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Posts posted by Valerie

  1. Gaga did the same thing but dumped R.Kelly arse once she learned the facts.

    There is no way Gaga didn’t know. Even GGD fans think she lied lmao. The allegations were scandalous in the U.S. Even Michael Jackson wanted to work with R. Kelly. It was parodied on Dave Chappelle’s show (who Gaga loves, he’s also in A Star Is Born lmao). She was so heavily involved in music throughout her life that there’s no way she didn’t know. Plus, she said on radio that people say untrue things about R. Kelly & that’s why she feels connected to him. Lmao. She feels connected to a kiddy fucker, how cute. Gaga just happened to collaborate with a predator on a song about doing what you want with another person’s body and she didn’t know...yeah right. She backtracked full speed after the publicity stunt did its job. :lmao:

  2. you can't post the same gif over and over and over, say the same things over and over and over, hate on lana on a lana forum and not expect to be defined as a troll

    Who said I had an issue with being called anything by you? :lmao: You’ve been doing it throughout the entire conversation, who cares. :lmao: You're the one pulling on the mods apron.

    I'm not gonna kiss Lana's ass when she's supporting woman abusers while simultaneously attempting to call it out, get over it! :lmao:


    no one is saying "whatever"

    Look at the excuses you're coming up with. "Maybe she didn't know" despite the fact that Lennon's history is well known and has been spoken about by many people, including Paul.  :lmao:

    "Maybe she didn't know" despite the fact that BOREDS and Rocky have addressed it on social media as well as interviews.  :lmao:


    "SHE HAD TO walk with Jared! She's not a puppet though!" But she cancels things all the time. Plus she met Jared years before that & has namedropped him in a song because she had a crush on him.  :lmao:

    at this point you're just a troll because you use the same damn gif and you're ignoring everything i say, a perfect example of a trump puppet

    A perfect example of someone who conveniently looks the other way regarding violent acts.  :lmao:

    "Rapperzzz, singerzzzz, who gives a fukkkk as long as the President isn't doing it." :lmao:

    Well yeah clearly Lana feels that way, she's still associating with them after all.  :lmao:

  4. kanye isn't collaborating with trump! they're not making a song! and if they are let me know LMAO


    kanye is ADVERTISING trump. kanye is supporting trump. remember when kanye threw hate at bush and said he hated black people but suddenly he's best friends with trump even after trumps hotels and apartments were sued for racial discrimination and trump being racist towards latina ms universe contestants




    let me know when lana posts on instagram "ASAP Rocky is making hip hop whole again. blah blah blah. hip hop is great again" until then go suck on a dick

    no one is overlooking them you fat fuck


    Yeah and Lana is supporting her woman abuser friends. I don't see her cutting them off, all I see is 2 collaborations with a violent person on her "woke" album.  :lmao:

    If that's not advertising... :lmao:

    She collaborated with Rocky after his disgusting history came to light, likewise with BØREDs. :lmao:

    And I don't think we need to cover Jared again. :lmao:

    Lana Del Rey: friends with woman abusers, but... hates woman abusers! :lmao:



    what if she didn't know the other artists did bad things?


    Yeah I'm sure she has no idea John Lennon beat his wife and abandoned his first son, despite the fact that famous Beatles songs such as Hey Jude address such matters and it is widely spoken about. :lmao:


    BØREDs addressed it on his Instagram & so did Rocky. She has time to comment her essay on Kanye's photo but she doesn't check her collaborators? Omg the excuses.  :lmao:

    ah yes, hold lana del rey and the president of the united states to the same standard because thats logical.


    her canceling going to the met gala with jared leto wouldn't do anything for womens rights, are you stupid?


    "She's not a puppet, but SHE HAD to walk with Jared Leto for Gucci!" :lmao:

    Make up your mind. Why is Lana Del Rey, women's rights advocate, associating with women abusers AND collaborating with them but then criticising others for such matters?  :lmao:

  6. 1. you need some dick because for some reason you're always uptight and have to be a downer on things. i thin getting dick will calm you down a bit. well try to get dick, unless you're ugly and fat like @burgerking


    2. you call someone delusional when they're not attached to reality. kanye said trump is making america whole, which is a lie. america is completely divided. liberals hate conservatives and conservatives hate liberals. trump is making that divide bigger. he's always saying "they're not letting me, they, they, they, they, etc. etc." he isolating democrats and throwing red meat to conservatives. so lana has the right and is completely right in calling kanye delusional and egotistical for saying trump is making this country whole when the country is in a social hell hole.


