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Posts posted by urbannoize

  1. I know im not the only who's been anticipating Tropico since the day of its announcement, and thought it would be out sooner. Like at least by the end of the summer. But its better that Lana decided to wait to release it when i think about it. Because it gives more people time to know that's coming. Can't wait for it. Ride with something real special. So i can only imagine how this is going to turn out.


    Side note: We're releasing our new Lana Del Rey & Jay Z record Papi & Lolita around its release

  2. Jay Z, Lana Del Rey - Papi & Lolita [urban Noize Remix] (Trailer) (Video)


    Whats up good folks of the Lana Boards

    With Lana Del Rey’s Anthony Mandler short film TROPICO on the way, we decided to remind people that our Papi & Lolita record featuring Jay Z & Lana Del Rey is also. & Will be featured on our Lana De Rey remix EP with Jay Z titled American Beauty



  3. Lana really does sound like she needs a break from it all. From the touring, which she sound relieved of, to constantly being in artist work mode. She just needs some time to break & live life. Rest up. Allow herself to figure things out. Let the inspiration for music to come. & Allow that internal well fill up. Because she did say ''I don’t have anyone writing anything for me. It’s such an internal well and if it’s not full, it’s just not full.'' & Overal with this interview, she doesnt seem as irritated as she was with Electronic beats magazine one

  4. Jay Z, Pharrell, & Lana Del Rey -  Allure (OTTR) [urban Noize Remix] (Video Preview)


    Since last year we had the idea to combine our remix to Jay Z’s record Allure featuring Pharrell & Lana Del Rey to a high octane car chase scene from James Bond’s Quantum Solace, because it captured the energy of the music perfectly. & As well the music to the scene. Creating a whole new experience with the record.


    The Allure remix comes off our Lana Del Rey & Jay Z remix EP released last year titled Lana



  5. Hi everyone, I'm new here :)


    Wondering if anyone else here does/seen any LDR lyric videos? I've seen a couple floating around on youtube, but not a lot really catches my eye since ibobtail. .

    Thought I'd share mine... my editing level is still pretty amateur (and I'm already on my 2nd copyright strike!) but here goes.... (it looks really bad in low or lower quality). 











    will delete this in near future due to abysmal quality:





    I had another video for DUM DUM but it got deleted :(

    WOW, just WOW. You really are great at the lyric videos. From the movie footage you incorporate like Lana, to the texting. Im blown away. Hopefully i get the chance to work with you sometime. Keep up the great work

  6. So here is my most popular painting of Lana It's on youtube :-) Here is the link to the vid and also a .gif if you don't want to watch it lol.








    And my most recent



    I'm selling the last one on my etsy store https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/157457467/original-lana-del-rey-art-in-pastel I have others too.


    Add me on facebook if you want to keep up to date with my Lana fan art :-) & of course other doodles too



    WOW, you're extremely and wonderfully talented ! Beautiful piece of Lana. & Just finished watching the Youtube link

  7. Haha I was just excited the coloring went well because I don't do that a lot. Thanks though! 

    & I dont blame you for being excited lol. Lana does the same thing to me anytime i hear new material for her. I feel like instantly i gotta do something. & The colors went really went with it. You're welcome

  8. Haha best comment ever. It made no sense to me when I made it either tbh

    Haha, thanks. & Its the truth. You really made the poster come alive. Great job on it once again. & It sounds like you're surprised yourself that it was possible to do something that dope lol

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