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Posts posted by Valerie

  1. Rick was talking about bridges being their thing while the industry doesn't care about them anymore and it shows :creep:

    But I'm not mad the songs are AMAZING regardless


    Quote from THIS interview:

    "After that, we solidify the verse and chorus. We usually write the middle eight from scratch—that’s the section that comes after the second chorus. It is a construct of classic songwriting sometimes called the bridge. You don’t see a lot of middle eights in songs anymore. I love that we write them because I think they make the songs more timeless and satisfying."


    Bartender has no bridge so I doubt it's related to Rick's absence 

  2. Hm, well first of all, I've been here a lot fucking longer than you have so...


    Her mental health, past drug addiction and what she's currently doing with her private life now shouldn't be so openly speculated by fans was all I was saying regardless of whether she sings about it or not. Y'all do the absolute most sometimes


    How is it violating her privacy? It isn't like someone is ransacking her house for needles, yet. :rip:


    But seriously, it is a non-issue. No one is snooping or being disrespectful about her. The comments are based on what she has made public. People don't publicize the things they want to remain private. 


    U do the most ranting like "won't somebody plz think of the children" if they're that young and that triggered by topics regarding drugs and/or addiction, one of the last people they should be listening to is LDR  :deadbanana:


    People are posting about what they hear and what they see. She flaunts a narcotics anonymous tag on her keychain which she carries with her everywhere publicly, speaks about drugs in interviews, said "no comment" in regards to recent alcohol consumption in an interview (when she could've easily denied it if she wanted to remain private) and she knows that her fans will speculate every damn line she writes. It's unrealistic to NOT expect this conversation to take place.

  3. 1. Lana don’t give a Shit if u talk about her doin drugs

    2. These “kids” are literally listening to other music

    Y’all act as if Lana’s the first person to have touchy lyrics when they’re not that bad at all in reality.


    Y’all can’t handle lyrics that aren’t akin to “fuck me cocaine daddy I look pretty when my mascara runs down my beauty queen dresses”


    Why are u quoting me when I said what u said

  4. I mean how young are we talking about here? I’ve been aware of drug addiction since I was a preteen since it was present in my family. People are talking about addiction more now because it shouldn’t be taboo to talk about these issues. People have their personal issues, and mental health is usually tied to it. We should build a conversation around it, be empathetic, understanding and help when it comes to sobriety for people who suffer from it, no? I mean if whoever’s reading these posts are too young to understand it they shouldn’t be listening to Lana’s music in the first place. lol

    Agreed. This would not have even been a topic of conversation right now if Lana was not so open about it in her latest single. If Lana does not want people to talk about it, she wouldn't release a song about it. During G&M performances last year she would gesture shooting up heroin, so maybe these young kids shouldn't go to her concerts, let alone listen to her songs at home

  5. Can see it better here, although it's just the back




    Thank u for that!!! Was just in there


    Very interesting! So since around December last year then. Hopefully, she will stay on the road of recovery, and not relapse in the future  

    All this speculation about her drug usage is gross and shouldn't be entertained, regardless of where you sit on the issue. It's one thing to have an opinion, but some don't need to be verbalized ESPECIALLY when a majority of users on here are young and probably don't have any real life experience dealing with a drug addict or alcoholic, standing by them during recovery and feeling helpless as they relapse.


    I get it, you're concerned for her because we want her to be here and continue making music, but the speculation is going too far. This isn't a dig at anyone, just a passing thought after seeing how the tone of the thread has changed in the last few pages


    Lana chooses to sing about shooting up in her latest single, not to mention her past tracks regarding drugs. If these young kids are listening to her music they can handle some strangers talking about Lana literally PUBLICIZING drug usage in her songs!

  6. She literally has a yellow Narcotics Anonymous tag on her keychain which I think we established is 9 months clean.


    Courtney Love's comments on her latest poem about Bellevue seem to be a reference to a rehab place. I think that there is even an argument to be made that that poem is about alcohol or drugs, rather than a person.


    The specifics of what she takes/took, and when, and why, are her business, but it's very clear from her music and comments that she's had several relapses.


    It's not about judging or anything ... it's just ... obvious?

    July 2017 -
    You’ve said in the past that you weren’t drinking either, and yet it turns up in your music. Do you drink now?
    No comment.  
    You sing about drugs and alcohol a lot.
    Not on this record. I used to do a lot of drugs, but I actively don’t now.
    She wouldn't comment on alcohol, but she denied drug usage. 
    Of course things could have changed between then and now. This interview was published around the time of the photo you posted of Lana with Geazy (late May I think) and it also doesn't really coincide with his account when going by his song 'Nothing Wrong' where he mentions Lana. I doubt she was doing any drugs during that time period. Perhaps later, if anything.
    In her 2014 interview with Grazia she expressed hope in handling alcohol better in the future:
    "Yes, for ten years I haven't touched a drink - but I'd somehow really like to. After all, it could be that now I’m able to handle alcohol better."
    Could've been what happened and ended up in a misadventure. That or drugs at a later point than presumed. Either way I do hope she is in a good place and will continue to be. Drugs and alcohol abuse are no joke. 

  7. i literally made a rhetorical passing comment to no one in particular that wasn't even accusatory but you took it as so, jesus christ


    U literally brought up weed after my post regarding weed, when WEEEddd itself had not been brought up since baddisease mentioned it on the previous page, right at the top.


    Then, u responded to me with -


    no but i think checking pics of whether she was smoking it with wiz khalifa implies it


    Which is what I did. So yes, u made a mountain out of a molehill. Valerie has spoken. That is all!


    AnYwaYs, Fuck It I Love You is GREAT!

  8. Well her doing drugs makes sense. She’s now singing about how she used to shoot up. On LFL a song was literally titled “Heroin”. I’m sure she does drugs, what drugs who knows. She probably just smoked weed now. Jack smokes in the studio so she probably did too. Remember that Memorial Day post where she said she was hoping she doesn’t “wipe out”? That would usually mean drunk or high so I mean she’s been public about it lately


    She surfs as seen in the trailer & as mentioned in interviews, and it looked like the pic was at the beach...wipe out means to fall off your surfboard

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