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Pocket Gay

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Everything posted by Pocket Gay

  1. I'm super stoked for this album, she just continues to deliver quality music and I just really appreciate that.
  2. Let's not delude ourselfselves just yet, it's too soon to tell. In 10-25 years, maybe she will be.
  3. I hope she wins at least one or two. If the Grammies fuck her over, I will be furious.
  4. This is probably one of my favorite videos of hers, it's just so perfect. This is how a 10 minute video should be and because she really did it justice.
  5. I'm dying at that deluxe boxset, I want it so bad.
  6. Pocket Gay

    Britney Spears

    I love her on X Factor, I think she's quite a delight and clearly a goddess.
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