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Posts posted by Summersault

  1. I never got to hear them, they're already gone...


    Which make me suspicious that it could actually be demos. Back when the real studio instrumentals from Trilogy, Kissland and BTTM leaked, they appeared and dissappeared from youtube a couple of times. I see a pattern  :illumilana:

  2. The whole discussion about Abel going pop is very interesting, and I'm involved in it on another forum as well.


    I think a lot of old fans (including myself) had a hard time accepting that Abel wanted to go mainstream. We cried for Illangelo to come back, then when he didn't restore Trilogy Abel, we cried for Doc McKinney to come back, but he couldn't do it either. Now I've seen people in all seriousness ask for Jeremy Rose


    Abel is interested in making pop/mainstream music, so he's gonna do that regardless of the producers he work with. After I accepted that, it was a lot easier for me to appreciate Starboy for what it is: A very good, well produced mainstream record. Sure it's too long and some of the fillers could go, but the tracks are really good individually.


    I hope The Weeknd one day returns to a more experimental/indie approach, but until then I'm not gonna deprive myself if some quality pop music ☺

  3. Starboy is the best album since Trilogy imo


    A little long but individually all the tracks are amazing and I love that his embracing a new electro sound while still making bangers


    Nothing Without You is the only track that I plain dislike

    Oh and Stargirl Interlude >>>>>>>>>>>> Prisoner


    Now I wanna hear a whole album of Lana with Doc McKinney as main producer even more, I had a suspicion they would work well together :oprah:

  4. I have seen Lana a few times


    1- Amoeba Records in Los Angeles

    2- Amoeba Records in San Francisco

    3- At the El Rey Thatre

    4- Hollywood Forever Cemetery

    5- Hollywood Bowl - The Endless Summer Tour

    6- Ohana Festival in Dana Point


    I can't wait for more tour dates.


    Cant't believe you were at the Amoeba Records. How was that?




    Saw her one time in concert during the start of the Paradise Tour and one time at a festival right before Ultraviolence was released.

  5. More like "Lyrics I'm not sure if I misheard or not":


    I hear: "My Br-Brooklyn Baby"

    Probably the real lyrics: "I'm a Brooklyn Baby"



    I hear: "I'm not a trick boy, I'm a trick for you"

    Probably the real lyrics: "I'm not a trick but Imma trick for you" (which granted make a lot more sense)


    Enlighten me  :heart:

  6. Nice to know that other people on here find Lanas voice ASMR inducing, it's such a weird phenomenon :) I mostly get it from her speaking voice, but some of her songs do it as well, especially in combination with the videos.

    Burning Desire and Blue Velvet especially. She has very meticulous movements that are somehow relaxing to watch.


    I would love to hear this but I think the video is unavailable. Is there anyway you could hit me up with an mp3 link?

  7. I often get reminded of more or less specific memories of places, atmospheres and sceneries I've experienced in my life, sometimes from so far back that I can't even clearly remember when it happened, it's just imprinted into my mind and get's stirred up when I listen to Lana. I'm not very good at explaining those memories in a meaningful way so I'm just gonna spare you the second hand embarrasment  :runs:


    Two examples of association that are easier to explain for me:




    Off To The Races: It always made me think of the movie Lolita (the one directed by Adrian Lyne) even before I knew how much Lana was into that novel. 






    God Knows I Tried: The first time I listened to it I had a very clear vision of Lana lounging wistfully in a dark room, with the golden sky outside window, listening to records, being sad and all of that, as she describes in the lyrics. 


    Then she dropped the video for Freak and from 2:05 to around 2:20 that scene is so similar to my vision for GKIT that I was like  :wat:  :oprah2:

    It was like she had taken images in my brain and put them into a music video. 



    But then again, my associations were influenced by her imagery, and maybe it's not that weird that she would use the same type of imagery for two songs on the same album. it was a freaky experience none the less. 

  8. Born To Die or Kill Kill... Can't remember lol or maybe it was Video Games? Not sure but when I first heard her, I absolutely hated her and then I listened to her again and was like YESSSS GIVE ME MORE OF HER PLS YESS SLAY ME.


    This was litterally me.


