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Everything posted by Miguel3Zero

  1. I'm very disapointed also, It was only a demo (without the spanish guitar). This song has the potentional to be really great. Why Lana ?
  2. No! she had pms or something in the interview., so forget everything she said. the hormones can do strange things to your brain. of course she will come to Turkey. and also to Brazil.
  3. I really hope that she lies/misleads us in this interview. Without Justin Parker and Rick Nowels we will be back to the Lizzy Grant era. She is great, but she needs help to make her songs bigger. Just a fact.
  4. " critics towards Lana will come exclusively from USA" Why? answer: The racial grievance industry is a multibillion business in the U.S. But " it will be coming to a city near you" very soon.
  5. OK. The reason I did respond was because you have posted interesting and intelligent views before.Sorry ,but I'm a very hardcore fan.
  6. Well, "sucking up to America " sounds very hateful. Sucking up to her fans sounds a lot better.
  7. Sorry, I appreciate your post. But when Lana doesn't want it. What can you do.
  8. Miguel3Zero

    So Legit

    Of course Lana was jealous at that time ( four years ago ), having worked her ass off in bars etc.without commercial success.We all know that Lana can be a bitch sometimes, that's why we love her.She's not an ordinary woman.To Sitar Hero: in my short time on this forum I've come to admire your intelligent views of things. Please, keep above the hate/insults it's not befitting you.
  9. You're probably right. My idea of " audience-mics" is maybe a bit too far fetched. I have a vivid imagination
  10. You're right, that's what she yelled. " Turn them down ." How? To whom was she directing her demand?
  11. yeah, I agree when she says " turn it up! " but " turn that down " is definitely not about her mic. She was stretching her arm in the direction of the audience when she said it.
  12. I really don't know what it was, so it's anybodys guess. She was pointing the hand in wich she held the mic in the general direction of the audience.(or the front of the stage). After the show she was accused by at least one reviewer in a big finnish mag to have used pre-recorded audience-singing. ( it sounded to perfect, the journalist wrote).I've never believed that. I'm sure it's not true. Maybe, and I hate to say it( being a diehard Lana fan), the Lana team " helped " the front rows with mics placed in front of the scene. But in that case they underestimated the Finns, they were not as quiet as rumour would have it. On the contrary they can be very loud( just go to a hockeygame). So they had to turn the volume down because Lana couldn't even hear herself. I'm guessing of course.
  13. Screaming directions to Jesus, Elvis, the cholas and the tattooed guys.. . wait, wasn't that Mandlers job. . .she probably couldn't help herself from interfering. As always eager to get it right.
  14. A few months ago when Lana was in Fashion mag she was being called " stick insect " in another forum. I think a lot of people underestimate her. When doing fashion shots she has no problem losing weight to get the "right" body type for that. Now think of a stripper in a small town strip joint. For me Lana's having the right body at the moment to impersonate one. Also chola, I think the gang members in LA likes curvy women. She adjusts her appearance in a great. almost Hollywood way.
  15. You do have an unhealthy love/hate relationship with LDR. As I've said before it's ok by me. But please open your eyes LDR is slim. Don't try to make normal women ashamed over having curves.
  16. A dream come true for her fans; Lana in a bikini, and looking fab
  17. I beg to differ, but it's ok. Love/hate affair with poor Lana?
  18. I really like the very intelligent comments made by evil entity, monicker and others, You are very articulate. Your views are brilliant, It is indeed a very entertaining read. But what if the object of your critisism gets tired of being accused of all kinds of lies. What if Lana stops making music.
  19. To keep the Helsinki thread alive for a little while: The warming up act ,Kari Tapiiri was really impressing. Alone with a guitar he filled the large arena with music that made me feel euphoric. So when Lana entered the scene I was in the right mood.
  20. I love Brazil, it's a wonderful country.With all it's samba.But please understand: Lana Del Rey is loved by all types of persons from all around the world. She's not yours.
  21. Why do you want to fuck off fans that doesn't share your personal political belief. Democrat or Republican ,we are all Lana fans.
  22. Vegas Baby, sorry if I didn't get my message through, or if I was unclear. My post was meant as an irony against those people who still don't get it: Lana has no svengali. Nothing gets done without her permission. She is indeed her own boss. To see and feel that at a live event was awesome.
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