    3. she didn't chose to you associate with jared leto. they both had a thing with gucci and she had to be with him. rather than act pissed of on the carpet, she did what she had to do and that was just to try to make the best of the night.


    i also love how you're holding the president to the same standard as rappers and singers. it amuses me that you're comparing lana singing a song with an artist to kanye saying that the most powerful man is fixing america and making it whole when he's not.


    Just as Lana has the right to call others delusional, people have the right to call her a puppet and a hypocrite.  :lmao:

    Oh! "She had" to be with Jared, huh? Lmfao. I thought you said Lana wasn't a puppet, now she "has" to do things? Strange. This is the same woman who cancels things all the time. Guess Gucci was more important to her than women's rights!  :lmao:


    She's had a crush on Jared Leto for quite some time (Last Girl On Earth anyone) and has met him more than once (pre-Oscar party for example). Sit down with those weak ass excuses.  :lmao:

    It amuses me that you and Lana are both willing to look the other way when it comes to people who have committed heinous acts who just happen to be her friends. What's good for the goose is good for the gander.  :lmao:

  7. Azealia is sooo salty OMG  :toofunny:


    I love how everytime she drags her Lana just ingores her and just stay silent, it must be like pouring salt on her wound lmao


    Of course Lana is going to ignore somebody that exposes her blatant hypocrisy. What could Lana possibly say to someone who highlights the fact that Lana has no issue calling out people for supporting the "grab her by the pussy" man when she associates herself with Jared Leto, BØREDs, Rocky, etc and idolises John Lennon?  :lmao:

  8. according to you, voicing your own opinions (which lana has done) automatically makes her a 'liberal puppet'. are you sure she's the puppet or are you for questioning her speaking her mind?


    According to Lana, voicing your own opinion (which Kanye has done) automatically makes him delusional and in need of an intervention. Hm.  :lmao:

    She has no problem calling out other people's apparent flaws based upon who they support/speak with but she will not address the fact that she idolises woman beaters and has not uttered a word about musicians she associates with such as Jared Leto, BØREDs, Rocky, etc.  :lmao:

    Yet she complains that Kanye won't address her thoughts.  :lmao:

  9. lol coming from a woman who sang "I fucked my way to the top" and "my pussy tastes like pepsi cola" I love lana but shes turning into a liberal puppet


    She's "evolving". She had an introspective epiphany in her 30s apparently.  :lmao:

    And of course she's a narcissist. Remember the whole "I really think only me and mah boyfriend understand music on a deep level" spiel?  :lmao:

  10. SUCH an advocate for women!


    Aside from the fact that she's been silent about her and her sister's friend BØREDs, proceeded to collaborate with Rocky despite his history, idolises woman beater John Lennon and his "peace" tripe... the list continues. Funny how she concluded her comment guessing that Kanye wouldn't address her thoughts, yet she's failed to address the aforementioned herself. 


    How convenient. I guess ignorance really is bliss when it's someone you know/are a fan of!

  11. This is a letter that an Israeli politician sent to Lana (and also posted it on FB), I think some of you will find it interesting:


    "Dear Lana Del Rey,

    You’re sitting in New York after canceling your performance in Israel because of pressure from Roger Waters and other vocal BDS activists. It’s a shame, because you were lied to. You became another one in a series of people being used by Palestinian terrorist organizations without knowing the facts. Seeing as you’ve got some free time now maybe you should use it to learn about what’s really happening here in Israel. Here is a list of facts they kept from you:

    • Israel was founded as a shelter for Jews from across the world after hundreds of years of persecution and the murder of six million of our people.

    • Since the day Israel was founded we have offered peace to our neighbors time and again, we offered coexistence and compromise with the Arabs who live here. Our offers were declined.

    • Israel has made two peace treaties –with Jordan and with Egypt – and both times proved that for the sake of peace we are willing to pay a heavy price.

