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Everything posted by Luda

  1. Luda

    MARINA (and The Diamonds)

    Gurl is tryin' to be a bad gurl. She stands up for the females What's wrong with that?
  2. Why should members attack other members? I didn't attack that member in that thread. We were discussing music and nothing personal came up. It's just everyone probably would be bragging about their faves success and those who don't agree with them would reply and try to prove them wrong. It's a stan war and that's all about it. Besides, everybody knows that it's not anything serious.
  3. The new MOW feature is very cool. But I'd rather have the recent topic box above the recent status box. Do you think that's possible to do?
  4. Luda

    MARINA (and The Diamonds)

    That's not true. What you said can probably be applied to a song on the album called 'Bubblegum Bitch' and that's it.
  5. Why should it be personal? This is a small community where everybody knows and loves each other. I imagine the content of the NHB or Stan Wars to be something like the conversation me and another member had in this thread about Gaga and Britney.
  6. Heat of the Night by Paulina Rubio
  7. Luda

    MARINA (and The Diamonds)

    H....h... how dare you? EC and BTD are the best albums released in 2012 IMO. Literally.
  8. Oh, I almost forgot this feature: Changing display names. Thank you
  9. Heat of the Night by Paulina Rubio
  10. Luda

    MARINA (and The Diamonds)

    Wait, you're saying the EC album lyrics are stupid?
  11. Luda


    What's that tbh?
  12. Luda

    Trash Magic

    I read the title as 'Trash Music'
  13. Great... Here are my suggestions Some forums that use the same system as in here show the exact time of posting like: Posted 1 minute ago by a member. Is it also possible to have this feature on this forum too? In order to get more users, I think 'Lana Del Rey forum' should be added to the title of the forum since most people google 'LDR forum.' NBH or Stan Wars sections/threads. Themes. Remove the sub-section 'News' under the 'Conversation Area' section because it's very inactive. That's all for now
  14. It's okay. I'd love it if this can be applied on the forum.
  15. I want it to be like Carmen and SS. Instagram style.
  16. I love it. LOL at the end.
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