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Posts posted by Summersault

  1. Yesss! I never know when it's gonna happen, but sure enough all of a sudden when listening to Born to Die I have a revelation about how beautiful and innovative it really is.


    I honestly believe that BTD is gonna be one of those generation-defining albums that will get mentioned in music history books in 50+ years and I feel lucky to for once be alive and witness such a career unfold.  

  2. In the demo version (the one with alternate lyrics) I hear "can you picture this, Kahny/Conny, can you picture this?" I definetely hear a K/hard C-sound, I really don't hear honey.



    pls let this be true  :derpna2:


    I hear it too. I think it's just an honest mistake, her mixing up the words "honey" and "can you" . It's a very sketch-like demo, the pianist messes up too earlier.

  3. A really great sentiment. There have been some really articulate, interesting posts (made in defense of)/(attempting to understand) Lana (@, @@DUKE, among others) and I've enjoyed reading them all. My problem is with the people for whom this line doesn't seem to exist. they can't seem to tolerate any curiosity whatsoever because that's ~prying~, let alone any articulate, reasonable criticism. It's as though they cover their ears, close their eyes and say "I'M NOT LISTENING, I'M NOT LISTENING" and then attempt to thwart the thread with their self-righteousness (i can't believe what I'm reading, so called "fans", etc) and their insistance on viewing her through rose-coloured glasses and excusing any valid criticism. It's laughable that the biggest perpetrator of this "liked" this very post :P


    I agree with you on this one, I just felt like the thread had taken a harsh turn and needed some love.


    I  guess Lana is one of those celebrities that one can feel very attached to. She has had struggles. her lyrics are very personal, she's quirky and a little awkward and most of all she adores her fans. I can't blame anyone for growing fond and even protective of her persona to th point of ignoring her flaws. I don't think you'll find anyone defending Phil Spector (to use Monickers example) on a forum because he doesn't have that sweetheart-persona. 


    I understand that feeling, I really do, but it shouldn't be an excuse for stalling a critical discussion of Lana though.

  4. As a newbie I would just like to say that it's fricking fantastic to find a place like this where so many people care so much about Lana that they wanna discuss her even if it means that the debate gets a little heated.


    Lana is like a beautiful clock. Showing the time is the primary function that makes us appreciate it, nothing will change that, but every now and then you might get curious how it looks on the inside, what makes it tick. So you open up the clock and starts poking around inside. And I guess that's what we're all trying to do here, open up Lana and poke around and I'm right now realizing how my metaphore is backfiring grossly. As we can't open up Lanas mind and get all the answers we try our best dissecting what she says and does,  and sometimes we find something that's not as pretty as we expected, and I think it's ok to talk about it. Of course there's a line where curiosity becomes way too scrutinizing, but that line differs from person to person, and so we get this heated debate. 


    At the end of the day we still don't know Lana, but we're having a good discussion and we all love what she does.


    And Lana? She's probably laughing all the way down to the bank right now so there's that. 

  5. Ikr the intro to the song is so good. I also didn't post up there because someone already did but summertime sadness by ryan hemsworth is one of my favs. very hip hop ish like this one.


    The things I'd do to hear a whole Lana album of hip hop influenced songs, like Off to the Races. It would just work on so many levels, though I don't doubt that some fans would hate it with a passion. 

  6. may i ask what this explained to you? it seemed cryptic as fuck to me, maybe its just cause im tired. but enlighten me please!


    OK maybe it didn't explain as much as confirm some suspicions I had.


    I always wondered whether her many references to faith, God and praying meant that she was actually an active member of a church, going to services on a regular basis, believing in God as fact and the likes, and something didn't really add up. But I get the feeling from her answers that there's a strong element of philosofy and aesthetic to her faith like with everything else about her. Like the beauty and stillness of a church would be more important to her faith than reading the Ten Commandments. She's not as much of a literal believer as she has come off as sometimes. I hope that makes sense. 

