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Posts posted by Valerie

  1. That’s true too, but March was a little late to say that and I think that’s why people are mainly pissed. She should’ve updated during the live where she said she was releasing Hope. She could’ve simply said “I know what I said about the album being released top of the new year but it’s going to take a little longer to cook so bear with me and you’ll get to hear the album in a few months time.” Something that simple would’ve helped keep confusion at bay bc she made her fans expect to hear an album just for them to be disappointed because there isn’t an album out yet until 8 months later


    I think some were expecting it when she said when it was ORIGINALLY projected to be out, so once that time passed, they felt deceived. They’re allowed to feel that way.


    This “entitlement” some are acting like they’ve never been a part of always comes around every era. UV with the May date. LFL with the May date also. Don’t pretend you haven’t been an “entitled” stan wanting an album (this isn’t meant for the person I quoted, just the ones in general saying “you’re all being entitled brats!!”)


    They're allowed to feel that way since holding on to almost 9 months of bitterness makes them feel better for some unknown reason


    I don't see what it accomplishes


    Time went by


    The album wasn't released when Lana thought it would be


    She said on Twitter in March that the album is in fact done but she isn't sure about a release date


    Then announced in June that it will be released in 2 months


    And we now have a release date


    So what do those feelings accomplish

  2. I don't want to give you any likes but fuck, I agree


    Sucks that someone so childish doesn't manage to stay youthful, instead giving off a strong "fellow kids" vibe. It's like she's 5 years behind on everything. She's not even 35, and 35 is basically the new 23. But sis is stuck somewhere between 5 and 50. She's like a toddler and a retiree at the same time, I don't know how she does it.


    Feels the need to announce that they won't give any "likes" to people they personally dislike


    Calls Lana childish

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