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Posts posted by Summersault

  1. To try to put it all together in one explanation; there was apparently a discrepancy of sorts with Lana's management and Bradley's participation in her music videos, something about getting axed from NA or what-have-you. Bradley had a Twitter meltdown and posted scathing and cryptic tweets that apparently had to do with Lana. It was disclosed that it wasn't about her, and was rather about Jeffree Star. Porcelain Black said otherwise, saying that it was actually about Lana. And for anyone who takes online-drama with a grain of salt, they simply don't care for him be it his looks or personality.


    I don't give a shit about the tweets, really, nothing new was said that wasn't heard from 85% of the critics should it be directly disclosed that it was about Lana and not via word-of-mouth. I could say it had to do with Peaches from the Candy Cat Too in LA, I wouldn't know—because I'm not Bradley, Lana, or Porcelain, and there are all these stories and no one has any support other than their own take on what happened and whether or not their perspective asserts their devotion/fandom.


    The two clearly worked things through if Lana's associating with him, and I fully stand by it not because I take a liking to Bradley and the two undeniably have on-camera chemistry, but also because it is a great demonstration of the power of forgiveness and Lana's fostering of goodwill. Oh, and it's also a testament to the fact that shit just happens with friendships and interpersonal relationships and everyone's guilty as fuck for saying something they shouldn't at one point or another in general, and not being Bradley doesn't make anyone exempt from that fact.


    And it's actually quite sad that again, there's a lot of hate coming from fans. I would say it's ironic with Lana's fanbase, but it's not ironic anymore, it's just sad. That's still another human being. I'm not saying we should all get together and have a jerk-circle about Bradley, but it really wouldn't kill anyone to just leave the antics of 2012/13 behind, especially because it doesn't involve anyone enough to be digging it all back up with such vehemence; negative vehemence, at that.


    It's cool if people don't dig Bradley, people can have their opinions, but we can at least save the shit-talk for a bad movie-sequel or an underwhelming cheeseburger. :whatever:



    Very well said. 


    Apart from the whole twitter diss drama, I think what also bothers people is the general attitude he displays on his social media and through interviews. His dj-carrier :quote: , his skating abilities :quote:   and his constant need to namedrop all the drugs he does makes him come off veerry try hard, exactly the kind of wanna be bad-hipster that is so easy to hate. On top of that he doesn't seem to be awfully nice to people, so he's an easy target and I think I've litterally shaken my head once or twice irl. 


    However that of course doesn't take away from the work he has done with Lana. A matter of personal taste, but the BJ and BtD videos seem to be well recieved in general, so he can't have been all that bad in them. Lana herself does and says things I don't agree with and I still love her as an artist. Let's save the judgement for when the video drops. 

  2. This is just a guess, but Queen of Saigon could be a reference to the Vietnam War, when lots of American soldiers were fighting over there. Pin up girls were very popular with soldiers back in the days and Lana might refer to herself as the pin up queen of all the soldiers hearts and fantasies, making her the Queen of Saigon. Just another of her ways of fetishizing herself in line with "Trailer Park Darling" or "Queen of the Gas Station". 


    But yeah, that title is sort of bugging me too, especially as it's in "National Anthem" so I can't help but think if there's a more political meaning to it. 

  3. I jumped on the Video Games wagon in November 2011.


    Heard it on the radio and was super intrigued, but when I saw the video I really disliked it and her whole persona. It took me a few weeks to get used to her, but in the end songs like OTTR, You Can Be the Boss, Mermaid Motel and Kill Kill won me over. They proved to me that she was weirder than your average dolled up starlet and musically she was on a another level.


    I don't think I'll ever get truly tired of her music as it's so diverse and I keep finding new layers to focus on, but I definitely isn't as interested in her as a person and the lifestyle she represents anymore, which I think is a good thing. Now I'm just patiently waiting for Ultraviolence to blow my mind ~sonically~  :flutter:

    EDIT: Double text

  4. ok good so im not crazy


    Not at all:)





    Overall rating: 10/10 

    First impression: Something about Lana's persona just rubbed me the wrong way when I first discovered her, so I actually wanted to dislike it, but of course I couldn't. The beat is one of the finest things on BTD and Lana's sing flow and lyrics are too cool to dislike.

    Impression now: Feel the same way about it. 

    Songs I play along with it:  Sometimes You Can Be The Boss, TIWMUG and Mermaid Motel.

    What I like about it: Errthing

    What I dislike about it: Maybe that I overplayed it to some degree, but laying if off a minute helps.

    Memories I associate with this song: Even before I realized that she was quoting Lolita, I somehow connected it to the 97' Lolita movie. Same feeling they invoke I guess.

    Colors/images that come to mind: The colour scheme from her homemade video, Lolita, sunshine (?)

    Favorite lyrics: "He grabs me, he has me by my heart// He doesn't mind I have a Las Vegas past/ He doesn't mind I have a L.A. crass way about me, he loves me with every beat of his cocaine heart/

  5. Maybe this is old news, but she appears to be saying "L.A. L.A." at the beginning, right before the first verse. I never noticed before now, but it really makes a lot of sense given the contents of the lyrics and how it was presented in Tropico. It's more obvious in the Mokadem remix that starts out more acapallaish. 

  6.  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yZSmggTMkJM 

    This G&M remix is so haunting and understated. The darkness of the original is enhanced in a more subdued way and when the high pitched chorus kicks in at 1:39...Yes Lawd. 




    This could have been such a great remix. I actually  prefer that lazy snap beat in the verses over the BTD version, and the "How do you like me now" part at 2:29 is really cool and sassy at the same time. I'm just gonna pretend that the chorus never happened






    Local rockstar ~(the Lana Boards crew)~ @butterflies aka Kristijan Majic has created a beautiful track out of C U L8R. The instrumental is Born to Die worthy!  

  7. - What it felt like singing in the places she's been singing about all these years, like Charteau Marmont, Paris, L.A. Was it a dream come true or was it different in real life?


    - In the same vein, how she felt about meeting Axl Rose and if Bel Air really is a tribute to him


    - Her thoughts on the law of attraction, life after death and extraterrestrial life.


    - Who in the music business she would like to collaborate with (And by some manipulative tactics get her to say Damon Albarn)


    - Ask her about some of my favourite songs, like the writing process and if she even likes them now.



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