    Heard Video Games and even though I was super intriqued something about her persona just rubbed me the wrong way, so I didn't really wanna admit to myself that her music was great.

    So I kinda hate-followed her for a while. Eventually she released Off to the Races, and it was over..I couldn't pretend I wasn't a fan any longer  :whatever2:


    Also discovering AKA songs (especially Mermaid Motel) made me realize that she had so much to offer beyond the polished sound and vision of Born to Die.

  9. no. you can't live in a democracy and simultaneously tell people they don't know how to vote, or voted for the wrong reasons, when you don't agree with the results & try to change the rules so you can give it another shot. that is quite simply NOT a democracy & would be the source of far bigger problems than Brexit because it would set an incredibly dangerous precedent. it baffles me how so many people aren't aware of or choose to ignore this.


    Maybe we're talking past each other, cause I dont suggest a re-vote. I'm just pointing out that it's higly concerning that people apparently don't seem to be fully informed about what they're voting on. 








    Just because democracy is our best bid so far on how to rule a state, doesn't mean that it's perfect and that we can't discuss its shortcomings.

  10. it's too early to tell the consequences of this, the short-terms ones mean nothing so we'll see... Anyway the results are quite interesting, I wouldn't know the ederly are more eurosceptic than the youth when in countries like France it's the opposite. In Austria too, the FPO candidate didn't win because the old people voted in a large majority for the ecologist.

    And bitter populists were already saying they should not vote. Democracy is democracy, I'm disgusted when I read "omg people who do not agree with me are so stupid", we didn't fight against absolutism and totalitarism for this kind of stupid statement that do not bring anything to the debate. I do not have an opinion of Brexit but reading french politicians saying "we should not do a referundum too because the Leave would win" makes me sick. À gouvernement where the people is not listened is not a democracy. There must be only place for rational debate, not for arrogance and comptempt towards lower classes.


    However a democracy where people vote based on wrong information an without even understanding the basic concept of votecasting is problematic as well, and that do somewhat seem to be the case for Brexit.

  11. Soft LA rock suits her so well where she is  in her life right now, like a Fleetwood Mac kinda sound.


    If she ever went back to a more r'n'b/hiphoppish direction again I would love to hear her work with Illangelo and Doc McKinney - the producers behind The Weeknds first three mixtapes - I would especially love to hear her over the sound of the Thursday mixtae even though I can't tell if it would be too depressing





    Or maybe something more tropical and flowery with a 60's exotic, luxurious orchestration kinda like this








    I could see her going in so many directions now, and she could probably pull it all of.

  12.                   BROOKLYN BABY X LOFT MUSIC







    Hey guys :)


    I made a mashup of Brooklyn Baby and "Loft Music" by The Weeknd.


    Came to think of something Abel said about Lana once:
    "I feel like we’ve always been talking to each other through our music. She is the girl in my music, and I am the guy in her music." 
    I like to imagine this as Loft Music from the perspective of one of the girls in the song


    Hope you like it, but criticism is always welcome!

  13. I love the original single version that first came out where her chorus vocals were kind of muddled...it's been replaced everywhere (iTunes, CDs, etc) by the one with the more clear vocals and drums, it doesn't make me feel as much. I hope I never lose my copy of it.


    Yeah, I'm with you. The first audio version she posted on youtube right?

  14. I remember the anticipation on this forum as well, waiting for that damn radio show so it could premiere. Wow, getting emotional here, you guys  :crying4:

    It all happened during one of the happiest times of my life, so I'm just being a nostalgic old sucker.

  15. Allthough I feel like Honeymoon could have been trimmed a little*, she's consistently been putting out quality material for years, always staying true to her own style and constantly evolving in subtle and not so subtle ways,


    Honeymoon (the track), The Blackest Day, Freak, Terrence Loves You, Art Deco and even the Burnt Norton Interlude are all so Lana while still adding new layers. 




    *(24, Religion and DLMBM are good songs, but they don't really add anything that's not already on the album I think .And Salvatore just doesn't work for me, just can't get into it. Someone educate me?)

  16. So perfect  :defeated:

    It's too bad they're on YouTube, I don't know how to get good quality from YT.


    I downloaded the YTD youtube downloader, and ripped all the videos with that. The quality is ok.

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