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lonely lonely night

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Everything posted by lonely lonely night

  1. it’s literally the opposite lol ^ 1. if you like cover then fine, you seriously cannot be daft enough to not understand why people might disagree with you. 2. just because somebody doesn’t like it doesn’t automatically mean they don’t get it. lol. that’s like telling a joke and saying “you obviously didn’t understand because you didn’t laugh.” 3. ironically those of you having spaz attacks about the negative reactions to aspects of this era so far are the ones who are actually inciting “hate” and “negativity.” i don’t know what it is about this thread specifically and charli fans in general but people have differing opinions and writing dissertations about why they are wrong to do so is insane behaviour lmao like i think you think some of us are over here seething over this cover and it’s just not the case. i just don’t like it, i’m a little disappointed at most. still love charli, still enjoying von dutch, still excited for the album. it’s literally just pop music let’s all just take a deep breath
  2. please explain it to me 💔
  3. “you guys just don’t get it” what the fuck is there to get babe. obviously it’s inspired by electronic/rave style artwork. excuse me for wanting pop star artwork from my pop stars honestly if the shade of green and font were a little different or if there was a little timothy luke xcx logo on it somewhere i think i could appreciate it more. perhaps i will make my own
  4. clearly you need to look for an echo chamber elsewhere
  5. you guys are gonna be gagged when you realize you’re the ones who are mad as you write thinkpieces explaining why people aren’t allowed to not like things
  6. the title is corny the artwork is corny the photoshoot was so close to a slay but just looks weird and awkward.. cohesive art direction nowhere in sight, single ruined by 37 tiktoks, album not coming for 6 months like just let the poor girl flop
  7. this woman has you all absolutely pussy whipped talking about “i see the vision” when it’s 4 letters in sans serif font on a green background LOL
  8. i don’t like literally any of this lol
  9. chile anyways so the main issue is not the month long wait although of course it was questionable and annoying the main issue is how much she teased the song and killed any sort of anticipation because the parts that she revealed are basically the whole thing in its entirety anyway like she really should have left it at the first snippet and waited for the boiler room set to play the rest. but like here we all are talking about it so maybe she got away with it
  10. as per usual the hoes are getting shot at for holding opinions that are even moderately critical in the charli xcx thread
  11. this era is inducing psychosis in the minds of angels everywhere
  12. 360_brat for a title is barbaric i was really hoping she wouldn’t go there. taking some solace in the fact that there could be an extended club mix on friday
  13. the song is actually terrific but it would hit way harder if this was my first time hearing it, regardless i will be one of the 3,209 streams. depending on the music video and album date all could be forgiven. june is late but realistic, if it’s actually in august like some are saying then she needs a literal intervention
  14. guys she just played a snippet of a new song why is nobody talking about this it’s called von dutch it’s out feb 29th apparently, it goes “i’m your number 1 i’m your number 1 i’m just living that life cult classic but it still pop i get money you get mad because the bank shut” it sounds sooo good omg like if you agree and are excited for the new song von dutch
  15. i didn’t watch the live so i’m just catching up with clips on twitter but it seems like she didn’t even play a single new song lol, just remixes and snippets we’ve already heard. am i mistaken
  16. the crash rollout was pretty terrible but i think it's a good album, it has its skips but sucker and self titled are far weaker in my opinion. hot in it and hot girl are both great, she's had plenty worse one off singles. welcome to my island remix and speed drive did as well as they could have. i have no idea what possessed her when she chose to release in the city. i think she has always been pretty consistently hit or miss, nothing she's done over the past few years has been anything that out of the ordinary. vroom vroom and the mixtapes were kind of the career defining moments for her (charts and accolades aside) simply because of how groundbreaking they were at the time, which yes i would agree she hasn't really managed to replicate but she also hasn't necessarily tried. i do think xcx6 will be something new for her and i'm very looking forward to it but i honestly don't really expect her to pull off what she accomplished in 2016/2017 again. the kind of influence she had on reshaping the landscape of pop music is something most artists would dream about doing even once. things are just different now, she's in a different place with her career and pop music is in a different place and that's okay. i think she feels a lot of pressure, both internal and external, to live up to this name she's made for herself as an industry tastemaker but i think that she's more than earned it. people just want to see her reach her full potential. i rarely enjoy her rollouts lol so while i'm disappointed with the start this era has gotten off to i feel pretty confident hearing the album in its entirety will be satisfying
  17. the long lead up is just incompatible with the vibe she is trying to sell with this era lol, even 2 weeks for the single would have been pushing it. the best nights out are spontaneous and crazy, last minute plans, club hopping etc and instead she's like hurry up and wait. whatever honestly she's missed the mark in my opinion so i'm gonna lower my expectations
  18. well see you all for xcx6 in june
  19. my tinfoil hat conspiracy theory at this point is that she chose a thursday for the boiler room so she could surprise drop the album the same night and the drawn out release for the single was secretly to build hype for the album without explicitly giving anything away, which is why we still don't have a date for von dutch because she's actually dropping the whole album. this way she appeases the label and who's gonna be mad that von dutch took so long when there's like 11 other songs to listen to. her month off was to make sure everything was lined up and ready to go. seems very antithetical to the 8 month lead up to crash, "similar in its ethos" to the quick release of pop2, and very on brand for her idgaf era. so xcx6 out this friday.
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