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Posts posted by Valerie

  1. not disagreeing, but how do you even know they were not meant to see the light of day? i look at it like any other artist, they have a buch of their art around, like a painter will have many pieces, ones that are mainstream and ones that are just for fun,


    So you think not one of those hundreds of songs were shelved because Lana didn't want them out there? Unrealistic. If she wanted them out there because she "makes them for luv of the music" she'd upload them for free, much like she did with Looking For America lmao. Her hard drive was hacked, she said it herself. Those songs were stolen from her and she never intended on officially releasing them, and still has not (hence why we don't have a lot of those songs in good quality).


    Fail to see how listening to these is appropriate but listening to an album that she wants out there is not. 

  2. that stuff may never ever be released tho.... timeless artist like lana, almost always have a library of over 100 unreleased songs, necause they are artist, they make art for the fun of it. no one can speculate if this stuff will ever be released, so its more appropriate to share


    It is appropriate to download songs Lana never wanted out there, but it's inappropriate to listen to songs that she does want out there? Funny logic. 

  3. If we go by this logic then how come no is sharing this same energy with people who have over 200 unreleased Lana songs in their iTunes?

    Yeah it's super strange how people are acting all high and mighty about being respectful to Lana when they have an entire library of her unreleased songs sitting around. Songs she never intended on releasing for who knows what reasons. This is a forthcoming album, not hundreds of unreleased songs that were never meant to see the light of day lmao. Don't see anyone acting morally superior about that tho.

  4. guys can you please give me any source about Lennon being abuser? i really need that 


    He admitted it himself in his 1980 interview with Playboy (I believe?), among other outlets. The line "I used to be cruel to my woman and beat her" in Getting Better wasn't fictional, he touches on that himself. You can find those excerpts on YouTube, there are plenty. John had a very ugly temper. 


    Julian Lennon often talks about how Sean Ono Lennon is biased when it comes to their father so how poetic that Lana collaborated with Sean. Great quote from Julian also:


    "I have to say that, from my point of view, I felt he was a hypocrite. Dad could talk about peace and love out loud to the world but he could never show it to the people who supposedly meant the most to him: his wife and son. How can you talk about peace and love and have a family in bits and pieces - no communication, adultery, divorce? You can't do it, not if you're being true and honest with yourself."

  5. Y'all, I get what she's saying in the line, but it's still wack lol




    This! She's so selective with this stuff.

    Elvis? Abusive, stole music from black artists, married a 14 year old in his mid 20s

    (which reminds me of Lolita stuff... and... gross, she's a 12 year old incest victim, why does she romanticize that?)

    Lou Reed? Abusive, sexist, antisemitic, racist, homophobic

    Axl Rose? Abusive, racist, sexist

    John Lennon? Child abuse, wife abuser, sexist, antisemitic, homophobic

    She sure does love protecting certain men's legacies :dmd:

    and before anyone's like "but they're some of the greatest artists of all time" - You can be an important figure in music history and still be a piece of shit.

    "Things were different back then" I mean, in some ways sure, but that's not an excuse for their actions. Other people were well aware abuse and bigotry were wrong, they have every chance to learn too.

    It's very annoying and her interviews nowadays are quite pre-planned due to her never getting over the Guardian interview/other confronting questions so you know no journalist will ever be able to ask her about these things, despite Lana trying to portray a more "woke" guise. They're more "interested" in what Gucci perfume she wears :rip:

  6. I decided months ago I wouldn't be buying it either. I refuse to spend my hard-earned money on things that don't give me joy. And it turns out I don't even like half the album so like...spend $15 why? For Duke Nicholson's mug and Lana's ugly neon jacket? I still feel only frustration when I think about this album. I feel genuine happiness when I play Born To Die. I was barely making ends meet when I bought the Deluxe version but I don't regret it. BTD & Paradise feel magical to me. I won't lie, I was disappointed in the Deluxe version of Ultraviolence, the packaging felt a bit cheap. But the music is out of this world. UV & Honeymoon mean so much to me, I felt like I had to have physical copies. Lust For Life was a bit on the meh side but I was like, might as well.... NFR though? This bitch has no place in my collection. A download is what she deserves.

    Buying LFL but not NFR :rip:

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