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Everything posted by Luda

  1. For thinkin' nobody cares for him on the forum.
  2. For overusing heart signs everywhere
  3. Boys will be boys by Paulina Rubio
  4. For having less than 1.000 posts
  5. Boys will be boys by Paulina Rubio
  6. I'm kinda used to your style so this time I didn't think of rude or anything like that Sometimes Gaga's fans are referred to as 'monsters.' IDK, I thought it'd be nice. But the names given already are awful. Lanators? Eww.
  7. I wasn't on LDR.FM so I had no idea. I think it's kinda cool and an easy way to refer to an artist's fans.
  8. Again? Was it discussed before? Rude :imbeingsarcasticbitch2:
  9. Gaga's fans are called 'little monsters,' Justin Bieber's fans are called 'Bliebers'... etc! What should Lana's fans be called?
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