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Posts posted by Summersault

  1. I'm really shocked at how intimately he portrays their relationship. I've always noticed thematic similarities between them but I never thought of them as connected. Surrendering to love, likening true love to the rush of drugs, seeking freedom through being led by another...


    I'd like to see an interview of then together because I'm skeptical that Lana would say he was the guy in her music, even metaphorically. In this one quote, he's over simplified her songwriting and her art. I Wish she could respond to this interview, but I guess it's just another example of how difficult it is to 'get' Lana right in the media, so she just avoids it or blows it up with a nerf gun


    I've always felt like there was some kind of connection between them. Not like they met or even knew about each other at first (allthough they certainly did later) but more like they came out of the same movement of mellow, dark and moody music and have the same kind of "sad beauty" aestethic. I could easily see them recognizing themselves in eachothers music.


    Which is exactly why I'm dissapointed in "Prisoner". They had the potential to do amazing things together and instead we got a really bland track that tries to hard to be "anthemy". Ugh. Hope they'll collaberate in the future when Abel is over his quest for fame. (Not that I blame him, he deserves the spotlight, but his music is suffering from it).

  2. She definitely influenced me. For a long time I was very fascinated with her whole universe and aestethic, so I tried to emulate some of it.

    But it's hard for me to seperate whetever it was Lana that influenced me or I just really related to her music because I discovered it, at a time of  my life where Ionged for that kind of romantic, bohemian way of life. 

  3. Born To Die & Video Games ( BBC Radio 6 Session)


    IDK why people don't talk about the Radio Six session much.Its far better IMHO than BBC Radio 1....


    I adore the ending of BTD its so beautiful and I love this lounge version so much  :oprah:  :crying2:

    Thanks for making me aware of that! What kind of flawless live renditions   :oprah: 

  4. Could you imagine?! The beginning and middle of the album are more lighthearted and highlight the new love she's found & the honeymoon stage of the relationship, but towards the end of the album she loses him and reminisces about their honeymoon or something.. "Even my best days without you were nothing in comparison to my worst days once I had found you."




    From the very first time I heard it I thought it would be a great song to end a movie with. Maybe because the credits would go well with the organ part pr something. It just has idk closure to it?

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