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Lucas B.

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Posts posted by Lucas B.

  1. I really wish I was excited for this one as I was for the previous ones, but I guess all the laziness during this pre-era plus the endless waiting made me be like ''ok, I need to hear it but I'm not excited af and almost going crazy for it''.

    I hope the content is worth all the waiting and make us be like ''holy fuck this is far more than I was expecting, best aoty and for sure one of her best'''

  2. Am I the only one who doesn't give a fuck about Cinnamon? The snippet hited me like nothing.

    I would rather to hear any unreleased from the previous albums, especially Roses Bloom For You and Yosemite.

    Even tho Life Is Beautiful wasn't recorded to be in any album, I would diiiiie to hear the full version of it (those damn hackers were faster and more useful back in 2013/2014)

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