    • Twice, in the year 2000 and 2008, Israel offered the Palestinians the opportunity to build a country of their own on over 90% of the land. Both times the Palestinians said no.

    • In 2005, as part of the disengagement plan, Israel left Gaza with no demands. We took down the settlements and the army withdrew. Instead of using the opportunity to build a better life for themselves, the Palestinians used Gaza as a launching pad to fire over 15,000 rockets and mortars at Israel.

    • Hamas, the terror organization which rules the Gaza Strip, governs it under strict Islamic law. The LGBT community are threatened with hanging (did Roger Waters tell you that? Maybe it’s worth asking him?).

    • We are the only country in the Middle East that genuinely protects the rights of women and the LGBT community.

    • We have Arabs who serve as Supreme Court Justices, senior military officers, senior police officers, senior government officials and as doctors and professors. There are no positions that aren’t open to them in Israel.

    • In Israel we had a female Prime Minister, a female President of the Supreme Court and a female Maj. Gen in the military.

    • In Israel you can sing what you want, say what you want and dress how you want. Just across the border, women don’t even have the freedom to run a marathon or ride a motorbike.

    • Israel is the start-up nation but doesn’t keep its knowledge to itself. We share it with others to improve the world: From cyber capabilities to clean water to the fight against hunger.

    • Israel’s hospitals provide treatment to whoever needs, including Palestinians and refugees from the brutal war in Syria.

    Lana, isn’t it a shame to let the lies of others decide for you? You gave up on the opportunity to see the reality for yourself and to use music as a tool to connect and spread love.

    Israel is a country under threat. Although we are strong and can protect our citizens from our enemies, the boycott movement spreads an incomprehensible amount of lies to disparage Israel in the world. They are trying to isolate us, to turn Israel into an illegitimate state. They don’t seek peace, and despite what they might have told you, they don’t support a two-state solution. Their aim is the destruction of the State of Israel. The naivety of people like you amuses them. They are using you to harm Israel but do their best to hide behind the language of peace and love. The only way to fight their lies is to learn the truth.


    MK Yair Lapid"



    Thank you for posting it. I LOVE these facts. Very nice of him to write this letter and detailing everything with such great accuracy and truth. I hope Lana will read it very carefully and consider performing in Israel, if not this year perhaps the next!

  12. 1. Goodness gracious! How dare I use profanity to emphasize how trivial I find someone's desire to attend a concert to standing up for human rights! What a travesty! #CertainTravesties

    2. Members of oppressor classes, particularly when they are propagandized by their government and state-friendly media, are often the last to come to terms with the reality and extent of that oppression. And if you're suggesting that my position on this issue is informed only by histrionic social media posts, that's funny. You forget I'm old and have followed this issue since long before social media existed and despite a historically strong pro-Israel bias in US media.

    3. Forcing my opinion? How? I mean, I have every right to express my opinion as much as anybody else here. You say this as if I've somehow abused my mod powers to silence or punish differing views about this. I haven't. If anything, quite the opposite. Members have reported offensive posts in this thread that I think objectively warrant discipline, but I've recused myself and left them for other mods to decide. I will note it is funny how often on this forum accusations of "forcing" or "imposing" an opinion generally correlate with an inability to articulate much of a rebuttal.



    This is honestly hilarious. Your quotes in their original context look way worse and make you look like that much more of an asshole. If anything I did you a favor.


    Sigh, if I must. :eyeroll:


    It's a strawman, on multiple levels, but here's one: Its implicit premise is that in the quote of mine it responds to I say people have to stop saying certain ideas. I don't. I merely politely asked people keep the plight of Palestinian victims in mind as they post. I literally say please.


    Let's see. What post of theirs did I quote and how did I respond to merit being called a "condescending asshole"? Oh. I merely mirrored their own words back to them.

    Being "old and following this issue long before the media" doesn't validate/turn your opinion into a fact. Because just like you "being old and following this issue long before the media" there's plenty of members around here that are as old and OLDER than even you so I don't even understand why do you use that as argument. And no matter how much u follow the issue, you are not going to know any better than someone who sees it first hand themselves by living there. Even if you follow everyyyy media outlet, every clue, everything you read on the internet, you will never ever ever in your life know how is it first hand if you won't live there yourself and gather yourself every fact. I'm not saying that you have to go there, of course not. My point is that you shouldn't rush to dismiss/invalidate someone elses opinion before reviewing it/thinking it very carefully and objectively. 