  7. I agree with you peeps that are saying she doesn't owe anyone anything or an explanation of her life etc. I think people are just talking about her attitude towards things like America and seems to be forgetting most of her fans are from there and they made her what they are (in terms of being a successful musician). I think that's why some people are annoyed..is that she won't stop playing the woe is me card..




    Her beef with US stems from the fact that no one there cared until she already had a name in Europe. The bulk of her succes and charting took place in UK, France and Germany etc. She always talks about Europe welcoming her with open arms.

    But it would suit her to lay off the attitude as she now has a very dedicated fanbase in the US who make it possible for her to have a carreer there as well. 

  8. I know there's a thread already with a list of all the remixes but I don't think there's one for discussing our favourites.


    Finding a really good remix is almost like finding a brand new Lana song imo. 


    Video Games, Balam Acab Remix


    Fun fact: I asked Balam Acab why he used her live vocals for the track and expected some really deep answer about how she sounds more fragile and stuff, but turns out he only used them because it was the closest thing to an acapella track he could find at the time. Overthink much.


    Video Games, Joy Orbinson Remix


    Took me a while to get into it but now it's a steady on my playlist. Really cool futuristic vibe.


    Ride, Active Child Remix


    If the word swag wasn't so overúsed I would say that this track has it.


    Share your favourite :) :)


    Also, she seems to not really understand a lot of concepts and things that she’s asked about. For example, i don’t think she really knows what it means to be anti-feminist. I have never read anything from her about art, politics, or philosophy that gave me the impression she had anything to say on the matter. I wonder if she is as much of a simpleton/anti-intellectual/philistine, etc. as she comes across in interviews or if it’s an act. That’s not something i hold against her, i’m just making an observation (through my biased lens obviously). I still wonder if she has some sort of “personality disorder” (which i've wondered pretty much since day 1, so that is not something i'm drawing up because she was a bit erratic in this interview) or if she’s on a lot of antidepressants.


    You said it very well. 


    I don't think it's that she's stupid or playing a role as such, but more the fact that her mind works in the least academic way possible. Taking a step back, logically examinating facts and drawing a conclusion is just not the way she examines the world. Everything in Lanas world revolves around Lana, to the point that she can't make a statement about health care reforms without pointing back to herself and how she feels. In short she's good at talking about how she feels, senses and experiences the world through her filter = artist. A lot of artists talk bull when it comes to concrete, real world issues. Not because they don't care or are simple, but because they are way better at expressing how they feel.   

  10. I love how the interviewer actually tried to dig a little deeper with the political questions. Her answers were still vague (like the health care question) but it's still one of the most outspoken interviews she has given to this date. Like what she said about sex scandals in the Church:


    "It’s hard to see other people’s bad choices ruin the mysticism that can come from inside the walls of a church. It’s unfortunate. I don’t really understand why certain groups of people are drawn to that profession. I was talking to my mom about that."


    I think it explains a lot about her faith somehow. 


    Idk about her attitude though, it's not like it's the first time she come across as a little defensive, even playing the victim quite a bit. I thought the same thing about the Fashion Magazine and as many here has already pointed out, it probably has a lot to do with her love of being loved + the extraordinary backlash she recieved back in the days.

    I think her whole "misunderstood artist, u guyz" vibe is quite dramatic and tacky, but then again those are the qualities that make me love her so much, so I'm good :hoe:

  11. I just got an idea..Maybe she sings Valentino, which is another high fashion brand? That would tie nicely in with the other brands.


    Not that Valentino stars delight makes any more sense...

  12. I have one made up of songs with a laid-back/twangy guitar/60's organ/roadtrip/westcoast/moonlight/smooky room feel to them.


    Music for Motels:


    The Man I Love


    Boarding School

    Children Of The Bad Revolution

    Velvet Crowbar

    You & Me

    Motel 6

    My Best Days

    Serial Killer

    Burning Desire

    Driving In Cars

    Never Let Me Go

    I Don't Wanna Go

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