice suddenly means I hate the entire psychedelia genre consisting of thousands of songs
    U speak of logic but are u flaunting it?

  10. Lol. UV has a 74 on metacritic, Honeymoon - 78.


    UV was on more year-end critic lists than most albums that year.


    Born to Die has received retrospective acclaim and is typically listed as one of the best albums of the decade.


    And saying VB is easily digestable and GP-friendly is delusional af

    Lana even addressed the hate BTD got at the time of its release in her Pitchfork interview during the LFL era. She literally admitted that she stripped down her music due to the criticism regarding BTD's production. Were u even a fan back then

  11. i truly don't understand why anyone would mention May Jailer in relation to Venice Bitch, or even remotely compare the two. Sirens was stripped down, acoustic, almost lo-fi music that owed almost exclusively to folk. Venice Bitch is a drone-y, multilayered & full of distortion effects song that owes to psychedelia, shoegaze, dream pop. they are NOTHING alike. to say VB is a regression to May Jailer era is honestly laughable.

    Venice Bitch is trash and without its garbage outro would go straight on May Jailer without a second thought. What a borefest

  12. I've always hated it, subjectively to me the production is dire and full of filler songs with trite lyricism and monotone vocal performances-especially when it tried to play up to a classic lana style it just verged on parody.

    Also 13 beaches synth production in the chorus ruined the song

    NFR era songs have been far more monotonous than anything on LFL. Not to mention the never-ending piano loop on almost every song this era.


    Plus "shaking my ass" "two cats in da yard" "I got to thinking that I thought" "ice cream, ice queen" (basically the entirety of Venice's mumbo jumbo) & so on take the cake as far as parodies go 


    & She barely sings anymore. It's always a whisper or a mumble. Rarely elongates any notes. 

  13. It has a very watered down production and some lyricism that doesn't even make any sense. Cinnamon at least has interesting production. 

    It relies on its duration to be "interesting"


    Nothing vocally impressive or interesting about Lana whispering for 5 minutes straight then being subjected to a boring outro 


    Music from this era has been such a snoozefest in general. She needs to learn that her vagabond Leonard Cohen wannabe lyricism & monotone piano chords ain't it


    There's a reason the hype for these new songs disappear so fast with little replay value. Fans are bored of her newfound "simplicity"



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