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Posts posted by Summersault

  1. I like the lyrics, I like the topics used (well, really seems like a 'new' version of HDB in some ways) and I like that this one sounds like it could be a "sonical brother" to Born To Die, you know, the way she sings and the instumental also has elements you could compare. I also like that this is kind of a straightforward song unlike West Coast and Shades of Cool. Even tough I like these two, it's nice to see that there are songs on UV besides Black Beauty and the West Coast Radio Mix that do not have big differences between chorus and verse.

    However, i also can not say that this one really "hit me and it felt like a kiss" like for example Body Electric did when she performed it for the first time. It's - well, it's a typical lanasong and there is nothing really bad about it, but judging from the live version this may not be my all-time-favourite song from the album.


    I'll have to agree with you on this. The lyrics are very interesting, but musically I find it a tad bland, knowing what Lana is capable of. 


    That being said the studio version might change my mind as the production could be out of this world for all I know.

  2. Today I randomly found out that Hawaiian Tropic is an American brand of tanning products that has been around for ages and apparently is quite associated with beauty pageants, beach bunnies and the likes thereof. Lanas never ending love for American kitsch strikes again!

  3. I'm not very good at """flows""" or whatever, but I created a Lana playlist that reminds me of summer and relaxing. It's similar to a playlist I saw on here before, but I've adapted and changed it to make it more suited to me. It's untitled, as of yet.


    1. Hundred Dollar Bill (Demo)

    2. Chelsea Hotel No. 2

    3. Stoplight De-lite

    4. Black Beauty

    5. Starry Eyed

    6. Angels Forever, Forever Angels

    7. Burning Desire

    8. Young and Beautiful (Hotel Sayre Version)

    9. Dayglo Reflection (Solo Version)

    10. Television Heaven

    11. Backfire

    12. My Best Days

    13. On Our Way

    14. Never Let Me Go

    15. Last Girl On Earth

    16. Hit and Run (Demo)

    17. Goodbye Kiss

    18. West Coast :creep: :creep: :creep:

    19. I Don't Wanna Go

    20. TV In Black & White

    21. You and Me


    Love this playlist <3

    And thanks for making me aware of the Hotel Sayre Version of Y&B, it had somehow escaped me that there were vocals on that. It's the closest thing I've heard so far to the trailer version after which I'm eternally thirsty! 

  4. People are obv voting west coast because it's new even if they think that's not it tbh


    Kill Kill > Born to Die > Ride > Everything > West Coast


    Or could it be that her newest work is also some of her most intriguing and developed, showing musical growth? That's not always the case for an artist, so the fact that so many people favour West Coast is a positive sign imo. 


    I have to say I'm perpetually amused by how many of you bend over backwards and contort yourselves in knots to rationalize comments of hers like these or the fetishization of domestic violence in her work ("oh, she's just into S&M"), or to defend her against charges of being antifeminist (or at least insufficiently feminist). My enjoyment of her work doesn't depend on this very much so I don't feel compelled to deny what is undeniably a current in her work or abstain from criticism of it.


    Because if she's actually singing about abusive relationships and we still like her music, what does that say about us?  :xgiggle: 


    I think that is why critically discussing art is so interesting and important. Lana is exploring some seriously dark themes, but doing it in a way so it appeals to lots of people. Or in the case of feminism: I'm guessing most people on this board agree on the basic principles of feminism, yet we are really into the music of a woman that sings about submission constantly. Why is that? Why does glamourized darkness, or beautiful tragedy or whatever you wanna call it appeal to us?


    Some people decide that they don't wanna listen to an artist like that, because she's not politcally correct or will bend the meaning of Lana's lyrics so they can justify still liking her. That is totally ok. 


    As long as we can all agree that Lana has every right to write the songs she do 


    (This got a little out of a tangent but I feel like it still has some relevance to Ultraviolence)

  6. Before people start taking this interview (assuming it actually took place) too literally (too late it seems), let me remind you that what Lana actually said was first translated into swedish by the interviewer or someone else on the newspaper, then translated back to english by Google Translate and me. So please chill, this is most likely pretty far from what she actually said.


    However, I personally don't find the interview very upsetting even in it's current form. There's a big difference between describing fantasies/themes and actually supporting domestic violence. So once again, please don't blow this out of proportion.


    This is very important to remember when dealing with Lana. She glamourizes a lot of potentially harmful /controversial things and even in her sweeter songs there are often themes of tragedy, resignation and sadness. That is a big part of the appeal for a lot of people, myself included. 

  7. Official or not, I'm still hear "Queens of Saigon" every time, and it does rhyme with "icon" better than "cyclones".


    Isn't it a sadly welknown fact that the official lyric booklets always get it wrong?



    i dig the song a lot! the way it slows down is fucking dope as hell. 


    Right? First time I listened I felt like the fabric of time was melting or something, like when you've been smoking and it suddenly kicks in.

    The production is really on another level.

  9. In a away I feel like West Coast is what she wanted some tracks on Paradise to sound like, but the sound hadn't fully developed at that point. Gods & Monsters comes to mind like someone already said. The dark and dragging quality is what I found so appealing about it but it's much better executed in West Coast, the groove is so vicious and that tempo shift...lord. 

  10. Though I adore the ballads (Oh Say Can You See, Yayo, Pawn Shop Blues) I ended up voting for Mermaid Motel. That song is unreal, like what genre is it even?


    I gotta give credit to the producer. How in the world did he get the idea to use that corny 90's dance hit sound over a slowed down burlesque beat? That is musical innovation right there!

    And don't even get me started on Lanas vocals and harmonies.


    It's really one of those songs that when you try to describe it in writing it sounds horribly strained but listening to it it totally works. 

  11. Pretty much what Miss Daytona said. Aim for the sides as they are usually less crowded than dead center of the stage and the view is fine there as well. I went to Lanas concert and because of the long line for the wardrobe I missed the warm up act but still ended up close to the stage before she even got on, simply by drifting my way up through the side. By the end of the concert I was front row when she came down to the audience during National Anthem.


    Since you're small people wont be as mad if you move around, just be careful about it. Nothing is worse than people shoving. You don't have to be nervous, people look out for each other. Lanas music is not exactly mosh pit material. Have a great concert:)

  12. Whew, it's hard when there's so many by now,

    I tried making it eaiser by dividing it into different categories.


    Big budget spectacles


    1. Born to Die 

    2. Ride  

    3. Bel Air - might seem like a high ranking but the feel of the song and video matches superbly to me

    4. Blue Jeans - same here, BJ is far from my favourite song but it has some weird synergy with the visuals

    5. National Anthem

    6. Body Electric

    7. Gods and Monsters

    8. Blue Velvet - could possibly belong in the next category but I feel like they were actually trying to make a spectaculary video and the budget was obviously big. Both song and video come off as disengaged to me and not in the good ~sadcore~ kind of way that Lana usually masters so well.


    Smaller budget/ shot in the need for promo


    1. Summertime Sadness

    2. Burning Desire - Lana can be so sexy by doing very little things :point: 

    3.Chelsea Hotel No. 2

    4. Young and Beautiful - This song had potential to a great video. If only they used the bright, luxurious aestethics from The Great Gatsby. 



    Home made

    1. Video Games - Mostly because it was the first of its kind I ever saw and  it will always hold a special place 

    2. Summer Wine - Love seeing her just goofing around :cuteface: 

    3. Carmen










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