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Posts posted by Valerie

  1. Ah the good old days; a lead single a couple of months before the new album and then a whole cd of new songs. And now you have so many songs and snippets released ahead of time that to call an album "highly anticipated sounds almost absurd. I'm sure a time will come when the only song that hasn't been heard when the album is released is the bonus track.


    If the good ol days are so good then why are u listening to all the songs/snippets now?


    Wait until the album comes out without listening to any songs/snippets and enjoy it if that really is your preferred method


    No one is forcing you to do otherwise. Lana never made u listen to anything she posted, and I doubt you're being subjected to her on the radio very often. Most definitely NOT snippets anyways. 


    So where are u hearing all of these songs/snippets, if not via your own choice?


    It ain't that serious lmfao. Go relish in the good ol days if u love it so much

  2. Who speaks Courtney? We need a translation.




    Is Bellevue a rehab place or some shit?

    I don’t think Courtney has anything to do with that poem but since you asked about her connection with any type of Bellevue


    Hours later, Love was carried handcuffed on a stretcher from her Manhattan apartment and taken to Bellevue Hospital Center, where according to Rosenstein she was admitted for treatment of an unspecified gynecological problem. She began drug rehab there and was later moved to a hospital in Connecticut to continue her treatment.




    That was 2004 so yeah looks like Courtney’s had a few experiences there since then

  3. But choosing to financially benefit from it wasn't an immediate decision. The profits of a song about gun violence, released during a difficult time so it gets extra attention, are going towards a rich record company and a rich woman. Like, I get she made the song, it's her song her property, but she's utilizing this political atmosphere to profit both financially and socially because now she's a Woke Queen to everyone. All I'm saying is, if she cared if she felt, she'd be doing more than just releasing the song. She'd be donating proceeds. (hell, smaller artists than her donate proceeds lmao)

    "All my proceeds from this song will go to Gilroy garlic festival victims relief fund, El Paso community relief fund and Dayton foundation"


    Don't speak unless u know what's upppp! U have no way of knowing what she does with the earnings unless she says otherwise. U know nothing about it. Why speak on things u know nothing about?


    Hope u are doing your part to help victims and can provide receipts for it too!!!!!!


    Anyways, good for Lana!!! Keep up the GOOD work!!!!! :flutter:

  4. Honestly I think a song would be better than a manifesto from Lana - but if it rings as vapid as her lyricism or poetry, i don't think the world needs it fr. Like Lana's profiting off of people's misplaced emotions around society crumbling and it all just seems so shallow

    "We used to only worry about the children at night " -- who's kids? Just the rich white debutantes in pink dresses? Not homeless gay kids on the street, not immigrant children ripped from parents and kept in state custody under armed guard (oh my, guns!), not child laborers abroad sewing shitty merch!

    Does Lana "believe in the country America used to be" as in like MAGA or before white Invaders committed genocide against the indigenous people there? (With guns!!)

    If only we could all jus sit straight christian white rich and pretty in our Norman fucking Rockwell painting lives and fly the American flag at the 4th of July barbeque and watch fireworks and ignore the bloodshed (from guns!) that vacated the land so the concrete patio could get poured.

    Lana can playfully run from cops in Venice Bitch video with no worry, it's just fun with the neighborhood kids! Just be privileged enough and you don't have to worry ab the cops shooting you (with guns!)

    Let's just fly the flag and shoot fireworks and ignore all this, and ignore anything that might actually help America confront its culture of violence. It's just a dream I had in mind!

    If Lana wants to make a statement so blatantly vapid and ignorant, honestly she should keep it to herself. She's not helping anyone do anything but center her own first world issues and ignore reality.

    LMAO, ridiculous

  5. I wasn't asking for her to tweet the exact release date. Learn to read. Just a "yeah it's gonna be a while" would suffice.

    Who said u said that tho


    U asked for a tweet saying the album will be delayed


    What part of "the album is done but who knows when it will be released" in March does not scream 'delay' to u? Especially since she said that after her previous statement saying top of the year?


    The album was done, but it wasn't being released when she had originally said it would be. Hence, a delay occurred

  6. Look. Given how things went this era, it REALLY wouldn't have killed Lana to just send out a tweet saying the album will be a bit delayed. 

    She literally sent out a tweet in March telling people the album is done but she doesn't know when it will be released. Just because she did not phrase it exactly the way u want her to doesn't mean it does not exist. Get over yourself

  7. She should've done this, she should've done that... This needs to stop. When she announced that the album would probably be out on top of the year, it was last September, she hadn't finished the album yet and kept working on it for 3~4 months. Things can change so much even in a short period of time and it's understandable that she didn't justify herself over an estimation or a "maybe", because nothing was done yet. It's not like she announced on all of her socials that the album would be out in January. She estimated a potential release period in a radio interview that almost everybody forgot about. And then as someone else said, she cleared things up in March by saying she didn't know when the album was coming out, which was more than enough.




    Leave it to some delulus to fixate on one statement Lana made while completely ignoring the most recent one

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