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Lucas B.

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Posts posted by Lucas B.

  1. Probs she'll never release another album with that dark vibe from UV (bc as far as I know, the album is so dark themed bc she was dealing with depression at the time of recording plus she said in an interview a while ago that Black Beauty is all about her and how she was feeling at that time)

  2. Weeds is cute. Better than Gold ( I think? ).

    I never understood the praise for "I'm a Ruin". So many people that aren't fans just love the song and say it's her best. I think it's so... random. It's good but like... Her best????

    Weeds is FOR SURE one of her best songs ever.

    I also love Can't Pin Me Down and Solitaire, Froot has so many gems. Just wish she included I'm Not Hungry Anymore in the tracklist, it's SO good.

    I LOVE Electra, but Froot is even better than it, so mature. 

  3. Sex Yeah is one of her best songs, just love how feminist it is. Radioactive must be one of the worst of hers.


    I must confess I never heard The Family Jewels and from what the little pieces I veard from some songs it seems pretty bad. Is it worth?

  4. i when i first heard bel air i thought she was singing "lead me to war with your brilliant erection" i was always like   :um3:  okay(??) lana.. u kno best.... whatever u say ..

    Back to 2013 I thought she was singing ''walk in the way of my soft dress erection'' instead of ''my soft ressurrection'' and was like 'lana wtf is this?' 

    i'm the board the lightning the thunder

    actually she confirmed to a fan on twitter that it really is ''i'm the board the lightning the thunder''

  5. Best thread ever, i'm LMAO  :thumb3:


    I've always misheard a line from WM til I read the lyrics a few weeks ago I've been acting like imma get it cause you which is I've been acting like armageddon


    And in Summer Bummer: hot tubs in the summer which I thought it was nasty but in fact is high tops in the summer

  6. Soooo sisters, how do you think/would like to see Lana as a character in AHS?


    I would LUV to see her playing a femme fatale with that classic 50s/60s aestethic from BTD or some raw character with some Ultraviolence aesthetic (leather jackets, black hair, big red nails, drugs etc)

  7. Part of me is glad that this doesn't sound like anything from BTD to LFL, cos that shows artistic growth, however I think the Lana Del Rey persona has been getting slowly removed from every project since Ultraviolence and it is inevitable at this point... I understand your concern but just embrace it, she's finally comfortable enough to be herself and explore new things and no longer feels like she has to hide behind a persona or character. The sentiments of the songs are very much the same, just a new perspective.

    I liked your perspective, I didn't thinked about it this way, it made me smile

  8. LFL was way too ambitious. The acoustic part of it kinda got tossed away and this is now a part of MAC.


    As much as people hate LFL, it was a necessary album. I loved HM. Still is my fave from her, but to transition directly from HM into the sounds of MAC (even if I love them), it would have been a «too easy transition» between the two. We needed LFL's big production, all in major tones, in order to return to calmer seas (lol). 

    I just love LFL and every aspect from it, it's my fave Lana album after Ultraviolence, the whole project, the whole production, everything's perfect.

    It's just a shame she practically threw eveything on the garbage, she could've done some BEAUTIFUL music videos (or a short film) for the politic part of the album

  9. I think the only lead single I haven't immediately connected to or enjoyed was Love, even when it leaked I was hoping it wasn't the lead and just an album track haha. And I wouldn't worry about Lana going country (just yet), this is very much in the same vein as her other works, almost a hybrid of them all (unreleased included).

    That's why i'm afraid, bc this kind of songs don't match anything we heard from BTD to LFL, from the Lana Del Rey persona. I hope the album have songs with more production, more instruments, like her previous works

  10. This album is such a masterpiece, it's even better than BN.

    This This is one of his best songs, just like Swimming Pools which also is a Target exclusive for BN. 

    I really hope he brings Bloom Tour to Brazil, w/ m&g packages please 

  11. I'm actually very surprised Lana revealed the sound of LDR6 in the interview. Usually we have to piece all the clues together from other different sources.

    I'm really happy she's going for the surf influence, especially RHCP. :hair:

    I just hope the whole album doesn't sound like MAC, bc I don't want like 11-16 songs only on piano and guitar  :pft:

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