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Lucas B.

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Posts posted by Lucas B.

  1. Coachella - I really hated it when it first came out, but today I love it (especially the bridge, oh god what a bridge, so heavenly)


    Off To The Races - couldn't stand it and always skipped it, then I paid attention to the lyrics and saw what a musical masterpiece it is!


    Terrence Loves You - used to think it was fucking boring, then I bought HM vinyl, listened to it and saw that this is a true gem

  2. I really love the imagery of the shipping terminals. The combination of the beauty of nature and the sea and the setting sun against something that's so industrial and manmade. It's like the electricity pylons in that one pic from last year and also Tropico. It's so interesting because they are literally ugly but they look good


    Love the pics from tropico and their ''dirty'' look, perfect aesthetic

  3. Not sure if this has been posted year, but there’s a Target Exclusive with a poster like LFL



    Well, it seems I'll be grabbing this one. Bitch should release a boxset, so I wouldn't even bother buying a cd just for a poster and would wait til it were released in my country.

    Oh Lana the things I do for being such a die-hard stan of you, ohhh sis

  4. I’m so jealous of you Americans getting all those versions of the record :( I’m Brazilian and I can’t get nothing but the CD here, I’ve always wanted so bad a LDR vinyl but it costs like 200+ here so I can’t, I just wish I was american

    Another brazilian, heeeey sis.


    Yeah the vinyls are kinda expensive, but I must say they worth every penny you'll spend. I have them, except for LFL and NFR, and they're GORGEOUS (Honeymoon's my favorite, the design of it is simply beautiful plus you get the gigantic booklet and sleeves with different pictures from Lana).


    I was willing to buy a boxset for NFR, but we won't get one  :crying5: So i'm looking to buy the previous ones, at least HM and LFL for now as they're cheaper than BTD and UV (these ones are expensive as hell)

  5. Lana’s next album should be called ‘Mother Fucking Teresa’ about women who think they’re angels but are really horrible underneath it all.


    The album cover would be her on the side of a boat drowning a bitch

    Luved the idea, the bitch she's drowning could be Lorde or one of her asshole fans that think she's better than Godlana

    I didn't really expect that BAR would get an official release. I really thought the song is dead and long forgotten.


    Does this means we still can have hope on a Life Is Beautiful release?  :smile2:  :eek:  :shh:  :judgingu3:

  6. Personal/sorta off-topic-ish, but I just realized that Aug. 30th is exactly one year since this dude I was head over heels for dumped me out of nowhere. MAC was SO comforting to me and helped me through that time. I had that ish on repeat for weeks. And now here we are a year later getting the entire album...her mind. Dis bitch really always coming through and being there for us at the most perfect times, huh?!

    Anyways - to fit with the campy aesthetic, what if as part of merch she sold like an Insta Baddies essentials kit sort of thing? Neon fake nails like the cover’s + gummy bears (“gummybear hair care”), NFR themed pajama/lounge shorts, a set of fake lashes shaped like the extensions she used to get. idk, I love unconventional merch like Ariana’s BUWYGIB candy hearts, etc.

    I didn't realized that yesterday, but you're right. Same thing happened to me last year and what kinda helped me go through and not get deeper and deeper til it became depression was Venice Bitch.


    The bastard dumped me a few days before I got my vacation, and at the time we were together I was planning to spend a few days on the beach together during vacation, me and him.

    When he dumped me to go back with his ex-bf (today his fiancée) I felt like complete trash and literally just wanted to die.

    Then VB was released and it made me feel a bit of happiness through all the darkness I was in.


    I can say that Lana helped me in so many ways, actually she just might saved my life cause I was having some suicidal thoughts bc it was just unthinkabke to not have him by my side and his love and I felt real pain without him. It took me almost nine months to forget/get over him, and today I have a beautiful bf that makes me happier than that idiot ever made.


    Thank U Lana, you're truly an angel and I'll be forever grateful to you.


    Me when I hear this (wish so badly there was a dvd release for this concert)


    at least you experienced all these eras while i was dumb and never kept up with any news and just listened to her music without knowing about new albums, events, leaks  :toofunny:  :toofunny:  :toofunny:

    Oh sis you lost a lot of nice things, but fortunately u here with us today so you can experience this era the most.

    Probs u would've lyao seeing our meltdowns bc of honeymoon and lust for life (especially lfl), it was insane (probs even more than the pre-release for UV)

  8. I hope so. But LFLs merch was so boring that I don't really have high hopes. It would be cool if she cool do more jewelry, maybe similar to the coke necklace. That's still one of my favorite necklaces that I own, lol

    There's some merch I want so badly: the coke necklace, paradise tour programme, lyric book, lighter, boxsets, magazines.

    By the time the previous albums were released, and I was already on LanaBoards watching EVERYTHING, I wasn't able to buy anything cause it would be very expensive (strangely I paid 205 bucks in brazilian money for the honeymoon vinyl 2 years ago or less) but this era I was willing to buy the goodies and then sis gave us nothing except for a coloured vinyl, cd and k7 :(

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