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Posts posted by Summersault

  1. So, it makes sense that today's journalists, who have gotten used to media-trained pop stars and eagerly clumsy DIY kids, are alarmed by Lana and her layers and veils. No wonder they try to decode her, and no wonder she resents them.



    :gclap: You basically said everything I was thinking but better formulated.


    It's her non-linear thought process and her insistence on being iconic (whet ever it's concious or not) that makes her the brilliant artist she is, but also makes her come across so badly in interviews. 


    At this point I have fully accepted that it's always gonna be a mess (and a mess that potentially hurts Lana) but on the other hand I really enjoy getting these glimpse of what is going on in her mind, so I hope she finds some way to give interviews without loosing all interest in staying in show business.

  2. Can't wait to hear the full live version, but this was gorgeous too.

    And good to see her being so comfortable on stage these days.


    To those who laughed when her voice broke: The devil has your soul and you're going to hell.


    Edit: Did she just change the lyrics to "those Jersey nights were long ago"?

    The Methamphetamine throwback!

  3. Is This Happiness definitely.


    The piano sounds a little like a clichéed love ballad, but her vocal delivery is so perfect and fragile and the distorted strings in the chorus give it a retro vibe.

    The lyrics are some of her best, cause I like the visuals but also the quiet despair. The bridge is so haunting. I really deserves a spot on the record, at least as an official bonus track.


    Flipside is a good track but it doesn't really make me feel much compared to ITH.

  4. Are we sure about that? Well Barrie went to Glasgow for a family wedding at the end of April that's why Lana was always alone in the photos, and hasn't returned to USA yet but that makes sense since Lana was on a tour so they couldn't spend much time together. Also when travelling to the other side of the world it's common to spend about a month there especially when you are going home there's a lot of people you want to see. Also Barrie travelled to London the same day as Lana arrived in London. Why would he go if they had broke up? Also they both have profile pictures together on facebook, when you broke up with someone you delete the photos you don't keep them as profile photos! Also about Brooklyn baby, Scottie Diablow who is Lana's friend and Barrie's manager, wrote in his facebook that Barrie does the backup vocals. Who said it's not Barrie?


    He's not credited in the liner notes of the CD booklet, however another man is. Of course Barrie could still be doing some of the additional vocals uncredited. 

  5. Just heard it for the first time and these lyrics are so impressive or real af as some would say.


    Especially the line

    "One gun on the table

    Headshot if you're able"


    I'm really curious as what period of her life she's describing in them. I get a recent vibe but who knows.

  6. twitter.com/timjonze he's the actual person who interviewed her (alexis did the album review i think)

    he's saying shes lying and is making this up 


    This is interesting. At first I was just glad she was defending herself, cause it really did sound like the interviewer had screwed her over according to what she told "Dagbladet" in Norway.

    But if it's some kind of backpedalling because she realized her words had consequences then  :facepalm:


    Probably some kind of misunderstanding though. 

  7. Instant wow:

    West Coast

    Brooklyn Baby

    Sad Girl

    Shades of Cool

    Old Money

    Florida Kilos

    Money, Power, Glory (love the anthemic chorus)


    Songs that are growing on me with every listen:

    Ultraviolence (the bridge>>>)

    Pretty When You Cry

    Black Beauty (I really really loved the demo, so I have to get used to this new arrangement)

    The Other Woman


    Songs that I'm still lukewarm about:

    Guns & Roses (love the verse and the harmonies but it's repetetive)

    F***** My Way Up To The Top

    Cruel World (love the line "got you bible and your gun" though)


    I have yet to listen to Flipside and Is This Happiness?. If there's a kind soul who would send them to me in 320 I would be grateful:)

  8. if lanas really that uncomfortable with touring and doing promo she could just do what Sia does and make money from writing songs for other artists


    I was kinda thinking the same thing. Why not just pull a Kate Bush and make amazing albums and no touring? It would suck for the fans, but I would rather have studio music only, than having her burn out and quit the business all together.

  9. Thank you for translating! Really good interview and some new information.





    Like you do in “Fucked My Way UP To The Top” on your new album?
    It’s about a singer who first sneered about my allegedly not authentic style but later she stole and copied it. And now she’s acting like I am the art project and she the true super artist. My God and people actually believe her, she’s successful! I shouldn’t continue ranting, it doesn’t get anywhere.


    But now you have to tell us who you’re talking about.
    Unfortunately I can’t, you know?


    SO LEGIT V. 2???? Or some brand new beef we never knew about?



    What else are you going to tell your children (and us)?
    I used to be a member of an underground sect which was reigned by a guru. He surrounded himself with young girls and he had this insane charisma I couldn’t resist as well. So I was in this, I’ll call it sect, because I was longing for love and security. But then I found out that this guru wasn’t a good but a bad person. He thought that he had to break people first before he could build them up again. At the end I left the sect.


    I think it's safe to assume that she wasn't in a literal sect. Prob. just involved in a an organization of sorts, maybe the Zeitgeist Movement.


    So no children for now?
    I would be ready! (laughs) But Barrie is younger than me and he isn’t in the mood for children yet.


    This is so interesting. I've never heard her talk about children, and now she mentions it twice in one interview. To be honest I kinda thought she would be too vain or consider herself too emotionally complicated to have children. But good for her that she feels ready for it. 


  10. I think Lana, like most singers, have a range of stock melisms or melody fragments that she just belts out when improvising.


    I don't know about the writing process of all her songs, but judging from what she said about Video Games she comes up with a lot of the melodies on the spot, so every now and then those stock melodies find their way in to several songs.


    I.e. a little phrase that comes up in both Ride and Black Beauty:


    At 1:19




    At 2:42



    I think she also has an affinity for certain chord progressions, like the one in Blues Jeans and the chorus of Cola. I hear a little bit of that in Ultraviolence as well.

  11. Brooklyn Baby's lyrics might not be stellar, but the overall feel of the song is amazing judging from this clip.


    I like how she has moved on to a new source of imagery from 60's hipster environment with beat poetry and jazz and Lou Reed and leather jacket coolness

    But I also hope she doesn't rely too much on it as a way of "maturing" in her lyrics. You can use all the cool references you want, but if you use in "simple" love songs, it's only gonna come off as pretentious. Unlike the whole American kitsch universe she build AKA around.

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