    That being said, voicing your opinion on the subject is just that and that's how it needs to also remain. Just like everyone else here (let me remind you this is a music fan forum and not a politics/political in any way-forum) voice their opinions, of course as long it's in a respectful manner and not in a condescending-aggressive manner.


    Hilarious indeed that once again you fail to see the point. Actually no the context in all my posts in response to that person and few people that followed after that, are exactly what I explained to you in my previous post. People upvoted my posts in agreement too because they understood the point of my post (unlike you). I explained to you very clearly what the reason was behind those posts but you refuse to see it because-again-you are simply biased/passionate/persistent on your views regarding Israel. You didn't do any favor. In fact the way you brought up only few particular posts (to your convenience) of mine accompanied with your own remarks only made me look worse. And you know what. If my post was leaning towards your own point of view on the israeli matter, you wouldn't be calling me an asshole now. Funny how that works :) To you: what is opposite of your view then = "asshole" ? Interesting.



    We really need to agree that we are going to have same/or different views on the subject at hand here, and try to share our thoughts/learn as best as possible. Obviously there will be many different views, some correct,some wrong, some....50/50. In the end of the day from what it looks like, Lana is going to perform 100% in Israel. And there isn't anything to be done about it.

    Why can't we just focus on that? If you people are interested too to share thoughts on the setlist etc? It's not like the concert won't happen. It will happen...


  13. Why can't some ppl educate others about what's going on instead of being a condescending asshole? Just a thought.

    I was thinking the same.


    1) this is a “fucking” pop singer forum.

    2) I live in that country so I have the eligibility and probably more knowledge of what’s happening in my own country except for stories that runs in social media.

    3) it seems you’re forcing your “opinion” into people in that forum.

    And all this 100%.

  14. JFC. Aside from being insanely hypocritical and moving the goalpoasts, this is fucking vile.


    Instead of selectively quoting (convenient to you) posts of mine alone (I mean you should have quoted also the person I was answering to/quoting him with those posts AND the other posts I made too in order for ppl to know exactly what happened and why I said what I said) and saw the whole picture, you would have known that I specifically quoted that person for a reason. Allow me to explain why and please don't try again to manipulate my posts like that again thank you. The particular person went on a rant in more than one threads and yelling at people "you don't careeee, you won't careeee. You will only care about yourselvesss" in an attempt to make them feel bad for themselves eventho they really didn't do anything wrong aside from voicing their opinions. I wasn't vile nor was my intention to be vile. In fact I was absolutely very clear in my posts. I simply pointed out to that person that while he's been calling other peoples names about "not caringggg" and being aggressive due to that, it got proved that he only cares bc he does have relation to family being from palestine and they apparently moved to Brazil.


    See now the reasoning behind those posts? My intention wasn't to be mean to that person or anyone else. I simply wanted to point out how he falls very well into the same category he tried to brand others for. There is no harm in pointing it out. And I responded accordingly to people based on how they treated me too, I returned the same treatment.


    And since you put the effort to quote a post of mine, would you be a dear to respond also to my reply to your post from earlier?

    This one: http://lanaboards.com/index.php?/topic/10218-galilee-israel-meteor-festival-sep-7-2018-confirmed/page-11&do=findComment&comment=669591

  15. It's not really my story to tell, but do y'all realize there are prominent members of this fanbase and this forum, among some of the most instrumental in the early development of Lana's fanbase, whose parents are Palestinian refugees dispossessed of their land? Please think of that before treating this issue dismissively.

    That's very flawed and dangerous logic and easily exploitable. If we are to go by that logic, then on this forum people need to also: stop spewing anti-american comments since u know there's members that are americans, stop spewing anti- (other country name here of ur choice which had/still has issues/situation similar/or worse than israel in the past or present etc) since well... there will be again members of that country and so on and on. It doesn't work that way. Everyone is allowed to speak out with no exceptions, voice their opinions as long it's in a respectful manner. If and whoever thinks differently/disagrees with the said members they can simply initiate a convo to exchange their views in an attempt to understand each other and possibly learn something new too.

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